
5 StarStarStarStarStar

Sobieski is a 40% ABV vodka from Poland. The vodka is produced by Destylarmia Sobieski S.A. and imported by Imperial Brands, Inc.. The quality is considered to be amazing. The average price is around $31.79 per 750mL. Rated 5 out of 5 based on 54 reviews.What did you pay?

The bottle states the following:

Sobieski Vodka. Distilled from 100% pure Dankowskt rye. Imported from Poland.

Sobieski Vodka Review

5 StarStarStarStarStar

Sobieski has an interesting marketing campaign. That is, they don’t really have one. They tout the lack of celebs, babes, and fancy stuff. Sobieski wants to be known for their vodka, and they also want the world to know their Polish heritage. Maybe most importantly, they want the world to know vodka’s Polish heritage. All of these are laudable goals.

I won’t pretend that I haven’t had most vodkas I review. Sobieski is an interesting case, however, as it hasn’t been widely released in America. So, I get the interesting chance to make up my mind about a new premium vodka in a public space.

The Shot

I let the first shot be an introduction. Like shaking someone’s hand the first time, you pay attention to the details of how they grasp your hand. It always feels foreign. The second time is more familiar. You know what to expect and you start to pick up the finer points. Vodka is no different.

Sobieski has a bitter-sweet flavor. It reminds me of what Belvedere (a widely known Polish rye vodka) wanted to be. Belvedere came across as just bitter. Sobieski has sweet tones that Belvedere lacks. In fact, the sweetness that Belvedere lacks is exactly what makes Sobieski a good shooter. It goes down smooth with only a mild burn and doesn’t need a chaser. The sweet tones stick around after the swallow.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Sobieski in a tried-and-true screw driver. Sobieski is a great mixer. The sweet tones from the shot really mesh well with the Simply Orange Juice. The screwdriver is easy to drink and enjoy.


Given the fact that I got an early release of Sobieski, I really felt that it was my duty to see what the general American public felt about the vodka. I happened to be at a pool party. So, I sampled as many people as I could with Sobieski screw drivers.

  • Donielle was taken aback by the great taste of the vodka. It sounded like she was used to lesser quality vodkas, and was surprised by how smooth Sobieski is.
  • Heather said it didn’t have a bitter taste and it wasn’t too sweet. She said it was smooth and you could gulp it if you wanted.
  • Erin said Sobieski was good. You could barely taste it in the mixer and it didn’t have an aftertaste.

Historically, this is a great response to a vodka from tasters. Typically, people point out the short comings instead of positives. So, this is a unique response. As far as I’m concerned, Sobieski is a great addition to the American vodka market and easily beats many widely known “ultra premium” vodkas. Pick up a bottle as soon as you can.

Rated 5 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

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  • Sobieski Vodka Review By vodkagurl26

    5 *****

    I have been drinking Svedka for a while but decided to try Sobieski after finding this site. I got some today at my local liquor store and it was $16.99 for a 1.75ml bottle. I had a little Svedka left so I decided to take a shot of each to do a comparison. This vodka is a little smoother than Svedka and it is very good. There was hardly any burn after I swallowed the shot. I made an appletini and it was awesome, you hardly taste the vodka and that is how I like my mixed drinks. Very very smooth I am very impressed. I will be buying this from now on. I have a friend that says she only drinks the best (Grey Goose) but I will have to take my Sobieski to her house one night and let her taste the REAL best of those two because Grey Goose is horrible and very overrated LOL.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

      Get your friend out of the “Price Hype:
      Goose is awful.
      Just because something is expensive doesnt make it good
      There are so many “budget” spirits out there better than premium versions.
      Dickel beats Jack in that way for Tennesse Whiskey.
      Ezra Brooks beats Beam or Evan Williams the same way.
      “Premium” is a marketing ploy.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Geralt

        Evan Eilliams isn’t expensive and it’s good.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jake Stone

      I agree about the Grey Goose. Might as well drink badly flavored water.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Vodkologist

    No Rating

    I was trapped in the “How many times distilled” hype and shopping at my local spirits store for a good vodka. I was reading labels, “triple distilled”, “distilled five times”, then I ran across a bottle with an interesting collar ad that simply said “Distilled Enough”. It was a Polish vodka (that’s a plus in my opinion). The low price kind of scared me ( I hate most budget vodkas) but what the heck, I decided to give it a try. WOW!.. To my surprise this is some of the best vodka I’ve had at any price. Ive been a Sobieski advocate now for the past 6 months.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Finn

    5 *****

    I was skeptical at first, but after hearing rants and raves from all corners of the vodka world, I decided to give it a try. This vodka is smooth. How smooth? So smooth, that for a split second after it hit my tongue, I thought I had been cheated and given a bottle of water. Then I got a slightly grainy taste on my tongue that was warm, but didn’t burn in the least. The warmth continued as I swallowed it, and I was still wondering if my vodka was watered down until I began to feel it: a clean, pure buzzed feeling. This may not be the best vodka in the world, but it is by far the best I have had at its price point, and will probably be the only vodka I will buy from now on.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Roxanne Peele

      Would you compare it to Cîroc ? That is my preference, but its very expensive where I live. With cîroc, there is no hangover or bad taste


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mitchell

    No Rating

    At 3 times the price, it would still be a good deal. This is a really good vodka. I got a first bottle to balance out my expensive stuff. When I finally tried it a few weeks later, I kept questioning my memory of it being cheap. The 2nd bottle confirmed it; it’s cheap, and it’s really good. It’s now moved in to my #2 spot behind only Imperia.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @Mitchell Don’t give them any ideas! After the taste, the price is my favorite thing about this vodka ;)


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Dan

    4 *****

    I am simply confused; help me out here. Let me start with some background.

    Okay, our go-to vodka is Square One; love it and only the drawback is price because my wife and I drink four ounces each per sitting usually with premium concord grape juice or premium cranberry juice (Lakewood brand). We were looking for a less expensive rye based vodka alternative. So based on the reviews I read primarily at Vodkabuzz (great, great resource by the way, thanks!), last night we tried our normal cocktails with the Sobieski. But first we did a side-by-side comparison between the Square and Sobieski straight. We both picked the Sobieski in the taste test; my wife did it blind and was surprised to have picked the Sobieski over Square–Sobieski is much smoother. We used our specialty tasting classes to get all the enhancements from swirling to bring out aroma profiles, etc. for tasting the full character of spirits (my wife is Irish, so you can imagine…she loves Irish whiskies too).

    Okay, here’s my “I could use some help” moment: I am seriously asking if there’s some sort of additive in the Sobieski. I ask because it is quite unusually smooth and mellow for the price point. But not smooth like I’m normally used to; smooth like something is covered over or “hidden” with an additive(s) or sweetener(s). I’ve read, and please correct me if I’m wrong here, that some companies will use additives to smooth out their vodkas, this includes glycerine and/or sugar. Is this true? There’s very little I’ve found on researching this, and the information I’ve found is only from someone else’s description of the distillation processes of some vodka distillers. The other reason I’m asking this about the Sobieski is that we both felt there was something missing–like the mid-palate was absent from the taste profile in the straight taster and in the mixed drinks we had. My wife kept saying, “It tastes ‘watered down,’ but it works…”

    Lastly, we both definitely felt that our “buzz” from our normal cocktails are “clean” using the Square, whereas we both felt a bit off with the Sobieski afterwards, and a bit off the next morning for me–nothing like a hangover, so don’t get me wrong, but just an “off” sort of feeling we are not accustom to with the four ounces of Square we normally drink.

    If it weren’t for the above factors I described [and trust me, my wife and I both wished it were different because of the price difference between the Square @ $35 versus Sobieski @ $13 (both Bevmo prices by the way)] our go-to vodka would definitely be the Sobieski. We were both quite stunned by the taste and smoothness for the price point. But again, we are left wondering about additives to cover some sort of undesirable flavor profile or something because of the effects of the buzz were so different than with our normal Square One. And, we picked the Sobieski because we thought it would be comparing like with like with the Square because both are distilled from Rye.

