Russian Standard

Bloomberg on Russian Standard Takeover of CEDC

There is a more extensive write up from Bloomberg about the Russian Standard takeover of CEDC. If you’re into that sort of stuff, you may be interested in reading it. It contains a lot of the same details that Reuters wrote about but adds a little more.

Russian Standard Takes Control Of CEDC

According to Reuters, Russian Standard took control of CEDC today in exchange for $65 million in funding. Back in June, we posted that Russian Standard was eyeing a stake in CEDC, but this has gone to a new level. Russian billionaire Tariko acquired about 28 percent of CEDC earlier this year through his companies Russian Standard and Roust Trading in a deal that was expected to help the Polish company retire looming debts. However, Tariko

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Russian Standard Eyeing CEDC Stake

Russian Standard is one of the most successful private companies in Russian and produces what is arguably the most successful vodka brand in Russia. Central European Distribution Corp (CEDC) is one of the world’s largest vodka producers with several major Polish vodka brands in its portfolio. Recently, though, CEDC has had some hard times. After a bad estimate on trade rebates, stocks fell 28.5% as traders rushed to dump shares. CEDC is down 74% from

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