Category Archives: VodkaBuzz

The Next VodkaBuzz

I’m working on a lot of things here at VodkaBuzz. A redesign is well underway, which will accompany a rewrite of the backend, including user accounts to help with authorship and community. The new site is at least year off, maybe more depending on life. It’s hard to tell. I want a platform for the future and I want you to join me along the way. In the meantime, I’m making efforts to do more

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Top 5 of 2012

2012 has been a great year for VodkaBuzz and for bringing new vodkas to light. We launched a ground-up redesign earlier this year that focuses more on mobile and modern browsers to help people better find vodkas on the go. In the meantime, we’ve also found some excellent vodkas to share with everyone. These are our favorite vodkas we reviewed this year.

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend from VodkaBuzz! If you’re looking for some good American vodkas to celebrate with, try these: Americana Luxury Vodka Deep Eddy Vodka Deep Eddy Sweet Tea Vodka Dukes Sweet T Vodka 360 Vodka Vodka 14 Tito’s Handmade Vodka Or search for your own!

Attention E-mail Subscribers!

Attention Newsletter Subscribers, we are proud to announce that we’re improving our e-mail subscription experience. However, that requires that you subscribe to our new list! We will be disabling Feedburner e-mail subscriptions later this year in favor of swapping to the much more flexible MailChimp e-mail subscription service. SIGN UP NOW!