    Any insights from anyone please? Thank you all in advance.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

      I don’t know of any additives in Sobieski. They may just do that good of a job with the distillation and filtering process. It’s been a few years since I tried Square One, so I can’t make a fair comparison. “Legally”, I believe vodkas are allowed to have a small percentage of citric acid added to them without calling the vodka flavored. I found an article on The Art of Drink that tests for glycerol in a few major brands and they all test with insignificant amounts. That is, enough to say that there was none purposefully added if I read the results correctly. My guess is that it’s not so much “off” as it is “different.” From what I understand, rye is a very difficult base to work with, and I’d guess that varying results should be expected.

      Sorry for the delay. I’ve been trying for a week to find a time where I could give you a fair reply.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        I am not aware of any additives in any of these higher end vodkas, so I may simply be a bit naive. Regardless, I have to say that I find myself time and again being surprised how wonderful Sobieski is when I try it again after having strayed for a while to other more expensive vodkas that I enjoy. The only two vodkas that I have experienced that are noticeably smoother and more refined than Sobieski are Crystal Head and Jean Marc XO. Other great vodkas, such as Americana Luxury Vodka, Luksusova, and Zyr are not any better than Sobieski; just more expensive. Sobieski is a win/win for taste and affordability.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Naga

      Thanks you for mentioning the ‘buzz’ factor. A clean happy buzz is how differential alcohols. KetelOne is my choice and I’m looking forward to trying ‘Square’. Thanks for posting the good info.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By William

      Sobieski has no additives. To be frank, and no offense intended, I think you and your wife fell victims to some self-inflicted mind games — I truly have no idea what you mean regarding the “off” feeling or the missing flavor, and I drink a LOT of different vodkas!


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

      Tasting Classes?
      Sounds like you put too much stock in what others consider “good”
      Taste is subjective. They have proven with blind taste tests that even Wine Snobs 75% of the time prefer “cheaper” wine over a good wine.
      I Drink…
      Sobieski is my go to Vodka.
      It used to Monopolowa.
      But a friend turned me on to Sobi.
      I have other friends that only drink Grey Goose.
      I tell them they are chumps.
      GG SUCKS!
      Especially for the price.
      Square One?
      Is a bullshit marketing ploy.
      Square One is no better than any Mid-Grade Vodka out there.
      I’ll take Deep Eddy or Enchanted Rock any day over Square One,
      And Both are lower in price than Square One.
      The fact that you know oz measurements exactly for your consumption is a kicker also.
      It screams “Hipster Too Cool For School”
      Which means you are not really a connisseur drinker at all. You are either really old and snobby, or styled beard wearing hipster who wants to be “cool.”
      2oz will not give any “buzz” to even a pre-pubescent child, so your “off” feeling that aspect was either psycho-somatic or a flat out lie.
      Sobieski is AWESOME.
      Square One is good. But for the price. And the fact that they push “Organic” (which, when it comes to Spirits is stupid because the distillation process filters out anything that would be problematic with non-organic grown grains (or potatoes….) Blind Taste tests have shown 100% of people CANNOT tell the difference between “Organically Grown” and “Conventionally Grown” Veggies and Starches. Look it up.
      I suggest Penn and Tellers Bullshit episode on organics.
      In essence…your review is akin to snobbery.
      I believe if Sobi said Organic and had a more expensive price, you would have not have felt…”off” as you say.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By cjinsomniac

    5 *****

    Drinking it right now. Sobi is a killer to even most high-dollar brands. I personally like it better than Tito’s, less burn on the back end, and a sweetness which all but eclipses the bitter note. My only problem with Sobi is it’s entirely too easy to drink, and too easy to afford, for my own good.

    This is a great site and forum, and I tried Tito’s and Sobi after reading reviews and comments here. Will try some others when my tax return gets here.

    Thanks to Robert and all those whose comments steered me away from less deserving and more expensive liquors.

    I was a Scotch drinker but have switched to vodka for its economy and lower level of hangover toxins.

    Tito’s and Sobi have given me a chance to appreciate fine liquors outside of my normal stomping grounds.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By cjinsomniac

      This is better for sipping than Tito’s IMHO, which is crazy to me, in that I never would have believed any vodka could be a sipping drink. Taking shots with unsweetened iced tea with lime, have also mixed with OJ and Xenergy, it’s all good.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        @cjinsomniac, it is stunning how great Sobieski is for the price. Actually, it is stunning how great Sobieski is, period. ;)


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Daniel

        R.i serious that’s how we do exactly


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mike

    5 *****

    I’ve been drinking Sobieski for a few years now.

    Every once in a while I stray away from sobi and buy a “top shelf” vodka, thinking im in for a treat. but am reminded as soon as I shoot the first shot why the price of vodka is in no way a reflection of taste or flavor.

    Sobieski is a well rounded spirit, worthy of kings lips and a golden price tag and yet the brand is humble and they let the vodka speak for itself.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

      Perfect Review.
      I have yet to find a “PREMIUM” Vodka that even compares…
      Grey Goose?
      Both overpriced gutter Vodkas.
      With Ciroc being IMO no better than Skol or Popov…and for the price, just total shit.
      GG is crap also.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Miki

    5 *****

    After reading several vodka reviews I picked up a 750ml bottle of Sobieski at $8.99 to use for vanilla extract production. I tried it straight from the bottle to make sure it was the right flavor choice,. I was amazed at the smooth fresh neutral taste. With a slight sweetness and a hint of citrus tones. I’m certain it will make great vanilla extract. I would say without a doubt this is one of the best vodkas for under ten bucks one can find in the US.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mikael Rauch

    No Rating

    This is a wonderful vodka. I normally have drank rye whisky since I have moved to Amerika, but have found myself drinking very much vodka lately. The vodkas in Amerika are mostly not very good . . . They tout Grey Goose as being the best, but even Platinum vodka is better than Grey Goose in my humble opinion. My new friends would drink such things as Monarch vodka in mixed drinks, but I decided that these friends needed to learn to love good alcohol. Since the only thing they don’t mix with things is rye whisky, I found Sobieski . . . A rye vodka. This vodka makes me very reminiscent of my home, it is warm and smooth. This vodka makes the same feeling as rye whisky, it makes the warmth and coziness. Perfect for the cold winter nights!

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

      Its America. With a C….not a K.
      Most use K in an insulting way to refer to my country.
      Hopefully this is not the case as it seems you’re from somewhere else originally.
      But as for The Vodka…
      You are right. Its awesome straight.
      PS: Try George Dickle 12 Whisky. (not WhiskEy but Whisky) Non Rye…but. SOOOO Good straight…


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By The Matts

      Just a point of clarification; GG is French, not American. Granted, far too many people here view it as a gold standard. Which to me, is a touch akin to touting oneself as the best bullfighter in Alaska. But I digress.

      Let me add my addle minded opinion to that of, what seems to be, the prevailing consensus; Sobi is a fantastic voddy, especially given its ever-so-humble price point. Smooth as a baby’s bum with just a wee nip of spice from the loveliness that is rye, it exemplifies and further evidences the inherent superiority of Polish Wodka. Na Zdrowie!


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By jusdit

    4 *****

    I will save my excellent, but as a voka drinker, it beats most”premium” vodka. I had a lot of vodka’s. The best way to measure a vodka is to have it straight….it passed with high marks. I can give this vodka anyone or put it in any bottle and people would think they were drinking their brand. jusdit

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Michael

    5 *****

    First off, I have always hated vodka. The thought of drinking vodka would cause me maximum shrinkage if you know what I mean. Second, with the exception of gin, I don’t mix or water down my booze. If one has to mix it you need to look for something else… OK, on with the review. I tried Sobieski. I poured some in a glass at room temp. As I brought it to my lips I could feel my colon start to tighten… I took a small sip….. Swished it around a bit….. Took another…… And another…. Now I drink the damn stuff every night. Wow! I gave up Wild Turkey 101 for this. No regrets! I found I like it room temp better than chilled. I cannot believe I like this stuff. I have hated vodka my whole like.. This stuff is a class act.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      This vodka is one of those that can be a game changer for those expecting the worst from vodka, especially an inexpensive vodka. Regardless of its shallow price, it is deep on quality, and I hope that it stays that way for a long, long time.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Marius

    4 *****

    “Sobieski has an interesting marketing campaign. That is, they don’t really have one. They tout the lack of celebs”

    Excuse me? They’re using Bruce Willis as a testimonial, very prominently. Seriously, they’re running about as aggressive a marketing campaign as a company of that size can afford (or can’t, given Belvedere SA’s financial woes lately). Sure, it contains a lot of bullshit about how they’re only focused on the product, yadda yadda, but that’s exactly part of the story they’re trying to craft. And some people fall for it quite effectively ;-)

    But on to the product: it’s good, no doubt. It’s mild on the entry, with little harshness and not an unpleasant aftertaste. I’d call it very balanced. And the price is very reasonable. Definitely far better than the overhyped likes of Grey Goose or the “super-premium” versions of brands like Stolichnaya for a lot less money.

