Military Special Official Review

My good buddy Moody, Erin, and I took a trip down to Columbus, GA to visit my other good buddy Dale. Dale is in the Army and had been in Iraq for almost a year. After a month or so, we finally put together a trip down to visit. To mark the occasion, Dale went to get a bottle of 360. However, he was unable to procure such, and opted to get Military Special Vodka instead. He found this particularly amusing since he was in the Army.

The Shot

Due to the low price and plastic bottle, I wasn’t expecting much. I must admit that I was seduced by the image of the tank and jet. Military Special was horrible. The flavor was bitter and the aftertaste was just wretched. The vodka pulled the moisture from my mouth, as most cheap vodkas do, which was very unpleasant. Military Special Vodka is not a good shooting vodka.

The Mixed Drink

After having my stomach destroyed, as though the jet on the bottle dropped a biochemical payload down my throat, I was afraid of the mixed drink. I dropped a bit in a quarter glass of Monster energy drink. To my surprise, it wasn’t horrible. I couldn’t taste the vodka as much as I anticipated. I didn’t mix it very strong, though.


I somehow managed to get Moody to try it straight with me. Moody rarely drinks and never gets drunk. So, it’s a special occasion that he’ll drink alcoholic beverages. Moody coughed a little and took a long pause. He then commented that the aftertaste was the most horrible he’s ever experienced. Dale managed to slip out of doing the review.

Military Special is a typical bottom-shelf vodka. It mixes a little better than Taaka, but isn’t significantly better or worse. If you’re in the service and on a budget, Military Special Vodka might be a better fit than the alternatives.

Robert Brodrecht

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