Category Archives: News

Birmingham’s Atomic Lounge Featured in Playboy

Birmingham local bartender fav Feizal Valli at The Atomic Lounge got a shout out in Playboy for bringing the Cosmopolitan into the modern era. Check out Atomic if you’re ever in town. The Atomic Lounge is the most unique bar in all of Birmingham. As best as I could describe, it makes me feel like being in a Fiona Apple music video.

The Next VodkaBuzz

I’m working on a lot of things here at VodkaBuzz. A redesign is well underway, which will accompany a rewrite of the backend, including user accounts to help with authorship and community. The new site is at least year off, maybe more depending on life. It’s hard to tell. I want a platform for the future and I want you to join me along the way. In the meantime, I’m making efforts to do more

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Russians Remove Vodka Sculpture

Yahoo! News reports that Glazovskiy spirits factory bosses in Glazov, Russia removed a vodka sculpture, considered to be a landmark, due to concerns that it could be interpreted as a vodka advertisement under Vladimir Putin’s strict ban on alcohol advertisements. Oddly, the worry over the ban extends not only to alcohol, but items that are only remotely related to alcohol. Russian media suggested anti-drinking campaigners might have more work left to do in the region.

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Bruce Willis Supports Belvedere Restructure

Sobieski spokesman Bruce Willis will vote to restructure Sobieski’s parent company Belvedere in the wake of bankruptcy protection, according to the Global Post. Bruce Willis apparently became the top individual shareholder due to his promotion of Sobieski. I expected a top shareholder to support the company, but I didn’t know Bruce Willis was the top individual shareholder. You learn something new every day.

Stoked Vodka and Dragons’ Den

The Financial Post has an article on Stoked Vodka’s attempt to get funding from the reality TV show Dragons’ Den. Stoked failed to get funding, but it’s an interesting read of two ladies in Georgia deciding to start up a vodka company. If you ever wanted to start your own vodka company, give it a read.

Bloomberg on Russian Standard Takeover of CEDC

There is a more extensive write up from Bloomberg about the Russian Standard takeover of CEDC. If you’re into that sort of stuff, you may be interested in reading it. It contains a lot of the same details that Reuters wrote about but adds a little more.

Ocean Vodka Working On Solar Powered Distillery

According to Maui Now, Ocean Vodka is planning to open a solar powered distillery in April 2013. In addition to going off-grid, Ocean Vodka sources its raw materials from local, organic sugar cane. They will also be opening a visitors center with a fresh martini bar, again sourcing local produce for the martinis. Ocean Vodka plans to educate guests on organic farming and the production of green adult beverages. If you needed a reason to

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Polish Vodka Exports Down in 2012

According to the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, Polish vodka exports were down 20% in 2012. Leszek Wiwała, president of the Employers Association of the Polish Spirits Industry, says that the drop is due to reduced marketing due to a decline in profits.

The Battle for Brackets

NorwichBulletin reports that Connecticut vodka maker KC Brang’s Food & Beverage LLC, maker of Kra-ze Vodka, is under fire from Casella Wines, maker of Yellow Tail wine, over the use of brackets around their product name. KC Brang and Casella Wines are negotiating a solution, but KC Brang has exhausted its funds during the legal battle. This has prevented the family-owned company from growing their brand and forcing the company to run on the $180,000

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Russians, Vodka, and Alcoholism

According to RT, Russians will drink 1.5 billion liters of vodka over the holidays. While RT claims that “elite” liquors like whisky are growing in popularity, KyivPost indicates that vodka is still king with 50.2% of total sales. Even if you don’t believe vodka originated in Russia, the fact that vodka is ingrained in Russian history, both as a blessing and a curse, is undeniable. Zhanna Gagarinova, administrator of the Vodka History Museum, told RIA

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