Pinky Official Review

Pinky vodka is a rare breed of vodka. The bottle is unabashedly girly. That is, it’s pink and pretty. To boot, it’s flavored. Pinky, however, isn’t what it seems when you look deeper than the skin. It’s flavored and 40% alcohol, unlike many other flavored vodkas which are 35%. Furthermore, it’s flavored with esters from flowers, not sweeteners or syrups. And it was crafted by wine tasters.

With all these interesting attributes, Pinky vodka seemed like a natural choice for the first flavored vodka review on this site.

The Shot

Pinky vodka is clean in the mouth. With the subtle but clear floral flavors, this is the point of the shot when the vodka shines. Letting it relax on the taste buds allows the natural, opulent flavors to gently creep out. After swallowing, there are some light bitter notes that tend to hang on the tongue a bit longer than I prefer, but I can easily sip the vodka without a chaser. One of Pinky’s aims was to make a vodka that tastes “pink.” It’s not the saccharine pink you’d find topping a doughnut, but this is certainly as pink as one could get in the realm of vodka.

The Mixed Drink

Pinky is a brilliant mixer. I made a madras (vodka, orange juice, and cranberry juice) with Pinky that was phenomenal. Pinky complements fruit juice like no other vodka I’ve tasted. The sweet flavors of the botanicals in the vodka has a brilliant synergy with other fruit-based juices. If you’re mixing and Pinky vodka is available, there is no reason you shouldn’t be mixing with it and quite a few reasons that you should be.


Erin liked Pinky as a mixer. She said she thinks it adds to the sweetness of the fruit juices and could taste the flowers in it.

Pinky is a great mixing vodka and a decent sipping vodka. Pinky stands out from other flavored vodkas because it has a very natural taste. While I’m not privy to the exact processes, Pinky comes off as an infused vodka, not a flavored vodka. This makes the flavors more subtle and enjoyable in a way that a vodka connoisseur can enjoy, as well as someone who just wants to sip a cocktail at a club with friends.

Robert Brodrecht

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