
4 StarStarStarStarStar

Fris is a 40% ABV vodka from Denmark. The vodka is imported by Absolut Spirits Co. The quality is considered to be great. The average price is around $9.93 per 750mL. Rated 4 out of 5 based on 18 reviews.

The bottle states the following:

By appointment to the Royal Danish Court. Frïs (say Freeze) is produced from all natural whole wheat and pure spring water. Our freeze distilled® vodka is also distilled six times and distinguished by its clean, smooth mouthfeel.

Fris Vodka Review

4 StarStarStarStarStar

I first had Frïs — or Fris as I’ll be writing it for the rest of this review — several years ago. Jeremy and I were at a hole-in-the-wall liquor store and bought a bottle at the clerk’s suggestion. We were astounded by the quality and smoothness at such a low price point. In fact, I think reason I record a Bang For The Buck rating is because of Fris. That was over 6 years ago.Let’s see what my palate thinks now.

For the record, this is probably the 5th time I’ve tried to review Fris. For whatever reason, the vodka keeps disappearing before I get a chance.

By the by, my first anniversary is tomorrow. So, happy anniversary to my wonderful wife, Erin. Not only has she happily put up with me for a year, she’s also choked down quite a bit of vodka with me. She was there when I launched the site, and if it weren’t for her input and support, the site certainly wouldn’t where it is today. Happy anniversary, baby!

The Shot

Fris, like the claim on the bottle, has a great mouthfeel. It’s mildly bitter in the mouth, but the bitterness gets more pronounced after the swallow. However, there is little-to-no burn at that point. My mouth is slightly numb on the tip of the tongue (try saying that three times fast after a shot of vodka), but there is nothing unpleasant about this vodka. I made it without a chaser, for what it’s worth.

The Mixed Drink

When I mixed Fris with orange juice, I could taste the bitters of the vodka. The cocktail wasn’t sweet at all, but it doesn’t ruin the drink. It tastes better than a typical well vodka screwdriver. Isn’t a brilliant mixer, but there is no bad aftertaste.

This time around, I opted to mix Fris with two parts Sugar Free Red Bull. The bitters actually work against the generally overbearing flavors of the Red Bull, and makes a really good cocktail.


Daniel mixed Fris with Red Bull and thought it was not too overbearing or too strong for the mixer. He pointed out that it goes down well, no bad aftertaste. After his shot, he noted that Fris burns but is not bitter.

Even after all these years (and 5 attempted reviews), I still think Fris is a great vodka, especially considering the price. If you’re not hooked on Tito’s, Sobieski or Svedka, Fris is really worth trying. Even if you are, I’d still suggest it.

Rated 4 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

  • Fris Vodka Review By Jeremy

    No Rating

    I was reading all of the comments, hoping that I wasn’t crazy and that someone had the same thought as me. Although a lot of people agree that the plastic bottle has a strange taste, no one mentioned that it has a slight taste of tequila to it, as is the taste I am getting from it. It’s quite disappointing to me too. I thought it was in my head the first time I bought the bottle, but tonight, my thoughts about it were confirmed. I don’t think I will buy it again.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Ron

    1 *****

    I have been enjoying the Fris Vodka for several months. I highly recommended it. But now I can’t endorse it in the new plastic bottle.
    I tried my first plastic bottle Fris product and I can’t even drink it, it’s so bad. Something is altering the taste in the plastic bottle container. It’s not that clean smooth taste I still get in the glass container
    Has anyone else noticed the taste change in the plastic bottle that isn’t in the glass bottle product???



    • Fris Vodka Review By Nicole

      Ron, I and a friend both agree with your observation that Fris in the new plastic bottle just doesn’t taste right. I’m still able to find the glass bottle in some of the stores near me, but in one case, I bought the last glass bottle they had.

      It’s a shame, this was such a great and inexpensive vodka for mixing.


      • Fris Vodka Review By Jim

        This company had a great product and I have been buying for years, but unless they go back to glass I have bought my last bottle. It tastes like shi_.


    • Fris Vodka Review By Laura

      I agree, I have been buying Fris for YEARS!!!! Just opened my first plastic bottle and ugh. Not only was the taste bad, but the smell was off. Will not be buying again.


