2012 has been a great year for VodkaBuzz and for bringing new vodkas to light. We launched a ground-up redesign earlier this year that focuses more on mobile and modern browsers to help people better find vodkas on the go. In the meantime, we’ve also found some excellent vodkas to share with everyone. These are our favorite vodkas we reviewed this year.

Spirits of the Tsars

Deep Eddy Vodka
4*****United States

Moskovskaya Vodka

New Amsterdam Vodka
4*****United States

Pinnacle Cookie Dough
Spirits of the Tsars
This opulent vodka is growing to prominence among the elite of society, or at least those that have the cash to spend on a truly exquisite liquor. Spirits of the Tsars is a unique infused vodka from Ukraine that is aged in brandy barrels, giving the vodka flavors reminiscent of whisky. That is topped with a hint of vanilla and a caramel nose that leaves me wanting more. As a friend of mine put it: It tastes like the nectar from an alien planet.
Deep Eddy Vodka
Deep Eddy launched with a sweet tea flavored vodka that knocked our socks off last year. This year, we tried Deep Eddy’s straight vodka and were floored once again. This Austin, TX based company was even nice enough to help us find a few choice bars when we visited Austin earlier this year. Deep Eddy is good vodka and good people.
This little known and hard to find vodka is a diamond in the rough. The label makes the vodka come off as a bottom shelf knock off of Stoli, but the vodka inside is amazing. Even better, it has a great price tag while managing to taste better than vodkas that are more than twice as expensive.
New Amsterdam
I’ve been a fan of New Amsterdam for awhile, but I finally got around to doing a review this year. New Amsterdam is inexpensive, readily available, and tastes great. It mixes well and shoots well. This is my new go-to vodka.
Pinnacle Cookie Dough
Pinnacle is the poster child for the flavored vodka trend, and I was dubious of some of their more insane concoctions, including Pinnacle Cookie Dough. After awhile, though, my nightcap became a shot of Pinnacle Cookie Dough to sip on and a glass of milk to chase with. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s just like eating cookies and milk.
Hey Robert,
Long time no talk, I continue to use your website as a great point of reference…as I am dragging my feet with my own website. I was surprised to see that New Amsterdam made your list and is your “go to” vodka. The taste has always been a bit on the harsher side for me (Although it mixes just fine). My go-to is Luksusowa, shoots and mixes well and is the same price as New Amsterdam…at least in Wisconsin.
Peace brother!
Robert Brodrecht
New Amsterdam is a great value. We don’t get Luksusowa around here, so it’s not an option. I recently got a bottle of Sobieski, and it’s still a great choice. I may start picking it up more often.
I bought a bottle of Russian Standard tonight. Looking forward to revisiting it.
Joey McCracken
I love your reviews, very informative. I enjoy impressing my friends with the smoothest vodkas they’ve ever had. You guys should try 44 north huckleberry vodka. It’s just as glorious as 42 below, and it’s local(for me).
Robert Brodrecht
I’ve heard good things about it, but I’ve only seen it in a store once. I had some other things higher up on my list, so I passed on it. I’ll definitely give it a try next time I find it.