KRU82 Official Review

You might have seen Kru. It’s the vodka in the metal sports bottle. It has a caribeaner on it. If that doesn’t ring a bell, you haven’t seen Kru. Or, at least, you didn’t know you were looking at a vodka. We’ve seen a gimmick bottle and we didn’t like the taste. Is Kru all gimmick?

The Shot

Kru is very easy to drink. It’s flavorless the entire time it’s in my mouth and only has a slight bittery burn as I swallow. It’s almost too mild to mention. I don’t even need a chaser.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Kru with orange juice for a classic screw driver. As you might expect, it mixes quite well. There aren’t any bitter flavors and the orange juice doesn’t taste weird like most screw drivers. Kru makes for a great cocktail.


Vodka from Holland can be hit or miss. Kru is definitely a hit. If you get a chance, try it out. You’ll even get a cool bottle!

Robert Brodrecht

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