      • Fris Vodka Review By Laura

        I was excited to find some Fris vodka in smaller glass bottles on the shelves recently. I purchased several bottles only to find that awful, plastic taste. They have obviously changed something else. It is reallly bad!


    • Fris Vodka Review By Stoner

      I agree, I’ve been drinking Fris for several years now and the bottle switch has definitely affected the taste. It was like an epiphany for me…I used to drink something else and then they switched to plastic and I thought they also reformulated the product because the taste was so much different, so I switched brands. Tonight I was reminded of that taste by my new plastic bottle of Fris and realized they most likely had not changed the basic composition of the contents…it was the container changing the effect on my palette!

      It is a shame since plastic is much more cost effective…from production to transportation, etc…however the taste is not tolerable so I will be changing brands again.


    • Fris Vodka Review By Joe

      I have had that exact same experience.


      • Fris Vodka Review By buster

        yep I googled fris review just to see if I was the only one who got a plastic bottle that tasted…plastic-ey …. it takes like rain off a tire tread! ugh!


    • Fris Vodka Review By Chirs

      Yes, I don’t like the plastic either. I can’t edorse this either. .Hopefully they get the message and switch back


    • Fris Vodka Review By Derek

      Being a Fris lover for years, very disappointed at bottle change, accompanied by taste difference. Also, imported via Pernod/Canada instead of Absolut/New York. Seems like something has changed formula wise. Could this actually be? Will there be enough feedback to affect anything?


      • Fris Vodka Review By Mike G

        I work at a liquor store. Fris is now made in Canada and is nowhere near as good as it was when it was still made in Denmark. The redesigning of the bottle coincided with the move to Canadian production and the huge drop in quality. Its a shame because the old Fris was so good and very affordable. You can still find old bottles around, as the switch was recent. If its the old clear bottle, get it! If its that new dark blue bottle, beware.


    • Fris Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      That is very disappointing to learn. I enjoyed the glass bottle of Fris that I had about 2 years ago.


    • Fris Vodka Review By Gary

      yes, the bottle sucks, hate pastic bottles for booze – did not even buy it

      it was so good in the glass bottle

      I thought I even read that it was from Canada

      could be wrong about that


    • Fris Vodka Review By Matt

      I agree, the new Canadian brand tastes like spoiled gin. I’ve been a big fan of Pinnacle as a cheap vodka and I saw the new bottle and tried it and it has an overwhelming bad taste even when mixed with the strongest mixers. Very much something being sold based on brand name only.


    • Fris Vodka Review By Elijah

      I have been trying a variety of Vodka recently, just to see what’s all out there. Like I do with every bottle I bring home is put it in the freezer. In my experience, I’ve never had vodka freeze into chucks and completely freeze-burn my tongue and mouth until I did a shot of Fris Vodka. Highly disappointed, probably won’t buy again.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Brian

    5 *****

    Fris is my new favorite vodka by a considerable margin, Previous vodkas I have enjoyed ranked from least to most favorable include Boru, Tenure, Sobieski, Luksusowa, Prairie Organic, Russian Standard…I rank Fris even above Prairie and Russian Standard. This is saying ALOT considering I’d give Prairie and Russian Standard a 9/10. Fris has managed to get a 10/10 from me. Best vodka on planet earth I’ve tried.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Mike

    5 *****

    Friz startled me at the initial gulp (i gulp, yes). I was surprised at the fact that it didn’t leave such a burning feeling in me like most vodkas do. I was overcome by joy when I took the next gulp and realized this was no mind game or grand illusion. I am in love. The only vodka I drink now and I never have to hear my friends talking about Circoc this, New Amsterdam that, Grey Goose blah blah. They all happily drink Friz and never heard one complaint about a hangover. Wish I could freeze distill my life lol.



  • Fris Vodka Review By jasondcmunk

    5 *****

    I liked Frïs it was recommended to me by a friend and goes down super smooth one of my top 10 Vodkas and the price in Utah is more around $22 for 750ml but worth it. I enjoy Vodka on ice and this has no after burn or gas taste. Give it a try if its in your store.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Zip

    5 *****

    I like to think of myself as one who truly enjoys a good vodka. I’m sorry to say this, for the horribly irresponsible nature of it, but I believe the benchmark of a great vodka is how it affects one who has over-indulged. Now I will note that Fris was pleasantly smooth. And as has been previously commented, it’s burn was quickly replaced by a comfortable burst of warmth in my body. I found that (as per the label) the mouthfeel was astonishingly mellow, another benchmark of a great vodka. I’ve observed over the years that if you can’t easily hold it in your mouth, you can’t easily hold it in your belly. Which leads me to my final point: over indulgence. Other vodkas in this same price range tend to sour my stomach for most of the next day after consuming a little too much. Fris is what you could call a weeknight liquor. If you’re into that. So in summary and in conclusion, easy going down, fast, clean, and smooth. An amazing value.



