Cupcake Vodka Official Review

Cupcake has branched out from wine to vodka. Sort of. They brought a little wine influence in the form of 2% grape neutral spirits. While Ciroc, made entirely of grapes, is doing well, Cupcake took a slightly more traditional approach.

The Shot
Cupcake Vodka is fairly sweet in the mouth. It’s comfortable, even when swallowing. It’s easy to drink except for the wafting of ethanol that goes back into my nose after I swallow. It’s easy enough to ignore, though. I could easily get by without a chaser, but I’m happy to have one.

The Mixed Drink
I mixed Cupcake Vodka into a Simply Orange Juice screwdriver. The vodka mixes seamlessly with the screwdriver. At least with sweet mixers, I think Cupcake Vodka would shine in anything.

Final Thoughts
Cupcake is a pretty versatile vodka. It mixes like a dream, and can be sipped straight if you fancy. If you haven’t tried Cupcake Vodka, put it on your to do list.

Robert Brodrecht

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