Square One Official Review

While I was visiting Jeremy in Portland, OR, we found a bottle of Square One Vodka. A reader had suggested the vodka awhile back. So, we decided to give the vodka a test. Square One is an organic vodka, and is known for being the first organic American rye vodka.

The Shot

Square One vodka is a very clean, sweet tasting vodka. Since Jeremy didn’t have much of a freezer, I drank it warmer than I normally do. Even still, it was a very smooth vodka that didn’t need a chaser.

The Mixed Drink

Square One vodka mixed perfectly with Welch’s White Grape Pomegranate juice. The vodka wasn’t detectable. Square One is a pleasure to drink in a cocktail.


Jeremy drank Square One straight all night. I think that is a good indicator of how he felt about the vodka. He noted the smoothness but wasn’t impressed with the high price tag.

Erin drank Square One mixed with White Grape Pomegranate juice. She was happy with the flavor.

Square One is a great vodka for shooting or mixing. It’s one more great organic vodka to add to our list of eco-conscious vodkas.

Robert Brodrecht

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