    Speaking of which, there now seems to be a “super-premium” version of Sobieski called “Sobieski Estate”, supposedly a “single rye”. I haven’t tried it and don’t know in which markets it’s available (I’ve seen it in some European countries). It’s about twice as costly as the regular stuff.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      That newer “Estate” version seems intriguing given the original version’s virtues. Do you know how much more expensive the “better” version will be?


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Marius

        Sobieski Estate is sold at about 22 – 27 € in Austria and Germany for the 0.7 litre bottle. The regular stuff is sold at about half this price (10 – 15 €), which is also where most regular big-name brand vodkas are. I’ve also seen it in the UK but don’t remember the price.

        (Note that liquor pricing is extremely location dependent so I don’t know how much it’s going to be in your place of the world. That’s not just because of taxes and such: some brands seem to use entirely different pricing strategies depending on country, so what’s considered a good value spirit here may be an overpriced luxury beverage there, and vice versa.)


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Dave

    No Rating

    I picked it up on a whim. I usually buy stuff like Three Olives or Belvedere but was sick of the hole it was burning in my wallet.

    It was $11 and the last time I bought a fifth that cheap it ended with me cuddling with my toilet and a hangover the size of Russia. So I was a little hesitant. But Polish vodkas have never failed me before and I just wanted to get a nice buzz going.

    It’s great. First shot instantly took me back to the first time I took had one in a Krakow bar. This is now my vodka of choice. And for $12 it’s impossible to go wrong.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By AZWolverine

    4 *****

    Because I spent 3 weeks of my life in Poland, and enjoyed ALL of it, I am pre-disposed to enjoy Polish vodka, of which I imbibed quite heavily in 1983. In terms of Polish vodka I generally prefer the potato variety, but Sobieski may be the best pure spirit vodka I’ve ever tried. Tito’s Handmade is my favorite overall, but when it comes to basic vodka, Sobieski gets my vote!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By montmtg

    No Rating

    Sobieski is owned by the same company that makes Belvedere even though Sobieski is far above Belveder in taste. Bruce Willis is now the spokesman for Sobieski and the company sponsored and paid for a party for several hundred Veterans on board the USS Interpid on Nov. 10th. If you still need a reason to give it a try look at the price then compare the quality. This vodka is much better then the Grey Goose or would it be Geese of the world, and priced $7. to $8. less than the premium brands.

    Only downside, it is so damn hard to find.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Brad R

      The woman at my liqour store recommended Pinnacle over Vikingfjord, which I had been drinking. It was nmuch better, though still had somewhat of that rubbing alcohol odor, and too many bitter notes for me. I started reading review about Pinnacle, and came to this site, where I began reading rave reviews about Sobieski. I have seen it before, yet it is on the BOTTOM shelf at my liquor store, so I have always overlooked it. Mind you this store also seems to work from left to right as well, so It wasn’t next to monarch or 5 star or anything ;)

      I just opened the bottle and took my first shot. I was surprised at the lack of the odor when smelling it. It was more sweet smelling then sterilizing. The shot was nice, it was sweet and smooth, and had just enough burn. I only tasted the slightest bit of bitterness, that faded fast.

      I’m a cheapo, and Pinnacle is 9.95 here, Sobieski 12.95 (on sale)

      I suppose I will have to have a few more before I decide if it’s that much better than pinnacle to change brands.

      Appreciative for finding it nonetheless!! I like this site :)


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

        @Brad I’m glad we could help! I’d definitely recommend Sobieski over Pennacle any day. You might also try Svedka. Sobieski and Svedka are around the same price but Svedka seems to have better distribution. Cheers!


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Tony Diggs

    No Rating

    I found this vodka in NW Iowa for the first time. Price vs. quality, this vodka is the real deal. Hopefully, the price won’t go out of sight when everyone finds out how good this is. Great taste! Great value!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By bobthewelder

    5 *****

    I like this one, it is a toss up between this one and Svedka for us. I buy whickever is cheaper that day.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Scott

    3 *****

    I find Sobieski just … OK. I’m not a fan of the aftertaste. As always though, I compare based only on drinking it neat. I don’t see how it’s possible to detect the sweetness of a vodka in a screwdriver, given how much sugar is in the orange juice.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Scott

      OK, this is me again, updating my review, a bit over 3 years later. I only just now tried Sobieski again, and I’m not sure what was going on the first time around. I now find it a very clean, agreeable vodka. Moreover, it doesn’t give me a headache, like some others (e.g. Smirnoff) always do. Given all these factors, it’s now my go-to vodka.

      I didn’t care for Ketel One the first time I tried it, either. But about a year ago, I tried it again, and loved it. I doubt both vodkas changed, so it must be me. (Oh no! I’ve violated Internet Rule #1: “Never admit being an imperfect human.” Damn. Oh well.)

      Well, I’d change the 3/5 to a 5/5 if I could.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By SIEGHILD

    5 *****

    Bought a bottle of 1.75L yesterday, tried a shot of it. The taste was really impressive at room temperature, which somehow reminded me of the combination of Chopin (potato) and Monopolowa, yet more gental. It didn’t burn at all; smelled far away ( like 5 billion miles away) from rubbing alcohol; faint sweetness came right after slight bitterness.

    Only thing bugged me is that the plastic bottle; it gives me the impression of cheap vodka from local CVS.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Neil

    No Rating

    Did a blind taste test with smirnoff. Not even close, Sobieski is smoother.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By abenoseimei

    No Rating

    Wifey and I just killed my 2nd bottle (I killed the 1st) in a Cape Codder marathon. She gave me hell for only buying the 750 mL when I foolishly told her that it was also available at our local packy in 1.75 L. We’ve been drinking Stoli for many, many years. Now we can drink twice as much. PS. I read about it here first.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By bigcor23

    3 *****

    A slight btterness but very good. I would compare it Svedka. Mixes well and very affordable. I would recomend this to anyone who is just a casual vodka drinker looking good babg for the buck

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Scott Z.

    No Rating

    I FULLY agree with your review. I am Polish and have tried most all Vodka’s available to me where I live, in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. When shopping at a regular supermarket the other day, I saw Sobieski priced at $10.08 a bottle!!! It was cheaper than any other Vodka, so a first I assumed it must be ‘rough’ & nasty. Upon reading the container (the bottle was attractively enclosed in a fancy cardboard tube package with a metal lid and bottom), I became very intrigued. How could something priced this low look so good and expensive?! I decided to go for it. (I mean, come on, $11.98??!!) Not expecting much, when I tried it straight, mixed with cranberry juice or, lemonade, as you said, I must say I literally shocked! How could it be this vodka is better in my opinion than any ‘premium’ high priced vodka?! I don’t know, but now know I am a convert. Again, I fully agree with your well written review!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jason

    5 *****

    Very cheap, but great. It has some initial bite, but finishes smooth with no horrible aftertaste. I would not hesitate to buy this one again, especially if I’m wanting to save some money.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Wodkaenthoosiast

