Vegas and Vodka

Las Vegas City Life points out the difference between flavored and infused vodkas:

So, what’s the difference between infused and flavored vodkas? Essentially, it’s homemade vs. store-bought. For infused, simply take a handful of what you want the vodka to taste like, drop it into the vodka and wait a few days. […] Flavored vodka is the same concept, but in shorthand. Unstable ingredients and production volume make infusing difficult for commercially distributed liquor. Some brands will pulp/steep fresh ingredients, then extract the essences and mix them with the liquor. However, others simply add flavorings, which may be natural or synthetic, in-house or purchased.

As you might expect, Vegas has a handful of great places for vodka enthusiasts. I’m interested in visiting VDKA and some of the other joints. If you ever plan on going to Vegas, check out their list of vodka-friendly bars.

Robert Brodrecht

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