Cathead Vodka Official Review

I saw Cathead Vodka on the shelfs at my local ABC Store with a little sign written with Sharpie on cardboard. It read something like, “Part owned by UA Alumni. Roll Tide!” Also, 1% of profits go to tornado recovery in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I’m a UA Alumni, Roll Tide, so I decided to pick it up despite a name that really turned me off.

The Shot

Cathead has an odd flavor. I can’t really put my finger on it. It’s not a flavor I particularly enjoy. Lets just call it “small batch” and move on. It doesn’t make me want to drink more of it (even though I do it anyway). Otherwise, though, the vodka is nice. There is no burn, and I don’t have to have a chaser. I want one because of the taste but it fades away quickly enough.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Cathead Vodka with orange juice at about 1 part vodka to 3 parts orange juice. The mix is perfectly acceptable. There is a mild tinge of bitter, but overall there’s nothing to complain about. At a 1 to 2 mix, the bitters were much more apparent.

Final Opinion

If you like a small batch feeling in your vodka, you might enjoy Cathead. It’s not something I’d recommend to the average vodka drinker, though. On the plus side, your purchase will help a good cause. Honestly, though, I’m interested in trying their honeysuckle flavored vodka. Sometimes, the flavored version outshines the straight version.

Robert Brodrecht

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