    No Rating

    I have tried Sobiesk…now two bottles worth. It is a premium tasting vodka, at a price that is more than reasonable. The folks marketing this stuff should be able to make a killing: a smooth, great tasting vodka, that mixes well…and without the pretentiousness of certain other brands – however “fowl” they may be – let me say that I will take Sobieski anytime over the over priced brands. This is a damned good spirit. Try it as soon as you can find it.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      I think they’ve gone back on it now, but they were touting that the lack of advertising allowed them to keep the price down. Even if they are advertising more, the price for a bottle here in Alabama has dropped since I first saw it in stores. I like that, for sure.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By james.errico

    No Rating

    Sobieski is a great entry-level Polish vodka. Having said that, an entry level Polish vodka is still a pretty good place to start. Sobieski is a great deal, and a very easy drink when chilled. Recommended, and the bang for the buck is probably impossible to beat.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @James, Chopin is my favorite Polish vodka (and potato vodka, too). Sobieski, though, is a great vodka hands down, though. I get it more frequently than any other vodka recently because, as you said, the bang for the buck is impossible to beat.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Debbie Alonso

    5 *****


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      That’s because it is better than GG.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      That’s because it is better than the over rated GG.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Friz

    5 *****

    Just picked up a 1.75 bottle for $16.99. Liked the price and was in a glass bottle. Just picked up drinking vodka as a switch up for I love beer especially IPA’s . Started with Smirnoff and took a shot in the dark and bought this. Smoother than Smirnoff and will continue to buy this Vodka. The reviews here from some people that seem to know their vodka confirms why I will buy again

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Witcher

    5 *****

    If Geralt of Rivia was real, this would definitely be his go to vodka.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Small Woda

    4 *****

    Great wodka! Nice humming buzz in my head but a bit of a headache the next morning. No biggie, could have been a number of things and I am a big boy. At least I got to work. Wanna know the bit point with me other than the smooth taste of the shot? The bottle frosted up so well in the freezer. Silly but I felt like a Cossack warrior in Siberia pulling guard duty and slugging back a Russian sized shot of the stuff, but alas, no pickles. The price was acceptable and the wodka was very good. I may have found my new love, though, in New Amsterdam. Strange as it sounds, I will get the vodka at the best price in my tried and true line-up: SKYY, PINNACLE, STOLI, SOBI OR NEW AMSTERDAM. I will continue to try new ones as needed.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Sorrow Song

    5 *****

    Sobieski is in my opinion the best vodka in the world. I have been drinking Sobieski for about 7 years now. There is simply nothing that can compare when it comes to quality and taste for the price!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Kevin

    5 *****

    A smooth and pleasant vodka, best quality for price

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By thenastynash

    5 *****

    I bought it initially for the price (7.99 a fifth) but I will keep buying it for the quality. Great as a shot and mixed. Can’t believe how affordable it is. It’s cheaper than Smirnoff for Christ’s sake!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By mike in SD

    5 *****

    excellent mixing and that how i drink it. i squeeze fresh grapefruit or orange juice from the local california trees. smooth, nice filmy texture, disappears in the drink.

    i see it on special all the time and always grab a bottle for the freezer.

    seeing the other good reviews i may do a shot for reference…one must respect the opinions of others and my friend vodka hasn’t ever betrayed me like my old friend tequila so here’s to new experiences

    can’t go wrong with this. a solid addition to the line up

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mike G

    5 *****

    Best cheap vodka, period. I can get it for 15 bucks a half gallon. Thats outrageous for how good it is.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jeff

    No Rating

    Great vodka for the price try mixing with fanta cherry!

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Hammer238

      Mountain Dew High Voltage ( blue can ) mixes well with Sobi.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Chasetopher

    No Rating

    Little brothers liquor outlet in Flemington NJ has a plethora of flavored vodka from Sobieski. I haven’t tried any of them though. I don’t really fancy flavored vodka at all.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Chasetopher

    5 *****

    Just picked this up for the first time. For 13 dollars this stuff is as good as it gets. Exceptionally smooth on the rocks and makes for quite the powerful mixed drink. With this kind of taste for 13 bucks I don’t think I’ll ever touch new amsterdam, svedka, smirnoff, etc. Ever again.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mark

    5 *****

    I have tried most the high dollar vodka’s and also many cheaper brands. I was looking at the different types of vodka and just happened to see that Sobieski was distilled from rye as most are some other grain alcohol. I was pleasantly surprised with Sobieski is great tasting vodka. I have never tried Luksusowa but I will have to try this high dollar stuff. Way to go Sobieski for having a great taste with good price.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Margo

    4 *****

    Sobieski is great for the smoothness and straight-forward flavor that does not interfere with my enjoyment of the vodka itself. There are no strange aftertastes or interferences with the palette. We always have the big bottle on hand, you just can’t go wrong for a large party. The price is nice. Sobieski is great in either in a dirty martini or as a mixer with anything. You can even drink it plain over ice. It would be a 5, but I don’t prefer plastic bottles for the larger size.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Rushx9

    3 *****

    Meh. Not bad, but doesn’t live up to the hype. I tried it neat, in a screwdriver, and in a white russian and wasn’t impressed… I should mention that I prefer potato spirit to grain, so after tasting I was pretty bummed that I didn’t stick with the other Polish Vodka occupying the same area of the middle shelf- Luksosova! Now that’s a good Vodka! Perhaps it’s just the Rye, which most distillers add to cut sweetness, that get’s me. I don’t get the reviews that refer to Sobieski as ‘sweet’? I get spice and heat, not sweet! Also I find it quite sharp, which to me is on the other end of the spectrum as ‘smooth’. Oh well, you know what they say about opinions and buttholes!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By futurestar

    5 *****

    I prefer a grain based vodka over a potato distilled one like Luksusowa which is great for shots but does not work well mixed. Russian Standard has been my “go top shelf” for under $20.00 and under but Sobieski is awesome as a rye based vodka that cuts the Russian Standard price almost in half. I’d compare this favorably to the highly touted Reyka from Iceland and go so far as dare compare it to the infamous Patron tequila family that finances the Ultimat Vodka from Poland (blend of wheat, rye, and potato) sold in beautiful, blue glass decanters. This also keeps pace with the Swiss hard-to-find, red bottled, rye vodka Xcellent that touts their country honored red cross badge on the label if as it were a clinically approved spirit for emergencies and cure for any wounds. it’s the absence of impurities and foul after taste that spoils a great vodka. this one is clean, pure, a great mixer, plus easy on the pocket book which a big 5 banger
    in my book.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Max

    5 *****

    This is a fantastic vodka. I can’t believe the price point on it. My girlfriend loves burnetts, but it tastes like garbage compared to sobieski. In mixed drinks I get no bitterness whatsoever and on the rare occasion I shoot it I have no issues. I now know why it’s so popular on here. I don’t think I have any reason to purchase any other bottle of vodka.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By wurm45

    5 *****

    One of the best vodkas I have drunk. The taste is just fantastic.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ralph B

    5 *****

    This is a great vidka and stealing at the price.

    Has anyone had any luck finding flavors anywhere ? Here in Mass I have searched out every store and nobody carries the flavors. When I went to NJ I did find the flavors but only in the small bottle.

    Smirnoff you can find in all flavors anywhere but not Sobieski. :(

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By AJ

    5 *****

    Ive tried: Smirnoff (Rubbing alcohol swill) Abolut (not much better) Seagrams Extra Smooth (Rubbing Alcohol distilled 5x) Viking fjord (getting better) Luksusowa (Not bad) Stoli (Rubbing alcohol) and now Sobieski. GREAT STUFF! No foul medicinal odors, rubbing alcohol tastes which for me is a must NOT to smell or taste! This can be sipped or shot and it has a sublime aftertaste of toffe/caramel! Slightly sweet with a nice mild warming going down! Belvedere has these notes but ONLY in a fraction of the tastes and for its cost, WHY ON EARTH would you want to spend the extra money? Sobieski is a CLEAR WINNER not only in its price point but even if it were at Belvedere prices! I paid $10 for mine! Ive also infused some with Jolly Ranchers Watermelon and add Club Soda..NICE!

