Pinnacle Whipped

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Pinnacle Whipped is a 35% ABV vodka from France. It is filtered with Charcoal. The vodka is produced by White Rock Distilleries, Inc and imported by White Rock Distilleries, Inc. The quality is considered to be amazing. The average price is around $10.52 per 750mL. Rated 5 out of 5 based on 6 reviews.

Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review

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Pinnacle Vodka is making an impression on the US market. However, it was the introduction of Pinnacle Whipped, the whipped cream flavor vodka, that really put Pinnacle on the map. So, what’s this vodka about?

The Shot

There’s not a lot to say. The majority of the flavor is an incredibly sweet whipped cream flavor. Below, there is a slight alcohol flavor, but it doesn’t distract at all from the whipped cream. The shot is easy to swallow and, since the whipped cream flavor is so strong, you really don’t need a chaser. That said, you probably won’t drink this vodka straight. It’s clearly made to be mixed.

The Mixed Drink

One of our readers suggested mixing Pinnacle Whipped Vodka with orange juice and pineapple juice. I tried this cocktail several months ago and was very impressed. It tasted exactly like an orange julius.

Today, though, I’m just mixing with orange juice. As you might expect, it tastes wonderful. You can probably skip on the pineapple juice I mentioned above and not miss anything.

A note about mixing this vodka: You probably want to mix some kind of straight vodka with it. At a 1-to-2 mix with OJ, this vodka is still terribly sweet. Some added vodka should thin it out some and make for a better experience over all.

Rated 5 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review By peachykeen

    4 *****

    Surprisingly delicious. I’m not a fan of Pinnacle’s regular vodka, but this is the best mixing vodka I’ve bought. The price is pretty average, and keeping a bottle on hand makes for fun party drinks.

    Mixing this vodka into sodas is awesome. My favorites are root beer and orange soda, which taste exactly like a root beer float or creamsicle. Drunk straight, this vodka has a pretty bad burn (the high sugar content makes it much worse), but it mixes great. You can put a bit in almost anything, from coffee to soda to other drinks. I wouldn’t mix it with bottled mixers, that tends to get extremely sweet, but with anything savory or bitter, this is a great addition. If you’re in the mood for a morning vodka, this is one to try in your orange juice. ;)



  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review By carmen cross

    3 *****

    sweet but causes a slight headache in me

    carmen cross


  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review By Nick

    4 *****

    Pinnacle whipped vs Smirnoff whipped?



  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review By Amdfan865

    1 *****

    This was far too sweet and made me gag.



  • Pinnacle Whipped Vodka Review By Percy

    1 *****

    Absolutely awful. I had the pinnacle whipped and it not only tasted awful, but made me feel even worse. I wouldn’t recommend this poorly made trash to my worst enemy.



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