This week’s Friday Links include the new definition of Polish Vodka, a swimming ban in the Ukraine, some news on flavored vodkas, and a lot more.
Polish Vodka Defined
A new Polish law will define what “Polish Vodka” is. The new definition of Polish Vodka is: an alcoholic beverage produced from grain or potatoes harvested in Poland. Good thing Ciroc chose France for it’s grape-based vodka.
Russians to See Higher Vodka Prices
An article at Forbes points to higher excise taxes in Russia to help reduce alcohol abuse. The author Mark Adomanis praises Russia for this decision to help protect Russia’s citizens. According to NY Daily News, this move will also help reduce counterfeit vodka, which fuels crime and corruption.
No Swimming For Euro 2012
Five of the Euro 2012 soccer (or football, if you fancy) matches are being held in Ukraine’s capital city, Kiev. Kiev has a river called Dnipro that people like to swim in. According to a Reuters article, the city is effectively banning swimming in the Dnipro to protect dunk fans and protect their reputation, stating, “A drowned drunk and unsafe beaches are two different things.” They are even considering banning the sale of alcohol stronger than beer, which means no sale of vodka, a favorite drink in the Ukraine.
Flavored Vodkas
Serious eats has posted a short write up on historical and modern flavored vodkas. They specifically call out the new flavored vodka like those from Pinnacle as oddities in the grand scheme of flavored vodka. Also, if you wanted to know more about that new cactus flavored vodka, Digital Journal has a write up on Spike Cactus Flavored Vodka.
360 Glazed Donut
If you hadn’t heard, National Donut Day is June 1st. To celebrate, 360 Vodka is launching a new flavor: Glazed Donut. Check out the PR News Wire article for more information and a few recipes.
Absolut Ad
This new Absolut ad is making the rounds on the ‘Net. It’s a sort of futuristic dog race meets Burning Man for a Kentucky Derby knock off. Something like that.
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