Rokk Official Review

RÖKK vodka (called Rokk from here on) is a vodka that I swear I’ve heard of, but can’t remember anything I’ve heard about it. We’re a big fan of Svedka here at VodkaBuzz, so let’s give this Swede a try.

The Shot

I’m terribly surprised by Rokk Vodka. Svedka has been my go-to budget vodka for awhile now, and Rokk is almost identical in every way. It’s flavorless with a mild bitter on the swallow, very smooth, and doesn’t require a chaser. It’ uncanny that these two vodkas from the same country with very similar bottles have a very similar flavor. Rokk may be slightly lower grade after getting a little more familiar with the vodka, but it’s really not a big difference. If you like Svedka, you’ll like Rokk.

The Mixed Drink

At the suggestion of the recipe book attached to my bottle of Rokk, I mixed with Red Bull at around one part vodka to two parts Red Bull. Rokk slightly bittered the Red Bull, but it’s acceptable if you’re into the Red Bull and vodka.

I also made a screwdriver at the same mixture. Again, Rokk slightly bittered the orange juice, but it makes for a very good cokctail overall.


I gave Erin the keyboard to say what she thought:

I only took a half of a shot, and it wasn’t completely chilled, but still I have to say it wasn’t bad. Honestly, I usually avoid breathing when taking shots for the purpose of getting drunk. Actually tasting a shot when I’m reviewing is always nerve-wracking because I’m worried it’s going to be repulsive and make me gag. Rokk was not repulsive, and there was no gagging. There was an ethanol aftertaste that I didn’t love, but most vodkas are guilty of that. The burn was minimal, and the aftertaste negligible. It’s definitely worthy of mid-shelf recognition, with props for the bang for the buck. Basically, it didn’t suck.

Overall, Rokk is a good vodka. If I were standing in a liquor store looking for a budget vodka and it came down to Svedka or Rokk, I’d simply pick the cheaper one.

Robert Brodrecht

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