Trump Raspberry Official Review

With a review of Trump’s premium vodka entry under our belts, we’ve moved on to their other 80 proof vodka offerings. With grape, citron, orange, and raspberry flavors, Trump vodka is easily making connections with all types of cocktails. We gave the raspberry flavor a shot.

The Shot

The smell of the Trump Raspberry is very heavenly. The taste is a little bit of a let down. The raspberry flavor masks the vodka well and it’s as smooth as any other Trump offering. So, it doesn’t require a chaser and is a pretty nice shooter since the raspberry flavors smooth everything out.

The Mixed Drink

As with most flavored vodkas, picking the right mixer is key. Welch’s White Grape Juice was the mixer that complemented this best for me with Trump Raspberry vodka (and all the other Trump flavors, too). The flavors mixed well. The raspberry flavors stood out on top of the grape juice to make an all around nice drink.

If you’re in the market for raspberry vodka, I’d highly suggest checking out the Trump Flavored Cocktail Menu to see if any of your favorite drinks have done well with Trump Raspberry. You will probably find something more congruent with your personal tastes than what I tried.


I sent all the flavors of Trump with my wife to a “girls night out” party. Tiffany said it was good by itself, but a little Sprite helps.

Trump Raspberry is a strong offering from Trump in the flavored vodka area. There are others from Trump that are stronger offerings, but Trump Raspberry may be the vodka you need to make your cocktail award winning.

Robert Brodrecht

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