    • Fris Vodka Review By Bxb

      I have to agree with Zip about the “weeknight liquor” aspect of Fris. Actually was reading the review and comments wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing as we were experiencing from this lovely product. I have found that, as I get closer and closer to knocking on the backdoor of 50 y.o., even two or three drinks can result in a noticeable “green and fuzziness” the next morning – which is even more noticeable in the fast paced office environment I work in where any loss of edge can make for a long unpleasant day. Amazingly, my friends and I have noticed that even five or six shots of Fris do not produce any issues the following day aside from some mild dehydration. Obviously this product has a very low quantity of the congeners and other toxins normally present in most liquors. For that reason alone, I would be very happy to drink this stuff even if it didn’t taste quite as good as some other products – but alas, it is IMHO smoother and more delicious than most of what you will find even on the top shelf, and all at one third the price.


      • Fris Vodka Review By DrParty

        I agree with this sentiment very much. I’ve tried a lot of different alcohols and to me, Fris is one of the cleanest; by clean I mean lacks a terrible hangover feeling the next morning. I never drink monday-thursday so I wouldn’t know about a “weeknight liquor” but I’ve pretty much isolated Fris as the vodka of choice, because I’ve literally been close to functional 5 hours after a pretty decent binge (not driving, just interacting with the teetotaling in-laws), and I’m closer to 40 than 30. This is not easy to accomplish with most other brands, as you all know. If anyone has a suggestion for an even cleaner vodka please advise, because this is a pretty handy attribute. All in all I’d vote this a 9 out of 10, and if you consider the price, 11 out of 10.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Eric

    No Rating

    After some careful research and beings that I work for a liquor store I found out why it is so smooth. Where as normal heat distillation heats the mash ( or wart ) to between 173 and 212 degrees and then collects the gas into liquid form as alcohol it leaves behind fusal alcohols ( that burn taste ), basically impurities…now Fris traps those fusal alcohols by freeze distillation, pulls them out leaving a pure spirit free of harsh impurities. I love this vodka…quite possibly my favorite.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Allen Rorke

    5 *****

    As I began drinking Frïs I was fine and pleasantly surprised with the smooth taste. But as I continued to drink, a change occurred; my brain began to revolt against itself, causing mass confusion of my morals, fine motor skills, and least of all my sexuality. I would recommend this Vodka to anyone that is curious as to what the inside of the inside of a black hole looks like. 5 out of 5 stars; would drink again.

    Allen Rorke


  • Fris Vodka Review By jim

    2 *****

    my wife is the fris drinker so i drink it to retired saves money. in the glass bottle i liked it smooth good taste. since the switch taste harsh like grain alcohol . trying to get my wife to change her drink.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Melissa

    5 *****

    I really love Fris vodka. Is Fris vodka glutin free?



    • Fris Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

      All distilled spirits should be gluten free. The distillation process removes all of the source material from the pure ethanol. The only chance of adding gluten back is if some of the source material manages to make its way back into the spirit after distillation is complete.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Jan

    No Rating

    I have my first bottle of Fris Vodka and it hasn’t been opened yet. It looks like there are small particles inside the bottle floating around. Looks like bits of plastic, glass or fibers of some sort. Does this sound normal???



    • Fris Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

      If it’s been in the freezer, that is probably just ice crystals. If not, that sounds really weird.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Sobczak

    1 *****

    Not the best vodka, plastic bottles suck anyways no matter what liquor it is. I found my experience with fris was ok didn’t get me to the level I wanted to be at but for Scandinavia or (invented in Scandinavia) it wasn’t bad still rate this a one out of five might try again someday but as of now I’ll keep shopping



  • Fris Vodka Review By Loren

    1 *****

    Bad vodka. I took a chance on it given the early good reviews. Blech.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Ben Twang

    3 *****

    Four stars in a glass bottle.
    Two stars in a plastic bottle.

