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Taaka is a 40% ABV vodka from the United States. The vodka is produced by Sazerac. The quality is considered to be ok. The average price is around $8.12 per 750mL. Rated 2 out of 5 based on 17 reviews.

The bottle states the following:

Genuine vodka distilled from grain. We love to to hear from our customers! 1-866-729-3722, www.sazerac.com, E-mail: [email protected]

Taaka Vodka Review

0 StarStarStarStarStar

In trying to progress my bottom shelf reviews, I decided to grab Taaka (which, incidentally, is made by the maker of several other vodkas, including Rain). I picked up a 200 mil bottle since I don’t like to drink any more of the lower shelf than I have to. I got Taaka because it had a 200 mil bottle. It turns out that Taaka doesn’t make any grandiose claims. They just say it’s genuine vodka, which is true, and that they like to hear from their customers, which I won’t be testing.

The Shot

Taaka, while more expensive than Aristocrat Royal, is definitely worse to shoot. That is apparent on first taste. The bitter flavor sticks to the back of my tongue and throat. It burns all the way down.

The Mixed Drink

I fell back on White Grape Pomegranate. As I’ve said before, this mixer really masks the taste of vodka. While Taaka is a bad shooter, it’s a decent mixer. It is, at least, a step above Aristocrat. The bitters still shine through, but it doesn’t taste like the mixer is past its expiration.


This time I made sure I wasn’t the only one subjecting myself to cheap vodka. While Erin declined, Daniel did the shot and mixed drink with me. Daniel said this reminded him of when he just wanted to get drunk on a budget. While the mixer was bearable, he said the shot “felt wrong” going down his throat and burned, “but not like how a shot of whiskey feels warm going down.”

Taaka is definitely not a shooting vodka. If you want to “drink on a budget” and you are mixing, give Taaka a try. Otherwise, you might want to try something on the next shelf up.

Rated 0 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

  • Taaka Vodka Review By Charlie Xray

    No Rating

    A few years ago I got tired of listening to some business associates with very definite upper-shelf vodka tastes and thought they knew vodka, complain about Taaka specifically, so we did a blind taste test. We tasted straight at room temp, cold from the freezer, and mixed with oj. They had to rank each in order of preference with 1 being first choice to six as last choice.

    I had six vodkas available, and they were, Taaka, Ketel 1, Chopin, Gray Goose, Turi, and Absolut. Six people took the blind taste test from numbered cups.

    Guess who won?

    Taaka came out as the favorite followed by Ketel 1, Chopin, Gray Goose, andTuri, with Absolut a distant dead last. Of the six tasters, one picked Taaka as his first choice and three as second choice. Interestingly, those four were the most vocal Taaka haters.

    I think you so-called-vodka-experts don’t know what you are talking about.


    Charlie Xray


    • Taaka Vodka Review By @Djsmartguy

      I drink taaka even though im a cheap Paul Masson drinker taaka holds its place in my heart vodka has no taste its for mixing so who cares on how it is straight c’mon…drink gin striaght ive learned to love it i used to hate it unmixed…also look for a new plastic handle vodka called wave its the same price as taaka but clean tasting…in case you all run out of mixdown you can straight it …ALCOHOLICS UNITE!…. @djsmartguy on twitter


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Frederick Cole

    No Rating

    Im an avid consumer of Taaka Vodka, I cant stand to mix it with anything..straight on the rocks!! It’s definately the REAL bang for your buck!! Literaly.

    Frederick Cole


    • Taaka Vodka Review By george

      Fredrick, try this, ok?.. buy 2 12oz bottles of water… when the bottles are empty, I use a funnel to fill them up with Taaka and put them on the bottom inside part of my frig… cold Taaka without the water mix…geo.


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Gilbert Gillispie

      I drink Taaka straight, not even on the rocks, on a regular basis! It is fine with me, comrade! :)


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Love Taaka

    No Rating

    I definitely love this stuff. It’s cheap, gets me drunk. Tastes like the inner thigh of a barn-yard animal. Definitely worth the price

    Love Taaka


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      I can’t argue with that!


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Zoo

      Laughing out loud! That was too sick and very halarious!


    • Taaka Vodka Review By stephen galik

      I love this vodka ….


