Prairie Organic Vodka Official Review

I’ve had Prairie Organic Vodka before but I ended up finishing the bottle before I got around to writing a review. In other words, it’s good vodka. That should be apparent from the care taken crafting the vodka.

Starting with organic corn grown by a co-op of farmers in Minnesota, the Prairie distillery creates a small batch vodka that is distilled to taste, unlike other vodkas that only do a fixed number of distillations. That means Prairie’s master distillers taste the product every half hour during the process to make sure it meets their standards, and they pull it when it’s ready.

Regarding that high standard of taste, let’s take a sip.


Prairie Organic Vodka is an excellent vodka for those who like to drink straight vodka. The vodka is sweet and peppery, and smooth on the way down. A chaser isn’t required, and if you like one, even a mild flavored chaser gets the job done.


In an ice pick, Prairie Organic Vodka blends perfectly. The intrinsic flavors of the vodka are a great complement to the sweet tea and the quality of the vodka means it keeps the beverage easy to drink.

Prairie’s flavors make for a special screwdriver. The peppery flavors shine through the orange juice, which mixes things up versus a typical screwdriver, and leaves me wanting another sip.

Final Opinion

Prairie Organic Vodka is an excellent all-around vodka. This organic spirit is carefully crafted by people that clearly care about the quality of their product. You can taste it in the vodka. Prairie is widely available, so grab a bottle. You’ll thank yourself later.

Robert Brodrecht

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