Colorado Premium Vodka Official Review

When VodkaBuzz was still a twinkle in my eye, I took a visit to Colorado. My sister’s friend from college, Katie, picked me up from the airport. We stopped at the liquor store in Breckenridge. Katie saw Colorado Premium Vodka and bought a bottle as a gift for my mom. My mom liked the look of the bottle so much that it became a fixture on the mantle. After two or so years, she finally decide to crack the bottle. Instead of doing the deed herself, she donated the bottle to VodkaBuzz to review.

The Shot

The shot is clean at first, though somehow disconcerting, and seems clean while it is in the mouth. After the swallow, it gets very bitter and begs for a chaser.

The Mixed Drink

I used Amp as mixer at about 3 parts Amp to 1 part Colorado Premium Vodka. The mix is pretty bitter, especially in the back of the mouth. The aftertaste follows the mouth taste by offering more of the same bitter. It almost needs a chaser for the mixed drink.


Erin wasn’t terribly impressed by Colorado Premium Vodka either. A reader sent Colorado Premium Vodka as a suggestion shortly before we did the review. He was impressed by it. So, I’m curious if something happened. I’ll let the review stand for now, but I’ll reevaluate it the next time I’m back in Summit County (unless anyone at Colorado Spirits wants to send us a newer bottle).

Robert Brodrecht

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