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      I agree that Sobieski is far better than the other vodkas that you’ve cited, except Luksusowa. I prefer Luksusowa slightly to Sobieski, especially in an extra dry martini up with olives. Both vodkas deserve a 5 star rating, in my opinion. However, it still is a better value than Luksusowa due to its exceptionally low price.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Patrick

    No Rating

    The best polish vodka is Sobieski, place 2-Gorzka żołądkowa, 3-Smirnoff. The best in the world is Sobieski and Absolut(from Sweden)

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By mukky105

    No Rating

    This is actually my 2nd favourite vodka. Great for mixing and pretty smooth for shots. My favourite is Luksusowa, be cool to see a review of that if you can get it where you are, it’s another great bang for your buck vodka.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      @mukky105, I agree that Sobieski is a terrific inexpensive vodka. I also agree that Luksosowa is even better, but a little less inexpensive. I have been shifting between the two as my affordable “house vodka” recently. ;)


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      I agree. I buy Luksusowa or Sobieski everytime I hit my local liquor store. Both are great at a very reasonable price.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By smufanpratt

    5 *****

    Sobieski is the second best Vodka after Belvedere that I’ve tried. The price is wonderful and the Vodka is very smooth.Its wonderful if you’re on a budget.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      I would say that Sobieski is the best budget vodka that I know. In fact, I consider it to be one of the best vodkas regardless of price.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Mike

    No Rating

    I’ve been a long time Ketel One fan, but all I can say is go buy a few dozen cases before the price goes up !! Only thing I’ve had better (and not much) is Chopin at more than double the price.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Edward

    No Rating

    I have never heard of any of these vodkas (sobeski, titos, svedka, crystal head) before i found this website. I was at my local food 4 less and was about to spend $20 on svedka, i than remembered hearing about sobeski on here and saw the price. i instantly bought it. i have not drank vodka in a couple months, i have had it in the freezer for about 20 minutes and i am gonna shoot it on an empty stomach. i say this because i want you to understand im not in the mood to drink.

    Just took the shot and i will say NO vodka is good on an empty stomach, but upon taking the shot, it was very easy to swallow. the bitterness was not over powering and i could taste the sweetness. overall i think its way under priced. i am gonna make a mix drink with cranberry cocktail and hopefully it comes out well.

    thank you all from this site for bringing this brand to my attention.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      You’re very welcome, Edward. Glad we could help! But, hey, underpriced is good! Enjoy it!


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Edward

        all i have to say is i mixed it with cranberry COCKTAIL, which sucks, and it still tatses amazing, SOBIESKIFOR LIFE, when society crashes and we’re trading liquor for materials, ill have sobieski. im fucking drunk >.>


        • Sobieski Vodka Review By kayuh

          Next one on my list to try. like someone else said, I’ve never paid that little for vodka. Cheapest I’ve bought was probably Finlandia for a mixer for a party. Glad to see this review.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Poloniaguy

    No Rating

    Sobieski in IL is 17.99 a 1.75L. For grain alcohol it is the best period for taste, value, and the the bottle looks top notch with the eagle godlo. For Potato vodka I drink Luksusowa for the same reason. But seriously if you have the money polish specialty vodkas blow any of these away. Medos which is honey rectified vodka or zubrowka bison grass vodka. One day when I make enough I might buy dembowa oak rectified vodka but at $35 for a 750 even though the bottle is wooden I can’t justify that unless it is a ultra special occasion. Bottom line Sobieski wins by default.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Elliott

    5 *****

    Did the same as Neil, blind taste test with Smirnoff and Sobieski…. Sobieski wins! I also did a blind taste test with Tito’s and Sobiesk…. Sobieski wins! YTBMV (Your Taste Buds May Vary)

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      It not only tastes great but the aroma of Sobieski is incredible.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ethan

    No Rating

    Drinking a neat Sobeiski martini now. You write well.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By edsmithusa

    No Rating

    I’m in Florida and first got a glass handle with a metal screw-on lid at Publix Liquors. I was expecting something similar to Smirnoff because it was priced exactly the same or maybe a buck more. When I swigged it from the bottle it went down nice and smooth.

    I finished that a week ago and just went to Norman’s Liquors which is very good on price and stocks a lot of varying inventory. The difference was the bottle is plastic and has a plastic lid. The proce is 16.99 tax for the plastic handle. The taste, however, is the same from what I can tell.

    Overall this is a good stock vodka. None of the russian “bite”, just all smooth with little aftertaste or burn. I really enjoy it.

    Give it a shot.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Crozski

    No Rating

    Solid price performer. In Illinois $20 for a 1.75L bottle. I drink it on the rocks, smooth and limited flavor. I prefer Goose or F’in but my paycheck appreciates Sobieski. I doubt many would know the difference if you put it in a higher end bottle. I would say it’s better than Sky or Smirnoff, less bite.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Polish Rifle

    No Rating

    As a good Polish boy, and vodka martini drinker, I give it two thumbs up!!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Lee

    No Rating

    To me, Sobieski is smoother than Svedka, which is comparably priced, and has less burn. Sobieski is my go-to vodka for this reason. It is the best of the bottom to mid-shelf vodkas and is better than the more expensive vodka! Overall my favorite, but I’ve only tried four vodkas. If you want the best bang for the buck though, I highly recommend Sobieski.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @Lee we’re big fans of Sobieski, but I haven’t been able to find it locally recently. Even when it was readily available it was only in 750 mL bottles. Since I can get a 1.75 L of Svedka for around $20, I usually pick up Svedka for parties. I agree with you, though. I like Svedka, but I’d rather drink Sobieski. You might also like Tito’s Handmade Vodka if you can find it.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Lee

        @Robert Dang sorry to hear that! I must have some good selection here in NC then. I have had a few of the .75 liter bottles of Sobieski for around 13 a piece. The 1.75 liter was available too for 20. Can get the same sizes in Svedka for the same price. I definitely want to try Tito’s next when I want to splurge a little more. That is also available here for $20 in the .75 liter and $30 for the 1.75 liter. I don’t how it is in Alabama, but here you can only buy liquor at the ABC store and there are plenty around. Guess we are lucky! Also, this is a great site. It definitely helped me avoid spending more money for the more well known vodkas like Absolut, smirnoff etc that based on your reviews really aren’t as good as stuff like sobieski and svedka. Thank ya very much! Time for a Sobieski nightcap now haha.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        @Robert, I have been a fan of Sobieski and had made it my “freezer” vodka at home. However, for only a couple of dollars more per fifth, Luksusowa Vodka is even smoother, creamier (it’s a potato vodka), and sweeter. It also avoids the slight bitter aftertaste that I find Sobieski presents. If you can find it, I would pick up a bottle to enjoy and review. ;)


        • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

          I just found out the other day that one of the the ABC Stores here in Birmingham are carrying Sobieski again. I was pretty stoked, but they also have a gift set of 360 for $16 (comes with two sandstone coasters). So, it’s a tough choice, and, of my “freezer vodkas”, I can only get a 1.75 L of Svedka. So… It’s a tough choice.

          I’ve only heard great things about Luksusowa. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen it around here. I’ll keep an eye out next time I’m traveling. Hopefully going out to Austin before fall. Maybe I’ll find it there!


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Carey

    No Rating

    I love this vodka I get it in the orange flavor I mix it with cranberry and orange juice it’s so good and the price you can’t beat $10 I’m hooked :•)

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By stilo

    No Rating

    Lots more bite & extraneous flavor than, say, Skyy or Stoli. Not as bad as I expected, but I wouldn’t buy it.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By bob james

    No Rating

    I was an “absolute” drinker until Sobieski was recommended to me. Couldn’t believe, at the price, I liked it better than Absolute. The price dropped and I wondered if there were sacrifices in the process and that the taste would suffer. It doesn’t seem to be a problem. 5-star recommendation.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Soda Popinski

      absolut? YUCK …. can’t imagine you’d ever go back to that


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By AZWolverine

    4 *****

    It’s Polish, so I like it! :) I prefer potato vodkas from Poland (Luksusowa, Monopolowa), but I can’t argue with the value that Sobieski represents.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By GI Joe

      Although I agree with your assessment of potato vodkas from Poland, Monopolowa isn’t from Poland, but Austria.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

        Good Call.
        I love Monopolowa.
        But its NOT Polish…lol
        (Unless Vienna got annexed or conquered and I never heard about it.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Austijoe

    5 *****

    You can’t beat Sobieski for the price. We did a small blind taste test between Rain, Colorado Vodka, 360 and Sobieski. I was surprised because 360/Colorado/Rain are some of my favorite vodkas, but I picked Sobieski over all three twice.