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Jarami

    No Rating

    I understand that some people take their vodka very serious. The hardcore shaken not stirred martini drinkers and those vodka conisoures sure it may not be the cream of the crop. But for someone drinking on a buddget as stated before and for the quantity for the price the quality works. Im pissed I didnt discover taaka earlier. Sometime you just need a buzz and dont want to pay armendell pricess for it so I give taaka three thumbs up besides its like all great things in the world, american. LOL



    • Taaka Vodka Review By patricia

      Very well said, I love it too,it also tastes good on the rocks with flavor fruit juice, pineapple vodka with pineapples or pineapple juice,love it ,5 stars


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Doctor

    No Rating

    Taaka is fantastic, I love everything about it. You can drink it straight, you can mix it with Powerade, or you can do shots with friends. Taaka brings the party together unlike any drink out there. The only bad thing about Taaka is that there is no bad thing. You can’t listen to a legitimate vodka argument from someone against Taaka because they have nothing to formulate an argument with. If there’s anyone, anyone in the entire world to listen about Taaka, it is me.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By lindsey

    No Rating

    if i have to drink cheap, i drink taaka. it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Teannah

    No Rating

    I actually like Taaka Vodka. I will say that i only buy ” CHEAP ” vodka.. I mean come on all alcohol does the same thing, It gets you wasted and that’s really why most people drink it. lol NOT to be SOBER! I’m not saying it’s the best because I haven’t tried enough of the again ” CHEAP ” vodka but I tried enough to say that it’s the best I ever had so far. I’m sure there are better brands but right now it’s my go to vodka when it’s time to PARTY!



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Janis sprick

      TAAKA IS THE VERY OVER THE TOP VERY BEST ! I’ve had expensive vodkas SAVE YOUR $$$$$$$ Taaka CANT BE BEAT !!!!!


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Vodka whore

    4 *****

    The reason I gave it a 4 out of 5 is because it has it’s purpose. If you want something that tastes good and has more class then go with something like Grey Goose. But if you’re on a budget (like I am right now) then this stuff is the shit. You just have to mix it with cheap soda and a couple glasses down you’ll have a good buzz. You get alot for cheap…I mean come on, why all the bad reviews. Sure it’s not quality but it’s quantity so it has it’s positive side for the occasions that call for it.

    Vodka whore


  • Taaka Vodka Review By christine

    5 *****

    I love Taaka . I like the peach,whipped cream,and red berry. The grape fruit punch and cherry lemonade taste like cough medicine. regular taak a give me a headache when they take it from cold to hot and its very nasty. Other than that I love it.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By ANTHONY HENDERSON

    No Rating






  • Taaka Vodka Review By Lym

    No Rating

    I bought Taaka last week. I mixed it with orange juice and also Cranberry Juice w/ gingerale. Both were very good. I’d buy it again.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Taco Jackson

    5 *****

    First of all I live in Utah, so my choices are a bit limited as far as liquor goes, but over the last few years I’ve managed to try every cheap vodka I can get without driving to Nevada. Taaka is by far the best bottom shelf drunk you can find here. I’m writing this as I take shots at room temperature. I’m fairly tipsy, but I still remember how much nastier Barton, Mosk, Pinnacle and something that starts with a Roth I think (lol) are. Even on occasions where I go to the liquor store with more than $10 in my pocket I grab the Taaka and spend the extra on what I’ll mix it with. Your review gives it a 0/5 and I completely understand. It does taste like rubbing alcohol. But, bottom shelf liquor is a market niche. It only exists for people who can’t afford, or aren’t willing to pay for, higher quality liquor. I believe the vast differences of opinion here are based on one simple fact: If you compare Taaka to a “real” vodka it is disgusting, but if you compare it to everything else in it’s price range it is by far the best for mixing and for drinking straight at any temperature. That being said, next time I leave the state I’ll definitely be shopping for some of the brands suggested that we don’t have here in Mormonville.

    Taco Jackson


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Prueitt

    3 *****

    Bought Taaka to economize–ran it through a Brita filter three times and no more headache or hangover. Of course Brita filters are not cheap so maybe i just need to go back to good ole McCormick–my favorite cheap vodka. But if you have the filter and the pitcher, try it–



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Kimberly

    No Rating

    I have been LMAO reading your review and some of the following comments! I live in New Orleans, which has a kind of love affair with the brand. I am a vodka WHORE! It’s all I drink, but because I drink so much of it (thank you liver for staying so strong!) I keep several different brands on hand. You’re right about Taaka being okay to mix. Because my favorite cocktail is a Greyhound I keep a couple of extra large bottles in my liquor cabinet to add to my premium grapefruit juice. (Funny how I insist on the BEST gf juice but don’t mind skimping on the liquor.) I also keep Absolut in stock for when friends come to imbibe, and Kettle One for those evenings when I must have my vodka simple and cold. Thanks for the testimony. I’m kind of upset I didn’t think of this first! BTW, do you review flavored vodkas? I’d love to know your thoughts on some of those. My favorites are the orange ones, though I’d swear some are laced with sugar.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      @Kimberly, I’m glad you’re enjoying the site! We’ve reviewed Absolut and Ketel One, by the way. Take a look if you haven’t.

