Reyka Official Review

I’ve seen Reyka on the local liquor store shelves for awhile, but I never got around to trying it. Fortunately, I got a bottle from my coworker Logan for Christmas, which, as you may have guessed, is a perfect gift for a guy with a penchant for vodka.

The Shot

Reyka is a little harsh. It has a stiff burn, but it seems intentional. I can feel it in my mouth like a ball of lead. That said, it’s almost sweet in the mouth. It’s smooth on the swallow with the same slightly sweet flavor left on my tongue. It’s a good shooter in the right setting, maybe with meat-based hor dourves, but I would pick something else up if I wanted to enjoy straight vodka.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Reyka with sweet tea. The vodka isn’t terribly assertive but I can definitely taste the vodka, especially in the aftertaste. It’s not the best mixer I’ve had, but it is distinctive. I’d rather drink it straight, but it’s not bad in a cocktail.

Final Opinions

Reyka is an odd vodka. It’s small batch, and I typically have problems with small batch. It’s a good vodka, but I don’t have a place for it. I think it’d be a good dinner party vodka or maybe a good vodka for a bloody marry. If you’re in that sort of market, give Reyka a try. Otherwise, you might want to look for something else.

Thanks again, Logan!

Robert Brodrecht

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