Category Archives: Events

Euro 2012: Football and Vodka

We mentioned in a previous Friday Links that the Ukraine was banning swimming to prevent drownings during Euro 2012. That was probably for the best, as The Daily News reports, because fans are flocking to beer and vodka tours rather than sight seeing. Meanwhile, The Indian Express is reporting that Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk is asking Poles to treat Russian fans hospitably despite political tensions between the two countries. The Poles seem to have

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Absolut Ads at Spritmuseum

There are plenty of great things about Sweden, but the one that interests us most is Absolut vodka. Absolut made a name for itself by creating unique art-driven ad campaigns, including creations by important figures like Andy Warhol. Recently, though, Spritmuseum in Sweden has installed a permanent exhibition including 70 pieces of Absolut’s art after the Swedish government handed over the goods. The VodkaBuzz readership is primarily US-centric, but if you ever get over to

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Tito’s Vodka Ice Cream Flavor

Hot on the heels of Dan Benjamin and Merlin Mann announcing that they will have a custom Amy’s Ice Cream combo called Bulk Bag, Austinist has the *ahem* scoop about a White Russian flavored tribute Tito’s Handmade Vodka founder Tito Beveridge (and the cult classic The Big Lebowski) called The Dude. The kick-off event is “a few weeks away”, but there will be an event on May 30th at 5:00 PM in the Burnet Road

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