      We rarely do flavored vodka reviews. You’re right; some of them are loaded with sugar. It sometimes makes it difficult to tell if the vodka is any good, and this site is all about saying whether the vodka is good. So, I’ve kept my distance when possible. That said, I’ve been thinking that I should start reviewing them eventually. So, keep an eye out!


  • Taaka Vodka Review By zoocar

    No Rating

    Amazed at this Vodka for it’s smoothness.

    With the description of vodka on Wikipedia as needing to have no color and no taste to qualify as vodka, this is as close to being purely clear in flavor that I have tasted in the lower priced vodkas. And, rivals much higher priced labels.

    Have a few ounces left since I found it working hurricane Ike two years ago in Houston. Actually been treasuring it while I have gone through over a dozen 1.75s since ..mostly for making Kahlua. Looking forward to visiting a friend in Austin where it is also sold and though I live in a motor home with limited space I will surely create room for two cases!

    …may I never have to horde trailing ounces again.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By mu0p

    No Rating

    I must say that taaka is one of my favorite budget vodkas around, for $3.16 I get the medium sized bottle, and just mix in a little water and im good to go, a lot of people complain about the bitter taste, but I think its just right, and for $3.16 I cant complain. Cheers



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      @mu0p, you mix the vodka down with water? Do you drink it straight after that or mix it? What kind of water do you use? I’ve never heard of doing this before to make cheap vodka palatable. Have you tried the Brita filters to improve the quality? I’ve done it before and it actually did improve the vodka a little, but not enough that it was worth the time (and money on the filters) to be worth paying a bit less for me. You may find it useful, though, if you tend to go with the low end.

      Also, my favorite bottom shelf so far is Don Cossack 100. The 50% alcohol makes it a lot easier to drink than the other 40% bottom shelf vodkas. I haven’t tried Don Cossack’s 40% version to compare, though.


      • Taaka Vodka Review By mu0p

        Yea i just do about 1/4 and sometimes 1/2 vodka then the rest water and some ice and drink it like that, occasionally ill throw a lime in there too… And I use just any water, from tap to bottled.. I drink all my vodka this way, from cheap to expensive, but the top shelf vodkas ill put alot less water or maybe none at all and just drink on the rocks. To me its the best mixer for vodka around, I’ve been drinking my vodka like this for about 5 years. A lot of people think right away that its the worst drink ever, but when I give them a sip, and they say “Hey, actually this isn’t to bad”. I haven’t tried filters yet, but im going to give that a go since water is my main mixer for vodka, and im also going to go pick up that vodka you mentioned and see how that goes, and ill tell you how I liked it. Cheers


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Emily

    5 *****

    I think it tastes like any other vodka to be honest! Doesn’t take much of it to get drunk but maaan are the hangovers nasty!! I would still recommend it! Super cheap too



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Kevin

    5 *****

    I realize this is old but had to comment. My wife and I go through about a gallon of Taaka a week. First two shots taste like paint thinner but it’s all good from there. And it’s one of the only liquors that doesn’t give me heart burn.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By william

    5 *****

    i absolutely have no problems with taaka i do admit its very cheap and it will get you shitfaced and it is the best budget vodka i have ever had it makes a jam up bloody mary and a wonderful screwdriver



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Randy

    5 *****




  • Taaka Vodka Review By Landon

    5 *****

    Yoo Takka Flakka flame is that good stuff freal



  • Taaka Vodka Review By supermuneco find me on facebook

    5 *****

    in my case i must say TAAKA is fucking AWESOME!!! its cheap, it works and it works FAST!!

    dont drink too much of it, you will regret it.

    supermuneco find me on facebook


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Lupe & Rene

    5 *****

    This is some bomb shit, if yut looking to get fuckedd up and buy cheap vodka it would be taaka vodka (;

    Lupe & Rene


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Robinator

    1 *****

    Told my girlfriend to get me some vodka and she came back with this, possibly the worst tasting vodka actually worst tasting anything ever. Tastes like bathroom cleaner and not even monster could hide the awful flavor



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Sylvester Crosby (A*K*A) SLY

    No Rating

    Dont know about you but i drink taaka blue label everyday straight loland its good to me. So i give two thumbs up just wish it was more of it up north.