    The glass bottled Fris is remarkably clean-tasting, with a slight menthol bite. It’s best in a martini with a twist, or in a vodka tonic. The plastic bottled Fris should be decanted so the plastic taste (that’s what everyone is tasting) can evaporate.

    Ben Twang


  • Fris Vodka Review By PHIL

    4 *****




  • Fris Vodka Review By Chris

    No Rating

    So disappointed this is now only in plastic. Taste different in plastic. Hopefully they switch back to glass or I won’t be buying this again. Glass is much better for the flavor. I do not buy any alcohol in plastic



  • Fris Vodka Review By Parker

    5 *****

    OK,what are you doing.I’ve been drinking Fris for 4 yrs.Now i can’t find it at my stores.One store said you were making a new bottle.It did’nt stop me from buying vodka last time you change your bottle.So what is up? Parker



  • Fris Vodka Review By Rell

    No Rating

    *Fris* wow!! Definitely at the top of my list of vodkas! There’s hardly no harshbess and the overall taste and quality is superb! Unlike many well known and expensive vodkas, Fris offers great taste, quality distillation and not to sound cliche, ” THE BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK!” On a scale of 1-10, Fris is definitely an 8 or above in my book. So to all of the real vodka drinkers that haven’t tried Fris, what are you waiting for? Hop on the boat and enjoy a great drinking experience!



    • Fris Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      I agree that Fris is a very good vodka and a great value,too. I think that it is as good or better than Svedka, but is not as popular due to a weak advertising campaign compared to Svedka. A distinction that Fris has is its unique filtering process which seems to do a superior job of removing impurities and possibly reducing hangovers.


  • Fris Vodka Review By artribak

    No Rating

    I tested several people including myself, couldn’t tell the difference between Fris and Grey Goose



  • Fris Vodka Review By Dan

    No Rating

    I got a bottle of it and it has been a part of many fun times, for someone who really doesn’t like the burn of alcohol this was very pleasant to drink, and well it gets you tipsy that’s the idea right? lol



  • Fris Vodka Review By Jeremy

    No Rating

    I also enjoy Fris. My friends drink Taaka and since I introduced them to Fris, they have been buying it ever since. I would like to see more insight into the production process. It says Fris is freeze distilled and continually 6 colum processed. What exactly does this mean? and how does this affect the final product as compared to other vodkas? Email me directly if you like.



    • Fris Vodka Review By Robert

      @Jeremy, Based on what I’ve read, “freeze distilled” just means they make the vodka so cold that the impurities freeze. Presumably they either rise to the top or sink to the bottom and are removed. Traditionally distilling is done with heat. The alcohol boils at a lower temperature than the rest of the the solution, which allows for separating the alcohol. The “continual 6 column process” refers to continuous distillation. To quote Wikipedia, “Continuous distillation, a form of distillation, is an ongoing separation in which a mixture is continuously (without interruption) fed into the process and separated fractions are removed continuously as output streams.”

      I’ve been told that most modern distillation processes are more like continuous distillation, but I haven’t corroborated that with anyone in the vodka industry. There are plenty of vodkas that are a result of continuous distillation, though. Either way, Fris believes that their freeze distilling and continuous distilling processes result in a better vodka with fewer impurities. For the dollar, Fris is a great vodka. So, they are doing something right. Does it make Fris better than other vodkas that use a different process? That’s highly debatable.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Matt in Denver

    No Rating

    One of the best tasting vodkas I’ve had for any price. Smooth, crisp, and yet you still know you are drinking a vodka. I tried this eight years ago after reading an article in United Airlines in flight magazine, and it was rated their #1 vodka regardless of price. I am NEVER disappointed with Fris. The price is just the icing on the cake!

