Glacier Potato Vodka Official Review

It’s no secret if you’ve read reviews here before that we generally enjoy potato vodkas. Glacier Potato Vodka was recommended to VodkaBuzz a long time ago, and I’ve just now found a bottle. So, I decided to grab a bottle.

The Shot

Glacier Potato Vodka has little taste at first, but gets bitter as it settles in my mouth. This migration in flavor is unpleasant. There’s a slight tingle of burn on the swallow, but it’s not strong enough to immediately reach for a chaser. The bitter aftertaste is what makes me want a chaser. There are better vodkas for the price and there are much better potato vodkas for drinking straight.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Glacier Potato Vodka with cran-apple juice. Surprisingly, the vodka goes quite well with the juice. The harsh tang of the cranberry is actually subdued by the vodka making for a pleasant experience. It’s like cranberry lite. While I’m not a fan of drinking this vodka straight, it seems like a good mixing vodka.

Final Thoughts

Glacier Potato Vodka is far from the best potato vodka we’ve reviewed. If you want something to drink straight, don’t waste your time. If you want to mix, Glacier isn’t bad. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but you could do worse if this is what you have on hand.

Robert Brodrecht

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