    Sylvester Crosby (A*K*A) SLY


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Emily

    No Rating

    For a broke college kid, Taaka is great. If vodka is the only thing you are going to buy, I would opt for Svedka or something thats a little bit better quality (Taaka is about $12 per handle and Svedka is about $22 per handle) but if you’re getting a few other things and don’t want to spend a lot of money, Taaka is the way to go.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Ev

    No Rating

    Definitely cheap, definitely bitter, but definitely shootable. I went through several rounds of this stuff and didn’t find it too bad. The taste is easily maskable with a chaser, which is better than drawing out the taste of a cheap mixed drink.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By tm625

    No Rating

    I must have really wierd tastebuds, because I love this stuff. Mixed with Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi, you can’t even taste it. It actually adds a slight edge to the taste of the pop that I like. Also, regarding what people are saying about hangovers, this stuff give me THE LEAST hangover of ANY other spirit. I have drank buckets of this stuff and my only hangover symptoms would be tiredness and a very slight headache. Please try Taaka and keep buying it. We want a product that is good and cheap to stay in business. Very rare these days.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By sro

    No Rating

    I only get paid once a month and always have to end up getting a small bottle of this at the end of the month. It is quite the love-hate relationship, or like a woman who goes back to get beat by her husband. Every time he says, “heya baby, I wonts hit ya nomores if you don’t make me”…and every fucking time I believe him :(…

    I only drink this and drudge through the hangover that begins an hour after drinking it because I hate beer….



    • Taaka Vodka Review By rbdeli

      Many of us are in the same boat. We have to get used to an inferior liquor for our daily cocktail habits because we cannot afford the outrageous prices. Taaka is really not that better, but if you want something better that’s nearly as cheap, I’ve got good news for you:
      Ruskova Vodka is a genuine Russian vodka and an incredible compromise. Most liquor stores sell this for around $17.00 for a 1.75 Liter Bottle, but I’ve found it $4.00 Cheaper than that at the liquor store connected to my Costco store in Arvada. CO. Ruskova sells for $12.99 for the big 1.75 Liter. Not as cheap as Taaka, but significantly better.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By maxxie

    No Rating

    Russian’s shoot vodka, and they invented vodka. I dont think there is any problem shooting vodka.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Hayward Giablomi

      Yeah! And there’s nothing wrong with the Russians ;-)


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Rich Irwin

    No Rating

    I think that Taaka, for the price, is far better than other economy vodkas. What is worse? That would be, in order of better to worse, Royal Gate, Vostock, Popov, and the worst one of all, Caliber (WalMart). Caliber is very hard to get down.

    Rich Irwin


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Bill Gaston

    No Rating

    Is your Vodka distilled three times? If not, do you make one that is? Or, can you refer me to an inexpensive Vodka that is three times distilled? My nutricianist says I can have any alcohol (Vodka or Gin) that has been distilled three or more times.
    Thank you.

    Bill Gaston


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      Bill, VodkaBuzz isn’t affiliated with Taaka or any vodka producer. We just review them. That said, there are plenty of inexpensive 3 times distilled vodkas (some of them are reviewed here if you browse around). However, we only know what it says on the bottle. So, I’d suggest going down to your local liquor store and having a look at the labels.

      That said, I’m not sure why your nutritionalist would say 3x distilled is the magic number. There is some debate about whether the number of times the vodka is distilled has much to do with the quality of the end product. While it supposedly gets rid of more of the bad stuff that causes hangovers, there’s definitely more to it than that. Ultimately, vodka is just water and ethanol (unless it is flavored), so I don’t know what the difference would be that a nutritionalist would care about. But, I’m not a nutritionalist.


  • Taaka Vodka Review By mark

    No Rating

    Yeah Taaka is bad but it does the job cheaply. Its made in Frankfort Ky if that matters. Taaka 100 proof will get you paralyzed drunk but it doesn’t leave a bad hangover. I once drunk Taaka at a music festival. I was dog drunk by 1 pm and spent the next several hours laying in a river trying to recover. Great time!!!!!



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Samantha

    No Rating

    best vodka ever!!!

