Last night taste test with ten people and five top shelf vodkas Everyone picked Ultimat,

Ultimat is a 40% ABV vodka from Poland. The vodka is imported by Patron Spirits Company. The quality is considered to be great. The average price is around $39.80 per 750mL. Rated 4 out of 5 based on 13 reviews.
Unfortunately, we couldn't find this vodka to do an official VodkaBuzz review. Do you know how we can get a bottle? If so, drop us a line!
Last night taste test with ten people and five top shelf vodkas Everyone picked Ultimat,
When I tried this particular vodka it was very smooth and orginal. I only had a shot of it because of all the varieties and new vodka’s that they have promoted. I really like this one and I am going to buy a bigger bottle and serve it for the girls. I plan on making some new summer drinks with it and serve it at my gathering.
I haven’t mixed it, but I wasn’t very impressed with Ultimat straight. It’s certainly smooth, and the smell upon opening the bottle was very pleasant, but the taste was very heavy and I didn’t like the lingering aftertaste. Much like Grey Goose, it’s a solid middle of the road vodka that is seriously overpriced.
I almost always drink vodka in a martini extra dry with olives, so my impression of Ultimat’s flavor may be different from yours since you tasted it neat. Perhaps, the stronger flavor that can be a bit overpowering for some drinking Ultimat neat is just what makes it so tasty in a martini? Maybe I need to start tasting the vodkas that I review neat, as well as in martinis, to provide more appropriate recommendations.
I’ve got all the ultra premiums like Crystal, XO, Elit, etc on my top shelf and love all of them. Picked this one up today, though, and WOW this is pretty much the perfect vodka. Similar to XO in smoothness, but still has flavor like Elit. You have to get a bottle and do a warm shot. 750ml at my local liquor warehouse is $27.
I have given my review of this nice vodka some thought, and I have decided to upgrade its rating to 5 stars. This is the only vodka that I have passed up Crystal Head vodka for in a martini when out for dinner. That is certainly saying something given my fanaticism of Crystal Head. It definitely deserves my 5 star rating.
If you’re passing up Crystal Head for Ultimat, I’ll have to pick up a bottle the next chance I get.
I would strongly recommend giving this one a try, and providing your valuable review. It is a little tastier than Crystal Head and nearly as smooth. It also seems to have a more syrupy mouth-feel, which can be nice depending on one’s mood and the cocktail being mixed.
It’s very good. Not $40 a bottle good. It’s perhaps over processed. But very smooth. Very drinkable. Better than most.
Tonight I drank Ultimat Vodka for the first time. I usually drink Belvidere or Tito’s. I usually drink vodka straight up as a shot. I do not know if I got a bad bottle or if this is how Ultimat is supposed to taste. The smell and taste is terrible. I’ve never ever before drank a vodka that smelled or tasted so bad!
My local liquor store had the Ulimat on sale, so I figured I’d give it a try. I don’t care what vodka I use for Bloody Marys, but I’m choosy for my martinis. Never liked the taste of Grey Goose, and had been using Absolut for a while, as it had an ultra-clean taste and finish, but I’d grown rather tired of that. Bought one bottle, and sat down with a martini (a tiny splash of dry Vermouth and a couple of Kalamata olives) and REALLY liked the taste. It has a bit of a flavor/taste – subtle and not sure I can describe it. Not sweet, not metallic as some prior review has said, but present and pleasant. Went back to my liquor store and cleaned out the 8 bottles they had on sale. Stocked for a while; will clench my teeth when I need to pay full price, but… stay tuned.
I always drink vodka ice cold on the rocks, 1 to be precise. To be honest I bought Ultimat for the beautiful cobalt bottle, but it by far beat Grey Goose. It however lacks any umph that one wants when sipping vodka on a hot day in Texas. I much prefer Tito’s or Russian Standard, which are also more than half the price as well as tastier – just my opinion.
I would like to comment about a recent Ultimat vodka martini. I was very impressed overall since the martini was somewhat sweet, very smooth, and had very little burn. I had seen a very large advertisement display at a local liquor store and assumed that this was likely another over-advertised and under-performing vodka, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I do not recall the price per 750 ml., but I would definitely choose this over a $35 bottle of Grey Goose at virtually any price. Compared to Double Cross, it is a little smoother but a little less tasty, and also earns a 4 star rating; actually a 4 star rating, placing it at the top of the 4 star competition so far.
I had another Ultimat vodka martini extra dry up with olives last night at a famous Manhattan restaurant and bar. The cocktail was very tasty, with a mostly sweet flavor, and was very smooth. There was no burn on the swallow, no bitter aftertaste, and only a mild Russian style bite that capped off a very enjoyable experience. Ultimat runs about $45 per fifth at the local liquor stores, so it is rather pricey. However, it ranks near the top of the list of my favorite martini vodkas.
I actually think Ultimat is the best vodka by far of all the brands. It has no bite at all and goes down as smooth as butter. The problem is you can just keep drinking and drinking it until it catches up to you.
I only gave it two stars because since I like vodka straight, I was disappointed with my first shot. I thought the first taste was too strong, not smooth, only after I decided to swallow it instead of spitting it out, there was no harshness in my tongue or throat – I’m not sure that I liked it. I do want to try it as a mix and not straight.
P.S. I thought that because it’s price it would be very smooth and not harsh, but I was wrong.
Like the other reviewers, I agree that this vodka is smooth and has a clean nose (not as clean as other premium vodkas like Purity or XO, but very clean). The problem is that the vodka is too smooth. There are three qualities to good vodka. The first two should equate it to water (in fact the word vodka was taken from the Russian word for water – voda). That being said, the three qualities are: 1. Clear in appearance (like water), no discernable taste (like water), and just the right amount of burn in the back of your throat (unlike water). This vodka meets quality #1, partially meets quality #2 (partially because you do get a flavor/after taste on the finish), but it does not come close to meeting quality #3 – it is too smooth, almost as if it has been watered down. Therefore, it does not cut it for those of us who know vodka and drink it straight. It doesn’t cut it as a mixer either, because it is so smooth that the burn doesn’t come through across the dilution and flavor of whatever you are mixing it with. Sorry, but to anyone that knows vodka, Ultimat is an epic fail. One further note, the mix is from grains and potatoes, but this is supposed to be premium vodka. Potatoes are what were used when there was a famine or for people who couldn’t afford the grains to ferment their vodka. It equates to cheap vodka and should be priced accordingly (not as a premium spirit) even if it is half diluted with grain. Here are some good options: Purity Vodka (perfect in every respect), XO vodka (a good second to purity), Belvedere (a true premium vodka from Poland), Kettle One (a good pot distilled vodka for mixing). If you prefer potato vodka, then there is only one pure potato vodka that does not reek of potatoes and comes close in quality to the three mentioned above. That would be Titan Glacier, an amazing potato vodka distilled across four stainless steel columns and made right here in the USA (Idaho).
As Supreme Ayatollah for life of the Self-Appointed Long Island Booze Committee, we put Ultimat to the test in one of our vodka tastings. out of 7 vodkas tested, it was both the worst tasting, with the worst finish, and the highest price. One other vodka tested did have a more pungent nose, which for the Ultimat was fairly clean. The primary taste note we had was “metallic”. It was a previously unopened bottle and it was a very disappointing result, as we had expected it to pose a decent challenge for the then-world champion Crystal Head vodka. Far from being a world-class challenger, it failed to even put away any of the other 4 vodkas of Polish origin that evening. It may not be the worst vodka in the world, but it may well be the worst value for the money.
You obviously are working for the competition.
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