Category Archives: Vodka

Easily Infuse Vodka with Aqua Zinger

Infusing vodka is a great way to add some flavor, but it takes time to completely infuse. Things are looking up, though, with a new line of infusion bottles from ZingAnything. The Zinger infusers are double walled (so they don’t sweat) bottles with a chamber at the bottom to pulverize fruit. In 15 minutes, the vodka (or water) steeps in the fruit, infusing it with the fruit flavors. You can make up your own combinations

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Vodka and Dieting (Low Carb Diets and Low Calorie Diets)

With the recent buzz around “low calorie” vodkas like Skinny Girl and Voli, I thought it’d be a good time to talk about vodka and dieting. Before I start, this discussion is ONLY related to unflavored vodka. The flavoring in flavored vodkas can add calories and carbs, and vary wildly in how much. If you’re drinking flavored vodka, you can google for nutritional info and see how it fits in with your diet. First, I’ll

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Some Research on Red Bull and Vodka

According to The Register, an Australian study says those drinking vodka and Red Bull (really alcohol and energy drinks) are less likely to involve themselves in risky behavior than those drinking other alcoholic beverages. Unless, of course, you believe a study done by University at Buffalo’s Research Institute that says vodka and Red Bull (really alcohol and energy drinks) makes you more likely to have casual sex because it can lead to a more-think-than-you-drunk-you-are situation.

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Claire Smith on NOLA and Vodka

It’s a real skill to be able to get to the beauty of the raw material through quite an aggressive distillation process. We’re talking about trying to get something up to 95% abv and still have echoes of the raw material and delicate nuances. The imperfections in vodka are the echoes of the raw materials. Much respect for Claire Smith, Belvedere’s head mixologist. More on her thoughts about vodka and New Orleans at NOLA Defender.

Stoli and Moskovskaya Returned to State Control

Trademark for two very popular brands of vodka, Moskovskaya and Stolichnaya, have been returned to Russian Federation control, Marques reports. The battle for control of the two brands had been going on for a decade. Yuri Shefler acquired the brands during the tumultuous period after the USSR was dissolved. During that period, many state-owned properties were illegally sold off. Shefler asserts that he rightfully acquired the brands from the state. The Court ruled that no

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A Vodka Historian

Alexander Nikishin understands the role vodka has played in the history of Russia. So much so that he has opened a museum in Kristall distillery, where Stolichnaya is made, with over 50,000 items connected to the history of Russian vodka. It’s not just the history of vodka that he finds impressive. The economic impact via agricultural, production, and distribution is tremendous to Russia. The museum gets some push back from the family of alcoholics, but

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Fris “Relaunch”

Frïs Vodka is reportedly “relaunching” the brand in the US. I have no idea what that means since the method of making the vodka appears to be the same as before. What we do get, though, is a nifty new bottle. Fris already had quite a unique bottle design. That was one of the reasons I first bought Fris so many years ago. The new bottle design is just as interesting as the old bottle.

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Skyy Vodka Goes TV

Skyy is making its TV debut. According to everything I can find, this is Skyy’s first TV ad. It’s been on the docket for a week or more, but I couldn’t find a YouTube version of the ad until now. Sadly, I’m not impressed. I think the high water mark for vodka advertising is Absolut. With ads by notable artists such as Andy Warhol, it’s really difficult to compete. Sadly, Skyy just doesn’t.

A Beer Alternative for Vodka Drinkers

Drink Spirits shared what I consider to be a great alternative to beer for vodka drinkers called Air, short for Alcohol Inspired Refresher. The down side of vodka is that it’s easy to go too far. Beer has a relatively low alcohol content, so it takes a fair amount to get a buzz going. Plus, vodka isn’t quite as portable as beer out of the box. Air is a 4% ABV “malt beverage” that is

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Over at, Dushan Zaric tells you how to drink vodka. He suggests the types of vodkas to use in different scenarios. The Yugoslavian-born writer does make another interesting point: However, the liquor was never created for mixing—it was intended to be a food spirit. Just as wine in southern Europe was developed to be enjoyed with meals, so were the vodkas of northern Europe, where grapes didn’t grow easily. In the US, it’s far

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