    I go through like a bottle a week so the price is perfect!



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Ellyn rosas

    No Rating

    Your billboards are a travesty to correct English. Do you know the difference between verbs, adverbs, nouns and pronouns???? I think not. You keep saying it mixes easy. Your ignorance is showing: It is mixes easily.
    Gad, glad I hate vodka.

    Ellyn rosas


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      My wife is a grammar geek. We feel your pain. Hopefully VodkaBuzz isn’t as offensive! At least, I know I never said Taaka “goes down easy!” ;)


  • Taaka Vodka Review By jackson feely

    No Rating

    A wonderful distill. With a note of winterberries and a smooth down note. best enjoyed on a cube, or shaved (ice). charming. enjoyable.

    jackson feely


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Rob

    No Rating

    Taaka is definitely not a good vodka to drink straight. However, it makes a reasonable martini, if you like it dirty. Olive juice does a great job of taming that bitterness that hits the mid to back section of your tongue and lingers unpleasantly.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By zoocar


      Thank you for the link.

      This is an honest review that I enjoyed reading. Some here like Taaka very much and others place it at the bottom of hell. I think one of two things may be the reason.

      1) Lower priced goods most certainly can lack quality control and let poor batches slide out the door where premium ones need to protect a premium name. Perhaps some have simply had poor batches while others have been more lucky.

      2) Many in our society get a thrill out of trashing just about anything for any reason and easily overstate flaws of 10% to make them appear to be more like 60-80%. This is common and always a lame attempt at a temporary ego boost. When people can only trash, over sharing at least some respect and balance I usually disregard their opinion.

      Once, long ago, my cheap ego cover was blown while telling a girlfriend off and she simply replied to my 100% negative rant with, “Now say something nice.” Wow, I saw it right then. She had me. Nothing is all bad and when people rant in an all negative way, they are simply working an agenda. Everything has value, nothing, is “all bad”.

      Taaka is not “shit” as some would want you to believe. For bottom shelf, it is my favorite. I do not test taste test cold, but at room temp where taste buds remain alive and nothing is hidden. I am mostly a hand crafted Ale drinker and do not waste my time with anything that is not bottle conditioned. Sierra Nevada Torpedo is a current favorite. This being said, even Bud can taste somewhat palatable at 30 degrees on a 110 degree day.

      If you only want to make love to a woman in the dark, so be it. But keeping her covered until the lights go out is like vodka from the freezer. Lights on, how sweet does she remain? I wish upon no woman a paunch as mine! ..but lets not let “chill” or mitigate the truth.

      When it comes to vodka, I make and drink a lot of home made Kahlua. How more masked can you get?! You would think heavy amounts of coffee, sugar and vanilla would mask almost anything. Well, even with this it just so happens that each ingredient counts to add up to a sum total. I have found that using organic sugar (from WalMart) mixed with about equal proportions of brown makes a big difference in depth and smoothness while brewed coffee is simply too smooth and there is an important edge that comes from instant and probably why so many recipes call for instant.

      I have killed many friends with home made White Russians (…OK, they did resume life the next day) This mix over rocks with a splash of 1/2 & 1/2 and bumping them with some extra vodka, they often describe as smooth as a milk shake, and has been many of their near to last words for the night.

      2 1/2 C water; 2/3 C instant coffee; and 1 C of quality sugar until it is all dissolved in slightly boiling water. Add to a mix of about a Tablespoon or so of vanilla in a 1.75 liter bottle filled half way with vodka. Shake and consume with out need for delay. (there was this whole needless vanilla bean wait a month recipe years back)

      In any mix of any drink or food, all ingredients count and have an effect. But just as your honest review and description portrays, these differences can be minuscule.

      With bulk (bottom shelf) vodka being used for creating home made Kahlua there is a big difference with how stoned you can get a friend with the vodka you use. (note; this is not a date r@pe thing, I just smile at facilitating all friends who are on a self chosen preordained path!)

      I have not tried Robert’s suggestion of Don Cossack 100. I appreciate his suggestion and will look for it in my travels around the country; always open to a fun, tasty, and at least somewhat economical high!

      Most vodka I have tried has very defined limits, and bitter tastes come to forefront when the alcohol envelope is pushed to the extreme.

      I do not find this problem with Taaka.

      “Buzz on, buzz off”
      -Chen Wangting, Shaolin Master 1580–1660


      • Taaka Vodka Review By Michael Quirk

        You are a brilliant individual who I respect.


