Deep Eddy Vodka

Top 5 of 2012

2012 has been a great year for VodkaBuzz and for bringing new vodkas to light. We launched a ground-up redesign earlier this year that focuses more on mobile and modern browsers to help people better find vodkas on the go. In the meantime, we’ve also found some excellent vodkas to share with everyone. These are our favorite vodkas we reviewed this year.

Vodka Culture: Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas is an oasis in more ways than one. Nestled on the Colorado River, large parts of Austin are covered in lush greenery in stark contrast to much of the outlying area dominated by desert conditions and underbrush. In a state that is predominantly conservative, the capital city is home to a surprisingly diverse political climate ranging from hippies in the park to students at the university to bankers in the city, and yet

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