Seattle Distilling Vodka Official Review

Seattle Distilling claims their vodka is unfiltered and full-character; a whisky drinker’s vodka. They absolutely achieved that goal.

Mini Review

The taste is very opinionated. The flavor is nutty and bitter. It’s not something I’d drink regularly but it’s a good vodka. It’s smooth and easy on the swallow. If you enjoy the lingering flavors, this vodka doesn’t require a chaser. For me, I decided to chase it.

Seattle Distilling Vodka mixed very well in an ice pick (sweet tea with lemon). Something about it dialed up the sweetness. The hardest part is that the nose took a bit to get used to, but it’s overall excellent.

If you fancy yourself a vodka connoisseur or you like opinionated spirits, give Seattle Distilling Vodka a try.

Robert Brodrecht

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