    There is something about the taste that really pleases the pallet, and at 16 bucks a handle (1.75L) you really can’t beat that price or the taste and quality you receive. I will tell you this though, it does seem to leave nastier hangovers than the 360.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By jmoore

    No Rating

    First time taster of Sobieski, the owner of a local spirits store convinced me to try over my usual Smirnoff. Sobieski is so smooth, I hardly notice the sting when enjoyed with my Vya vermouth. It was also 2 dollars less than my usual “cheap” stuff.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By FotoGuy504

    No Rating

    I just found my new vodka!!! SOBIESKI is surprisingly smooth for the price.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jay_B

    No Rating

    You can literally buy 3 750s of Sobieski and still have money left over for the price of some Premium vodka brand 750s. Like others said, I feel like I stole this from a store when I drink it. It surpassed my expectations to say the least. I’m used to drinking Goose, Ultimat, Zyr, and Stoli. This is the best deal going for a premium vodka at a foot level shelf price.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jessielou0330

    5 *****

    I got a bottle of this as a birthday gift this year and loved it. Imagine my shock when I found out how cheap it was. Its one of my favorites (being the broke kiddo that I am).

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By maro

    No Rating

    i am polish and believe me that sobieski sucks :P

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @maro What’s your favorite Polish vodka? Bonus points if we can actually get it here in the US ;)


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Greg

    No Rating

    Found it on vacation in Paris so bought it based on good reivews. Slightly smoother than Smirnoff but hardly distinguishable otherwise.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Red_Spartan

    5 *****

    I used to have two in the gang, Imperia and Titos, but wanted to try something new. Seen Sobieski and the name sounded familiar, obviously from here. Thought it was a little too inexpensive, $11.95/750mL, for anything I would ever put in my body, but I bought it anyhow. Until I got home and took a shot, wow! (I only drink liquor straight) Great vodka, just a notch below my other two favs. Recommend it to anyone to try something new, or dont got much money to spend. A-

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Ron

      Titos is hype.
      And I’m from ATX.
      Sobieski is not.
      Try Lithuania if you can find it.
      Its just as good, and just as economical.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By suzy

    No Rating

    I was introduced to Sobieski last year and, now, only vodka I buy.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Dr. Frank McCormish

    No Rating

    I purchased a bottle of your vodak & was impressed enough to make it my favorite. Then I went into my liquor store & they only had glass bottles of 1.75liter. I was dissapointed but bought it. Then I opened it & it had no little plastic spout to control the “pour”. It is bad enough to make me buy Smirnoff again. The plastic bottle is easier to travel with & is easier to use. Sorry–you lose a customer. If you return to the plastic container withthe controlled pour spout I will return. Love your juice, hate the container. Bye, Frank

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @Frank, I’m sorry to hear the container was a deal breaker. For the record, VodkaBuzz isn’t affiliated with Sobieski or any vodka maker, but we are Sobieski fans. I hope they make packaging that’s more like what you’re after in the future. I know some types of packaging can be a pain.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

    4 *****

    I have already posted about my recent quest to compare some of the higher rated vodkas, and have compiled the following list from best to worst (though this is relative since I like all of them):

    1) Crystal Head 2) Tito’s Handmade 3) Ketel One 4) Stolichnaya 5) Grey Goose

    Several months before this taste test comparison, I tasted a small shot of Sobieski at a wine tasting function. My only recent reference at that time had been Grey Goose in a martini, straight up with olives, but I recall thinking that I liked the Sobieski and would have probably preferred it to Grey Goose. I remember the shot demonstrated a vodka that was very smooth, a little bittersweet, somewhat crisp, and had very little alcohol burn. Though I am rating Sobieski from a somewhat distant memory, and from a shot instead of a martini like the other vodkas, I would be inclined to say that it reminded me of a more refined version of Stoli, and would slot just in front of it in my list of vodka ratings. So, here’s my updated list:

    1) Crystal Head 2) Tito’s Handmade 3) Ketel One 4) Sobieski 5) Stolichnaya 6) Grey Goose

    Till next time. Cheers!

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @taffyg2003, I had fun reading your chronicles of vodka discovery. I’m so glad that we could help you find stuff you liked better. Rather than reply to every post, I’ll just say here that I more-or-less agree with you on your findings. I, too, wish Crystal Head was around the $25 – $30 range so I could buy it more often. Until then, like you said, it’ll be Tito’s in my freezer (unless I get something else for a review, of course).


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        @Robert, thanks for your reply to this relative vodka novice.

        I would like to add that I was surprised to find Crystal Head on the menu at Houlihan’s (a chain of Friday’s-like restaurants, but a bit higher end and classier). I had already ordered a Ketel One martini from the bar while waiting for our table, but when I saw the menu at the table I ordered another one with Crystal Head and enjoyed a side-by-side comparison. There was no comparison; Ketel One was good, but had a mild burn when swallowed and slightly peppery aftertaste, while Crystal Head was so smooth all the way through and had a slightly sweet flavor. Crystal Head is absolutely in another league!

        As a side note, I decided to “borrow” my father-in-law’s Beefeater London Dry Gin to try a gin martini at home a couple of days ago, since gin is the “official” primary component in a martini. I did not like the strong juniper flavor it added to the cocktail, but it was very smooth and provided a very crisp and cooling effect to the experience, almost in the manor of wintergreen candy, which i would like try to find in a vodka martini. Tito’s and Crystal Head are incredibly smooth, and Crystal Head does have a very mild talc-like cooling effect, but they do not come close to the crisp experience of the gin martini. In contrast, these unassertive vodkas (especially Tito’s) allow the oily pickled sensation of the vermouth to come through, which I find less desirable. Perhaps, I should try a more assertive vodka like Russian Standard, Sobieski, or even the cooling sweetness of 360 to see if I can find the best of both worlds.


        • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

          @taffyg2003 If you don’t like the taste of vermouth, a Russian vodka would probably help tone down the flavor. Stoli comes to mind, but you could go up market with one of the Russian Standard varieties (Imperia is their upper tier). Gin, by nature, has a lot going on, which explains why it’s the original. Are you using sweet or dry vermouth? I’m not sure how much of a difference there is since I’m not a martini drinker but you may get different results with a different type of vermouth.


          • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

            @Robert, I have been drinking martinis sporadically for about five or six years as a way to break up the beer and wine scene along with the occasional rum on the rocks. My first martini was a Grey Goose at the recommendation of a friend, and I enjoyed it. Since then, I had stuck to Grey Goose martinis. My wife and I went to the Bacardi Rum Factory in PR about 15 years ago, and got a bottle of Bacardi Reserve. When we finally opened it recently, we were disappointed. That prompted me to research rum ratings and reviews, which enlightened me that Bacardi is not generally well regarded. With that, I decided to look up vodka ratings, and stumbled on to this website amongst others. Again, I was enlightened about Grey Goose’s overrating and learned a lot about vodkas that I had never heard about. That is when my vodka martini quest began, and has led me to the discovery of vodkas like Tito’s and Crystal Head, and most recently to try a gin martini with my father in-law’s much enjoyed Beefeater.

            As I have stated, the juniper flavor of the gin was not my cup of tea, but the gin’s refreshing crispness and cover up of the pickled vermouth flavor was something that none of the vodkas have matched (though the incredibly smooth Crystal Head’s refreshing talc-like sweetness comes the closest). In retrospect, while I found the Stoli martini that I had a few weeks ago to bite a bit, it had more flavor than the other vodkas, and this flavor was crisp and masked the vermouth fairly well in a manner that reminds me somewhat like what gin accomplishes. I agree with you that going with more upscale Russian vodkas might be what I am looking for. I am hoping to try Russian Standard Vodka soon. Regardless, I am also curious about 360, Jean-Marc XO and also trying Sobieski again in a martini. I have also read at that the Beverage Testing Institute not only rates Americana Luxury Vodka very highly, but also recommend it for its “subtle fruity flavor that will excel in martinis”.

