Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco Official Review

I had a lot to say about the smell of raw tobacco. In short, the smell is somehow intoxicating to me, and Ivanabitch made a wonderful tobacco flavored vodka. The obvious next step, at least in terms of cigarettes, is to go menthol. As I said in my previous review, I don’t like cigarettes. I’m not a smoker. In my opinion, the only thing worse than a plain cigarette is a menthol cigarette. But, menthol on top of a vodka that I already think is unique and enjoyable, like Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco did, is a different scenario that I have to assess in a completely different manner.

The Shot

Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco adds another layer of sweet on top of the very sweet tobacco flavor. The menthol itself is not offensive in the same way that a menthol cigarette is more offensive than a regular cigarette (to me, at least). The menthol simply adds a sweeter flavor on top of the tobacco in much the same way an Andes Mint adds a zing to chocolate. Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco is as unique as Ivanabitch Tobacco. If you like menthol, you’ll probably like Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco. If you aren’t fond of menthol, Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco is a better choice. For me, I’ll stick with Ivanabitch Tobacco if I need a tobacco fix.

The Mixed Drink

Not only is Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco a unique flavor, it’s also a especially weird over Ivanabitch Tobacco because of the menthol. As I said, it’s very sweet but a very distinctive sweet. So, I took a play from the Ivanabitch Tobacco review and used one of Ivanabitch’s recipes off of their website. Anyone who has read any of my reviews knows that I am not one for frilly drinks, so I picked the recipe that fit my style. The Smokey Breeze is equal parts Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco vodka, cranberry, and pineapple.

The cocktail is quite good. It’s easy to drink, but it’s incredibly sweet despite the cranberry. I don’t think I could handle many of these because of the sweetness, but the vodka blends very well, bringing out the pineapple flavor over the cranberry. I would never have guessed, but this is the perfect beach cocktail. It’s even more beach worthy than my normal go-to cocktail, the madras. I’m not a mixologist, as I have repeatedly asserted, but I’d be willing to bet that this vodka would complement any sweet fruit juice cocktail, especially if it has pineapple. If tropical drinks are your thing, try a Smokey Breeze next time you see Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco vodka or just give it a go in your normal fruity cocktail.

Final Opinion

Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco vodka is an interesting twist on Ivanabitch Tobacco vodka. Ivanabitch Tobacco is a great flavored vodka and Ivanabitch Menthol Tobacco is no different. If you see it, grab a bottle or order it in your favorite tropical cocktail.

Robert Brodrecht

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