Gilbey’s Official Review

Gilbey’s is another bottom shelf vodka that I’m trying out of obligation. There’s nothing notable about it from the surface. Let’s see what’s under the cap.

The Shot

Glibey’s is offensive. The taste is unsettling but not distinctively bitter at first. It doesn’t take long for the bitter flavors to come through. The flavor seems to permeate the nasal cavity, even. It doesn’t get better, as the swallow burns and the aftertaste is purely bitter. This is not a shooter.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Gilbey’s a little less than one part vodka with two parts Passion Fruit juice. The bitters shine through the sweet juice. It’s impossible to ignore the vodka, and it ruins the drink. This isn’t a vodka worth mixing when there are better vodkas like Taaka, which doesn’t say much.


Daniel and Mel did a shot with me. The overwhelming opinion was bad. Daniel and Mel both made a horrible face and commented on the bitter flavor.

If you’re stuck looking around your ankles, there are simply too many better bottom shelf vodkas to be had. If you can shell out a little bit more, there are far better lower-end vodkas to be had. I wouldn’t torture myself with Gilbey’s.

Robert Brodrecht

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