            Let the quest continue. Cheers.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By viacombusta

    5 *****

    Best vodka around, best price around. In a blind taste test, Sobieski was my favorite. It beat out Ketel One, Tito’s, Chopin, and many others hands down.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By TheBeerLady

    No Rating

    I have to admit, I was skeptical when I prepared to try Sobieski for the first time. While I’m the first to say that many ‘premium’ brands are overpriced and overhyped, I found it hard to believe that this could really be good vodka at that price point. I was a convert with the first drink. The new Vanilia and Cytron releases are also excellent – if you haven’t tried them, you definitely should.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      Unfortunately, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Sobieski on the shelves around here. If I can find them, I’ll give them a shot, though. I’m glad you found Sobieski! It’s great stuff for the price.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By rruszala620

    No Rating

    I was shocked when I purchased this bottle! I went in on a budget, saw Sobieski on the shelf just above the bottom shelf and for some reason the bottle intriged me. When I got home I opened it and was taken back that it actually tasted great, not with an overpowering after taste and nasty burn down to your stomache. I hope that Sobieski does not sell out on the price because they truly have a quality vodka going here that is top self quality for a very reasonable price!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By David

    No Rating

    I just read that Sobieski was released by the same company as Belvedere. #1: What does “released” mean? is it the production or merely the marketing arm? & #2: How do you reckon they mixed up their vodka prices, I see you mention Sobi is what Belvedere wanted to be?

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      As far as I’ve heard, Sobieski and Belvedere only have the same country of origin (Poland). I’ve not heard anything else. There are constant rumors that Grey Goose and Pinnacle are “the same” but I’ve found no evidence of that either. You are right, though, to question what “released” means. There are a lot of steps between growing grain and waking up with a hangover that Sobieski and Belvedere could share. Almost all of them would have little or no effect on either product.

      For example, Sidney Frank sold the manufacturing rights for Grey Goose to Bacardi in 2004, and Goose still tastes the same. In 2006, Bacardi bought 42 Below. 42 Below is a better vodka than Goose and it’s cheaper. They are in no way the same. Bacardi would have made a mistake to change the pricing though, because that is part of Grey Goose’s brand identity. That’s what helps it keep the luxury appeal and it’s marketed that way.

      Likewise, if Belvedere and Sobieski somehow came under the same roof (and as far as I know, they have not), it’d be a mistake to change the price scheme because Belvedere is a luxury vodka with a lot of brand cachet, where Sobieski is an every-man vodka that is still making a name for itself.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By MikeA

      The patent company of Sobieski is called Belvedere but it has nothing to do with Belvedere vodka.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Rich

    4 *****

    I was introduced to Sobieski when the guy who ran the local liquor store near my college recommended it after I had complained most of the vodkas I enjoyed put too much of a drain on my wallet (ah, I miss college already). Upon trying it later that day after freezing it for a bit I was immediately impressed. At the price point ($20 a handle in Troy, NY) it obliterated the other vodkas I had been trying. While my standard vodka has now become Tito’s and/or 360 with some Russian Standard for shooting I still enjoy Sobieski from time to time. It’s a great vodka, and in my opinion almost impossible to beat at that price.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By "Three Martinis In and Counting"

    No Rating

    My wife’s family is from Poland. When I went in 2005, I was amazed at how good Sobieski was. Much better than the top-shelf stuff we had over here. So, I brought back as much as I legally could, and last year was pleased when I saw a billboard advertising that it was available in the States. For the money, it is incredible. Even regardless of the money, it is incredible. Better than Chopin, better than Belvedere, better than Ketel, better than just about any of the frou-frou labels.

    I’d write more, but there’s an olive about the size of a baby’s fist at the bottom of my glass, and that sucker is calling my name.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating

    @Debbie I’m glad to hear Sobieski is doing so well. It definitely deserves to be heard about. And you can read my review on Grey Goose to see what we think about it here at VodkaBuzz.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jerry Ambrose

    5 *****

    The best deal also. Taste is great. Only purchased Stoli in the past.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jerry Ambrose

    5 *****

    The best deal also. Taste is great. Only purchased Stoli in the past.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Fatbrowndog

    5 *****

    What can I say? I love vodka and Sobieski beats every brand I’ve ever tried!!!! That includes goose, absolut, sky, Smirnoff, ketel one, naked jay, svedka, need I go on? For the price it can’t be beat!! Only being poor keeps me from drinking it exclusively!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By emilyclairbrown

    5 *****

    The best inexpensive vodka, hands down. I used to get Svedka, but I tried Sobieski and it was slightly smoother and I prefer it. In Arkansas it’s $18 for a handle and definitely worth it.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By MikeA

    No Rating

    You’ve got to be kidding me. I was told by the proprietor of a liquor store that Sobieski was Belvedere in a different bottle because Belvedere was loosing money and wanted to sell their Vodka without loosing the premium product. When I got home I did some research and it turns out that while the parent company of Sobieski is called Belvedere, it is not the same company and has nothing to do with Belvedere Vodka. However, after reading all the good reviews I tried Sobieski with an open mind and the hope that I would find a new favorite (my current favorite is Titon Glacier). I also found in Sobieski’s website a picture that looked like stainless steel distillation columns, which I believe to be a superior method of distilling vodka. When I opened the bottle I also noticed that Sobieski has a clean nose, without any alcoholic, or medicinal smell. However, my optimism ended when I tasted Sobieski. I first tried it straight (a shot of 50mL). It tasted weak and watered down with very little burn, which I thought may not be such a bad thing when drinking straight vodka. A lot of people reviewed Sobieski as “smooth.” Obviously, they don’t know what smooth vodka is, and interpreted “weak” as “smooth”. As bad as Sobieski was straight, it really failed as mixer. I made an 8 oz mixer of 50 mL Sobieski along with cranberry juice and spring water on the rocks and couldn’t detect the vodka – it just tasted like cranberry juice and spring water with no burn. So I added another 50 mL of Sobieski (100 mL total) and again couldn’t detect the Vodka – it just tasted like cranberry juice and spring water with no burn. My suspicion that this stuff was just weak with a watered down taste were confirmed when after having consumed 150 mL of the stuff (50 mL straight and 100 mL mixed) I had no buzz whatsoever. If you were to offer this stuff straight from the freezer to a natively born Russian he would laugh you out of the room.

    Then bottom line is that with Sobieski, you get what you pay for. Like Grey Goose drinkers people that think Sobieski is a good vodka are people that don’t know vodka,

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jason

      Well that is quite the satire! Sobieski is an excellent vodka at a reasonable price. Vodka is cheap to make and shouldn’t cost as much as a great aged scotch or rum.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni



    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Sara

      @MikeA: I wonder if you got a bad bottle, as absurd as this sounds, simply because your experience was so odd. I’m with you on the smoothness and the disappearing into the mixer (although I confess that Sobieski is not my go-to for a sipping vodka). But the fact that it didn’t light you up? Baffled. I’ve definitely seen it sneak up on a couple of my friends who, like you, couldn’t taste it in mixed drinks, assumed the drinks were weak, and started adding extra (only to find that they were smashed about 30 mins later), but you seem to be saying that it simply did not affect you. I must say that this is a problem I have never had or seen.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Sara

    5 *****

    I love Sobieski. Chopin is my favorite vodka, but it’s still, for some reason, difficult to find in bars. I don’t know why I brought that up, because so is Sobieski; bottom line, it’t an excellent vokda for mixing or shooting, and I was happy to find it.

