Rain Official Review

As I mentioned before, the same folks that make Taaka also make Rain vodka. Learning this made me leery of the brew, but I decided to give this organic, supposedly small-batch vodka a shot. I had some trouble getting the plastic seal off of the bulbous cork top, but it was well worth it.

The Shot

Rain first comes across as sweet, which is surprising coming from a vodka in its price range. It’s so far beyond Taaka, that I feel silly for even mentioning it. There is a bitterness in the aftertaste and a slight burn as it makes its way down to my stomach. I can’t express my surprise enough. This is actually a good shooting vodka. I only barely crave a chaser.

The Mixed Drink

I opted for the tried-and-true Simply Orange High Pulp screw driver for this review. What makes this vodka a good shooter makes it a great mixer. The sweetness I tasted in the shot enhances the flavor of the orange juice. I’ve never had such a pleasant experience with a vodka in this price range.


I mixed Erin’s passion fruit with a little more vodka. When she drank it, she exclaimed, “Whoa! There’s vodka in this!” After a short pause, she reflected in a thoughtful tone of voice, “but it’s good.” She was, overall, fond of Rain vodka. I did a shot with Daniel. He wasn’t wild about it, commenting only on the burn. He got side tracked before he could say too much else. I think his ultimate opinion was that it was alright.

I think Rain vodka is good. I would expect to pay 40% more for a vodka that tastes this good. If you’ve never had Rain vodka, go pick up a bottle right now. If you’ve had Rain vodka before, you should probably go buy another bottle. Bring it to a party. For the price, you can afford to let your friends drink it with you.

Robert Brodrecht

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