Liquid Vodka Official Review

I got married on October 31st, 2008. Jeremy, my friend of many years brought me several bottles of local vodka for a wedding present. Liquid Vodka is one.

My apologies to Jeremy. I forgot I hadn’t posted this review and put it off far too long.

The Shot

Liquid Vodka doesn’t have the most pleasant flavor, but it isn’t horrible. It’s slightly bitter in the mouth, and bitter on the way down. There isn’t a burn and doesn’t require a chaser, though it’s nice to have one.

The Mixed Drink

I made a dew driver with Liquid Vodka. It makes a fairly bitter cocktail. It’s palatable but not the best flavor. It seems shooting Liquid Vodka is the best way to take it.


Erin said Liquid Vodka was not that bad. She said, “It’s vodka, it’s not great.” She wouldn’t pour it over ice, but as a shoot-and-chase, it works.

If you’re going to drink a Portland, OR vodka, Liquid Vodka wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’s definitely a decent option.

Robert Brodrecht

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