Redmont Vodka Official Review

The name Redmont might mean something to you in your city. For me, Redmont is the name of a hotel built in 1925 — one of a handful of iconic historical buildings in my home town of Birmingham, Alabama. It’s gone through a few renovations over the years, but it’s still alive and kicking.

Now, though, Birmingham has a new Redmont in the form of Redmont Vodka. To my knowledge, Redmont Vodka is the first vodka distilled in this city in my lifetime, if ever. Redmont’s blog claims it is the “the first federally licensed distillery in Birmingham.” So, as a reviewer of vodka in a conservative state whose citizens only recently won a long fight to allow legal beer brewing, this vodka is a welcome addition to the growing adult beverage landscape.

I was unimpressed with Bama vodka and Cathead (created by University of Alabama alum, produced in Mississippi). They left me wanting something better from the Deep South. Since Redmont originated from my home town, it has a lot to prove to me. I caught Redmont out of the corner of my eye today on display at a local ABC store, and snatched up a bottle immediately so I could take a deeper dive.


I could not be more pleased with Redmont Vodka. My first taste was a shot from an early release bottle at my favorite bar. After a few sips and to my devastation, I summarily knocked over the other half of the shot. Armed with my own bottle this go around, I’m no less impressed. The vodka is almost entirely flavorless, even at room temperature, which makes it very easy to drink straight. Of the vodkas I’ve tried that originate in the Southeastern United States, Redmont is easily the best. Frankly, this is a world-class sipping vodka that has very few equals that I have tried. I could not be happier with the first Birmingham vodka.


If you’ve read my reviews before, it’s no surprise that I first tried Redmont in the Ice Pick, my go-to cocktail. The vodka mixes perfectly well. It’s entirely flavorless and doesn’t compete with the flavors of the sweet tea.

I was going to try to mix this vodka with a few other things, but I ran out before I got a chance. I guess that’s what happens when you have a really great vodka on your hands.

Final Thoughts

Redmont is not the most interesting vodka for mixing that I’ve tried, but that’s not damning. In a cocktail, it does what most think a vodka should do: nothing except contribute alcohol. It doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t help. Zen like, Redmont just is.

What is interesting, though, is that this is the first vodka out of Birmingham, and it is excellent. Maybe Austin, TX will have a little competition!

Robert Brodrecht

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