Organika Life Official Review

If you haven’t read our Organika review, go ahead and do that because that’s where we’re starting. Organika is a superb vodka. Organika Life comes in an absolutely gorgeous bottle. The vodka itself replaces Siberian larch for Sagan-Daila. Sagan-Daila is typically made as a tea with many health benefits. As I said before, the company contributes to the preservation of the Amur tiger, the likeness of which is beautifully emblazoned on the bottle, especially this stunning bottle. Seriously, the bottle itself is a work of art.

As I also said before, I’m no expert in the health benefits of these ingredients in a vodka, so I’ll just get on to the review.


Organika is an excellent vodka, and Organika Life is no different. If Organika is a subtle Russian vodka, Organika Life cuts closer to the bone. The vodka has a slightly more pronounced bite that is more typical of Russian vodkas. The vodka is smooth like its counterpart but gains some “green” flavors that the other lacked. The flavors hang around after the swallow.

Organika Life causes my palate to react in varying ways depending on what I have had to eat or drink before the vodka. I don’t recall a vodka that has been this easily influenced by whatever subtle flavors I have left lingering on my tongue. I highly suggest first trying this vodka with a clean palate. Swish around some water and wait a few minutes so you get a true profile.


I mixed Organika Life at one part vodka to two parts orange juice. The vodka’s flavors make for a more complex cocktail. The vodka doesn’t muddy the orange juice, but it contributes that same “green” flavor that’s apparent on the swallow.

Again, I think this is a vodka that is meant to be enjoyed straight, but any good mixologist, a member of which I am not, could create some really unique cocktails with Organika Life.

Final Thoughts

In my review of Organika, I said “[Organika makes me] cherish the joy of celebrating life.” Oddly, Organika Life makes me feel in touch with the struggle of life, much like other Russian vodkas. This isn’t intended as a slight because, as they say, “without the bitter, the sweet isn’t as sweet.”

Organika Life is a weird vodka. I’ve never had my palate react so varyingly and I’ve never had two vodkas from the same source strike me in such different ways.

In the end, I think it’ll be up to your preference. So, try them both and decide for yourself which is better for you.

Robert Brodrecht

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