    Matt in Denver


    • Fris Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      I purchased a bottle of Fris recently to compare the martini it makes with the open bottle of Sobieski that I’ve been nursing for several weeks now. The vodka has a neutral and mellow aroma with little hint of alcohol.The martini it makes is quite good, with lots of sweet flavor that complements the vermouth very well. The martini is very smooth, and has virtually no bite or burn when swallowed. The only real flaw is a mild bitterness that grows and lingers in the aftertaste. Compared to Sobieski, Fris has a little more flavor, is a little smoother, and avoids its mild (though not unpleasant) bite. However, Sobieski avoids Fris’ bitter and slightly unpleasant aftertaste, and makes a crisper and overall more enjoyable martini. Thought it has been a while since I’ve had Svedka, I think that Fris is very similar, but with a little sweeter flavor. In the end, I would give Fris 4 stars, and place it behind Sobieski and before Svedka. All in all, these three are very good vodkas, and are greats bargains.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Misty

    4 *****

    Just bought a 1.75 liter bottle in Portland (Woodstock liquor) for $19.95. Great deal, very drinkable! I always mix my vodka (right now with sweet tea!) and this is awesome for that purpose.



    • Fris Vodka Review By AS

      Ha, I just bought a bottle at the Woodstock liquor store too. :)

      I’m no connoisseur, but I agree that this stuff is smooth.


  • Fris Vodka Review By DroppedGT

    No Rating

    Being limited on my Vodka knowledge (thought smirnoff was excellent for who knows how many liters) I make a jump to Stoli and that changed my world. I don’t think I will ever try it again after seeing Fris as a choice on the shelf. I have tried Popov and Aristocrat so I definitely know the bottom end vs Stoli. As for Fris I perfer to mix my vodka’s 50/50 with white grape juice. Fris was so dirt cheap I was expecting the worst but after the first half of my glass it was clear this vodka was on par with above average players. I’m not sure what burn is being experienced by the reviewer but it was prevalent in SToli and smirnoff, this on the other hand does not burn me. It is insanely smooth but does leave some sort of aftertaste but compared to the $9 it cost me for 750ml I don’t give a …..

    Price is next to free
    Taste is great
    Try it.



  • Fris Vodka Review By bigcor23

    2 *****

    I recently had the opportunity to try Fris. Initially this vodka was fairly smooth. Some minor bitternes that faded quickly and a small amount of burn. It mixed well with cranberry and or orange juice (together or separate). Then I tried it in an appletini… The bitterness of the vodka was overpowering. I could easily taste the bitthernes of the vodka over the apple puker and the swet and sour. Fris is an alright vodka. for a simple mix, but I would not use it fot coctails.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Rob

    No Rating

    I really agree with your assessment on Fris. I bought a 1.75 Liter of this after proclaiming Svedka was my new favorite. There was no doubt that the Fris had a little more body (or bitterness) in the mouth, and I agree with your observation that it goes down smooth. I was not crazy with the idea that it’s made from wheat. I don’t think it’s quite as clean and smooth as Svedka, yet it makes a very enjoyable martini. I can’t get myself to admit that’ I won’t ever buy it again.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Don

    No Rating

    I tried Fris and loved it. Will never purchase Kettle or Stoli again. Great vodka, great price.



  • Fris Vodka Review By Sean

    No Rating

    I tied this stuff at your suggestion and I was blown away. I actually prefer it to the more premium stuff I’ve had. It burns for a second then that burn is replaced by a sort of happy warmth in my chest. This is the only vodka that’s ever done that for me.



    • Fris Vodka Review By Robert

      Awesome! Glad we could help.


  • Fris Vodka Review By Fred

    No Rating

    I just bought a 1.75 Liter bottle for around 19 bucks, which seems to be a steal, I’ve never tried Fris before but recognized the name, and for the price, decided to give it a go. So-Far so good, I tried a mixed drink with it and love it so far, I’ll write more after I try a shot.



    • Fris Vodka Review By Robert

      Frïs is a great vodka for the dollar. It’s not the best budget shooter (Svedka or Sobieski would be my recommendation) but it isn’t bad. Let us know what you think!


  • Fris Vodka Review By Richard

    4 *****

    I just bought a bottle of Fris and think it tastes great. Top notch vodka for the $20 1.75 liter price range. My wife is the vodka person, I usually drink Bourbon/Whiskey. I think she will be as pleased as I am. If anyone wants a low calorie vodka drink, mix it with propel zero. Cheers Everyone



  • Fris Vodka Review By jane

    No Rating

    almost matches Tito’s at half the price.
    Tito’s is still my favorite. “almost” means
    O.Bloom almost matches M.Damon.
    for the record, i’ve met OB on the set
    of “Main Street”. never even been in the
    same state as MD.



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