    The thing that I’m worried about re: Sobieski is the fact that it is very reasonably priced. Why am I worried, you ask, when this is obviously a huge asset? It’s because people who don’t know anything about vodka (or any alcoholic beverage) resort to judging quality by price, which is why facial astringents like Ciroc even have a place on bar shelves. So in the end I am worried that Sobieski’s fabulous price point and humble narrative will destroy it. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

    This is why I am stockpiling this stuff.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By richard_rodney

    4 *****

    A fine fine vodka that my staff member recommended and I tried. Mixes very well. So well you don’t know it is there. That is either really good for you, really good for the bartender or really good for the state trooper who pulls you over. It is just all kinds of good, however please note I do not condone or promote driving while intoxicated. It is not bitter, goes down smooth and really is one of the finer vodkas I have tried.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By SHawn

    No Rating

    Great vodka. 18 bucks for 1.75 liters at Marty’s in Dudley, Massachusetts. Very pleased. give it a shot

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By rbdeli

    No Rating

    I tried really, really hard to get excited about this based on your score, comments and it’s attractive $18.99 1.75L price.
    I have to be honest. This simply is not a great vodka. In fact, it’s bite is harder than some of the bargain priced vodkas. The vodka definitely has some very good flavor and interesting, complex tastes, but the after bite lasts long after you’re ready for the next sip.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      I can’t believe you are saying this. Maybe you got a bad batch or something. Sobieski is one hell of a great vodka.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By Rob

        Obviously, this many people’s tastes cannot be wrong. I didn’t think the Sobieski was bad, but thought it had a pretty harsh middle-bite to it. Went down relatively smooth and does have nice vanilla and pepper after tones.

        For about the same price, I think I found one better than them all and it’s not Belvedere which is grossly over-rated.
        I discovered Russian Shot while looking for Belvedere one day. Tried them both. For half the price, the Russian Shot is at least as good if not better.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By moosie

    No Rating

    Just enjoyed my first few sips, straight up and lightly chilled. Very nice. I am a Stoli, Pinnacle, and SKYY fan, and Sobieski has more character than those last two. Stoli will always be great, but isn’t nearly as affordable. I agree that Sobieski has a nice, subtle balance of sweet and bitter flavors, as others have pointed out. Yet, it’s very smooth & drinkable. Can’t wait to make myself a nice, dirty martini with Sobi. Heh, there… it has it’s nickname already. Great price, too!! Salud!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Chris

    No Rating

    I tried a bottle of this a few months ago. Contrary to reviews, however, I found it to be quite disgusting at room temperature (I test all vodka like this). Perhaps I got a bad batch? I want to retry this to reaffirm myself, however, has anyone else had an experience where this particular vodka tasted sub-par?

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jason

      @Dr. Frank: Wow, going back to a much inferior vodka just because of the container and spout? Ever heard of a pourer?
      @Chris: Bad batch may be a possibility, or the fact that people just have different palates. My experience was that it is one of the best vodkas I’ve ever tried at any price, at room temperature, which is how I also evaluate all new vodkas initially.


      • Sobieski Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        I finally had a chance to try Sobieski in a martini. I was very impressed with both its nice bittersweet flavor and its relative smoothness. Also, it had little burn when swallowed and no bad aftertaste. At this point, I am re-ranking Sobieski at fifth place with 4 stars just behind 360 and Tito’s and just before Svedka. Additionally, it reaffirms its place as the leader for value followed by Svedka.

        While I still enjoy American Luxury Vodka more a little than Sobieski in a martini, it is difficult to justify spending more than twice the price to stock as my regular vodka at home.

        For anyone interested in my current martini vodka rankings, here is an updated list:

        1) Crystal Head [5 stars], 2) Americana Luxury Vodka [5 stars], 3) Russian Standard Original [4 stars], 4) (tie) 360 [4 stars], 4) (tie) Tito’s Handmade [4 stars], 6) Sobieski [4 stars], 7) Svedka [4 stars], 8) Chopin [4 stars], 9) Ketel One [4 stars], 10) Stolichnaya [3 stars], 11) Ciroc [3 stars], 12) Skyy [3 stars], 13) Belvedere [3 stars], 14) Grey Goose [3 stars], 15) Absolut [2 stars]

        Till next time. Cheers.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By sting.ruffoni

      You probably should try it again, this vodka is great.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Jason

    5 *****

    That’s it, after trying another bottle of Sobieski, I will always be keeping a bottle stocked. This is now officially my favorite cheap vodka, over Svedka too. I have yet to try Tito’s though, it’s really hard to find down here. I only saw it at my local liquor store right before New Year’s, should have grabbed a bottle then. Haven’t seen it since.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      @Jason Tito’s isn’t always easy to find around here, though I think our ABC (in Alabama) has recently started making sure enough product makes it into stores to keep up demand. Hopefully your stores will pick up more. It never hurts to ask the clerk to start carrying it, either. That said, I haven’t seen Sobieski on shelves around here in six months or more, and I’ve been missing it. Maybe I should take my own advice!


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Kelvin

    5 *****

    I have been drinking Sobieski for about 6 months now. You cannot beat the price/quality of this vodka. I just bought a fifth for $9.79 at Meijer in Grand Rapids. It makes one helluva gimlet! Try it!!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Red_Spartan

    5 *****

    Wow, been 6 months now. And I am still buying Sobieski vodka on a regular basis. There is just nothing better in my opinion for the price, even when I have money to blow I still purchase this superb vodka. My favorite vodka being Imperia, which is very hard to get in pennsylvania right now, would be my first and only choice. So I goto my number 2 vodka Sobieski pretty much everytime. I dont know why anyone would not buy this vodka over something else, besides Imperia of course. The most smooth, best tasting vodka, least hangover potential for the price vodka in the world. I would consider myself arian, but those polish jewish people really know how to make a good vodka. Awesome those nazi bast**** didn’t murder all the jews, cause they are some of the most brilliant, ingenuitive people in the world. (Einstein, Dmitri Mendeleev(created Imperia vodka in St. Petersburg!) and Adam Sandler to name a few) Thankyou god!

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By James

    No Rating

    $14.44 on sale for 1.75L at Bob’s Package Store in Knoxville, TN. Worth bootlegging for.

  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Anissa

    1 *****

    What a joke that this mediocre vodka is rated “5” while other vodkas that are at least as good to any sensible palate are rated “3” or below. Of course, I know the reason. People are stupid and cowardly. They go with the flow. Few think for themselves. If an authority or a pseudo-authority proclaims something , people will go along with it in droves. This has actually been proven scientifically, and I absolutely love reading about those studies. I’m reminded of a study and an actual TV show that took people who consider themselves food experts (“foodies”?) and fed them absolutely garbage ingredients, but did it under conditions where one would normally expect quality. The results were INVARIABLY that the “foodie” raved about the food. The same thing is true here. The idiot who runs this site likes this toilet water vodka, so people rave about it. And let’s not be daft; of course, reviews like THIS ONE will be removed. This vodka is drinkable, but only if you have had plenty of another first. It has the finish of … moderate quality petrol. It’s not nearly as good as Smirnoff, Ciroc, or Grey ‘Goose.

    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Robert

      If I deleted your non-review, it’d be because you are being a jerk for no reason. You have in no way been provoked to act the way you’re acting, and, if you read the words directly above the comment form, you’d see that I already don’t like people being dicks.

      I encourage you to share your opinion on vodka, but it is a problem if you can’t do so without being an unmitigated asshole about it.

      Please disagree all you want, but I’m not going to let you act that way on my site. This is your only warning.


    • Sobieski Vodka Review By Frank

      Your quote -“People are stupid and cowardly. They go with the flow. Few think for themselves. If an authority or a pseudo-authority proclaims something , people will go along with it in droves.”

      That’s how I feel about people who think Grey Goose is some kind of awesome vodka. It costs a lot, so it must be great, right? As far as it not being nearly as good as Smirnoff is ridiculous. To me Grey Goose is the most overrated, overhyped vodka on the planet. I disagree with your comment that people are stupid and cowardly, that’s just wrong.


  • Sobieski Vodka Review By Raw Ego

    No Rating

    to all vodka drinkers: please try Jewel of Russia Classic or Ultra to taste real premium vodka. this is not spam. i just tried it yesterday and was blown away. Jewel of Russia is the smoothest vodka out there. it is a quantum leap ahead of any other brand out there in taste, aftertaste, smoothness and all at the same price as a Grey Goose, etc. i repeat, this is not spam, it’s my honest opinion and i simply wish to turn other people on to this great tasting and affordable premium vodka. cheers!

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