Dukes Sweet T Vodka Official Review

Dukes makes a variety of interesting sweet vodkas. Dukes Sweet T vodka is vodka infused with sugar and black tea. At 40% alcohol by volume, this vodka makes no compromises for the flavor.

Dukes Sweet T vodka, like the rest of the Dukes line, is made in Auburndale, Florida. Now, depending who you ask, Florida isn’t technically part of the south. “Southerner” is a state of mind, though, and anything related to sweet tea has a home in the south. This Southern boy has been looking to try some sweet tea vodka. Looks like now’s the time.

The Shot

Dukes Sweet T vodka, like Dukes Sweet vodka, is very sweet. The tea flavors jump out above the sugar, which is really great. There are no vodka flavors to speak of. Only sweet tea goodness. Again, like Dukes Sweet vodka, the straight vodka is like drinking a cocktail.

The Mixed Drink

Brewing up a great batch of tea takes time. I trust that Dukes paid special attention to that step. So, I’ll add the natural ingredient to sweet tea: lemon. I’ll do it in the form of Simply Lemonade, though, to make this a proper cocktail. I mixed two lemonade to one Dukes Sweet T. This is exactly like drinking a glass of sweet tea with a wedge of lemon squeezed in. This is probably the best cocktail I’ve ever tasted.

I’m sure there are other great mixed drinks to be made with Dukes Sweet T vodka, but this is brilliant. I have no need to try something else. If you find anything you like better, feel free to leave a comment with the recipe.


Erin said Dukes Sweet T vodka with Simply Lemonade tasted like Nestea Sweet Tea with Lemon with vodka in it. She enjoyed it.

Daniel had the same mixed drink. He thought it didn’t taste like an alcoholic beverage. He compared it to a fruit drink. The shot, he said, was like the Dukes Sweet vodka, except the vodka flavors were more disguised by the sweet tea flavors. He doesn’t feel like he’s drinking liquor when he drinks Dukes.

Dukes Sweet T vodka is a brilliant entry in the flavored vodka category. I haven’t had any other sweet tea vodkas, but I no longer question the idea of it. If you’re like flavored vodkas, especially if you like sweet tea, pick this up as soon as you can.

Robert Brodrecht

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