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Bloomberg on Russian Standard Takeover of CEDC

There is a more extensive write up from Bloomberg about the Russian Standard takeover of CEDC. If you’re into that sort of stuff, you may be interested in reading it. It contains a lot of the same details that Reuters wrote about but adds a little more.

Russian Vodka Sales Up 2.2%

While Polish vodka exports are down, Russian vodka sales are up 2.2%. However, there are some new changes coming regarding the sale of alcohol in Russia. Rules for selling certain types of alcohol products changed as of January 1, 2013. In addition to a ban on sales of beer and beer beverages at non-stationary retail outlets such as kiosks, night-time sales of such beverages will be banned at all retail outlets with the exception of

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Mansome on Vodka

Over at Yahoo! Screen, one of the Mansome videocast’s latest episodes talks about vodka and recommends the Vesper as a manly vodka drink.

History of Russian Vodka Video

When we posted on Russia and Alcoholism last week, we pulled a bit of information from an RIA Novosti interview with Zhanna Gagarinova, administrator of the Vodka History Museum. It turns out there is a short video of the interview on Vimeo.

Vegas and Vodka

Las Vegas City Life points out the difference between flavored and infused vodkas: So, what’s the difference between infused and flavored vodkas? Essentially, it’s homemade vs. store-bought. For infused, simply take a handful of what you want the vodka to taste like, drop it into the vodka and wait a few days. […] Flavored vodka is the same concept, but in shorthand. Unstable ingredients and production volume make infusing difficult for commercially distributed liquor. Some

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Organic Sweet Tea Vodka Lemonade

I’m from the South, and I drink a ton of sweet tea. I was pretty happy about the sweet tea vodka trend that started a few years back. As such, I was excited to read The Wannabe Chef’s Organic Sweet Tea Vodka Lemonade recipe. This isn’t the quick and dirty cocktails I tend to drink when I drink a cocktail, so be warned that there is some work involved. If you’re interested in sweet tea,

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The Battle for Brackets

NorwichBulletin reports that Connecticut vodka maker KC Brang’s Food & Beverage LLC, maker of Kra-ze Vodka, is under fire from Casella Wines, maker of Yellow Tail wine, over the use of brackets around their product name. KC Brang and Casella Wines are negotiating a solution, but KC Brang has exhausted its funds during the legal battle. This has prevented the family-owned company from growing their brand and forcing the company to run on the $180,000

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Snow Queen Calendar

If you like vodka and scantly clad women in Victorian-era undergarments (and who doesn’t?), check out Snow Queen’s latest calendar shot by Ellen Von Unwerth. GQ has the photos online if you want to take a look. For a mere £150, you can get a copy of the calendar on Snow Queen’s website.

Some Tips for Drinking with Russians

Wine Enthusiast Magazine has some tips for drinking with Russians. Gestures include extending your thumb and pinky to signify to your friends that you want a drink, scratching your neck to signal to the bartender that you want vodka, and putting the number of fingers on your tie for the number of vodkas you want. The article also outlines some drinking games. Interestingly, they aren’t like American drinking games where the loser drinks. Instead, these

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William Chase Points Finger At Con Marketing

William Chase, founder of Chase vodka, is irritated that many vodka and gin producers are conning their customers by claiming their product is homemade or by charging more simply for packaging. In an article at Real Times, he comes just short of naming names. “It’s time to expose the fakes. If it’s factory-produced then don’t advertise it as ‘homemade’. If it’s the same beverage, don’t change the label just to increase the price,” he said.

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