Gunnar’s Potato Vodka Official Review

Florida-based Gunnar’s Distilling Company launched in 2015 with their 100% American corn vodka. The husband and wife team added their 100% American potato vodka to the roster in January of 2018. It’s rare for a distillery with an excellent vodka to drop competition into the mix, but it paid off in spades for Gunnar’s.


Gunnar’s Potato Vodka might as well be water. With a neutral flavor profile, it feels like cold water in my mouth. The trend continues on the swallow where the vodka is completely smooth. Gunnar’s knocked their corn vodka out of the park, but they knocked their potato vodka clear into orbit.


I’m always hesitant to mix really good straight vodkas, Gunnar’s Potato Vodka included. When I’m this enthusiastic about a straight vodka, it’s a real bummer to try to dilute it with other ingredients and I generally like the cocktail less.

Despite that, I mixed Gunnar’s Potato Vodka in a screwdriver. It made for a good cocktail. The vodka doesn’t muddy the flavors of the orange juice, but it doesn’t do much to elevate the drink beyond what I can only call a “standard screwdriver.” The same applies with adding pomegranate or cranberry to the orange juice. Both additions were great but neither were particularly remarkable.

While I’m content with these cocktails, I simply don’t want to mix this vodka. It’s too good straight.

Final Thoughts

I’m a big fan of good potato vodkas, and Gunnar’s Potato Vodka is no exception. Gunnar’s has achieved a clarity of flavor second to none and created a vodka that I’d reach for over high price luxury potato vodkas. Gunnar’s Corn Vodka offers a sweet flavor that will appeal to a large swath of drinkers, but Gunnar’s Potato Vodka is a perfect choice for straight vodka drinkers.

Robert Brodrecht

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