      • Taaka Vodka Review By Max

        Spot on


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Dave

    No Rating

    I do like my vodka mixed. TAAKA is great no matter what I’ve used as a mixer. Great with grapefruit juice. For the price I don’t think any other can compare. Keep distilling your grain vodka and I’ll keep buying at this great price’ Taaka in my language means “that kind”



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Rob & Friends

    No Rating

    We all drink this on a weekly basis and its great. Smooth taste and no harsh aftertaste. We mix and shoot doesn’t matter. Probably one of the easiest vodkas we have ever put down. Gets the god damn job done.

    Rob & Friends


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Adam

    No Rating

    I think you get a value for your money. Of course you may love some of swedish like absolute or skaay but you have to pay abot 50% more. Amoung a chip vodka I foud it worthy to consider.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      Try Don Cossack 100. It’s about the same price and is way better than Taaka. Plus, it’s 100 proof. More band for your buck.


  • Taaka Vodka Review By etk_dyl

    5 *****

    Taaka vodka is quite possibly the greatest ever distilled;



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Rob

    No Rating

    Pretty honest and forthright, but you forgot to mention what kind of Martini Taaka makes. I’ve found that if done properly, Taaka makes a very respectable martini.




  • Taaka Vodka Review By Hollen

    No Rating

    i had a taste test with friends with 4 value priced vodkas and 4 higher end more expensive vodkas. Taaka was the worst in every case, straight, mixed, and shot. 5 out of my 8 friends wouldnt even try it straight after the shot burned like a flame going down our throats and into our bellies. I found all lower priced vodkas to be of much better quality ie Pinnacle, Sobieski, and even Ruskova. Simply stated I will and would not serve Taaka at a party or to my girlfriends at all.




  • Taaka Vodka Review By scwoodCO

    No Rating

    I am no vodka expert but Costco Liquor carries it so I gave it a try. At $8.99 for a 1.75 liter bottle (in Colorado) it was a great deal and also in plastic bottle which is what you need for river trips. I have never been one to drink vodka straight and I didn’t start with Taaka. My experience is that the Costco buyers don’t mess around with stuff that is totally crap and I mixed Taaka with a variety of juices and think its OK and a very good deal. I also tried the 1.75l bottle of Smirnoff at Costco for 2x the price and with mixer can’t much tell the difference



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      Given your circumstances (being on a river trip, mixing the vodka, and keeping it cheap), Taaka isn’t a bad choice. There are certainly worse vodkas. Next time you go on that sort of trip and need a big bottle of bottom shelf vodka, see if you can find anything that is 100 proof (50% ABV). The extra alcohol will make it taste better and you get more alcohol content (which translates to having to put less vodka in your drink, or getting drunker on the same amount). I thought Don Cossack 100 was really good for a bottom shelf.


      • Taaka Vodka Review By scwoodCO

        I stand corrected. There was some left from our river trip on the San Juan and tonight for the heck of it I took a swig right from the plastic bottle. It was a truly terrible experience.


        • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

          Eeek! That’s harsh. I hope it was cold, at least! I’m glad you came around, but not glad that you had to do it that way.


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Ryan

    No Rating

    I am drinking taaka mixed with cranberry juice as I type this, so I apoligize in advance for any typos. I love taaka. Not because it is quality vodka, but because of the memories it brings with it. It is very affordable, and brings back memories of being 15 and guzzling pint bottles of the stuff with friends. Yaay taaka.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      @Rich, I get the nostalgia thing. Mine would be Skyy, though. There was a lot of Aristocrat getting passed around when I was in college, but I’d rather drink nothing than drink any more of that. However, I was 20 before I started drinking. So, my money constraints were different.


  • Taaka Vodka Review By shane

    1 *****

    I was a bad drunk for many years. Like most as my addiction got worse the less i cared about quality and the more i focused on quantity. I drank about every cheap brand out there and the only one that I just could not handle was taaka. Not that i wouldn’t have drank it in a pinch but man was it rough. Once I was smashed I didn’t mind the taste too much, but those first couple of shots before the effects kicked in were down right painful



  • Taaka Vodka Review By JEFF

    No Rating

    If you are broke and down to your last and want to get wasted for da low Taaka is where its at I’m 23 years old been drinkin heavy since 18 started out drinking Taaka straight out the bottle and steel reserve 2/11 with the homies because i was underage just lookin for anything to get me wasted quick college days everyones on a budget its 3 of your homies and and a couple a chicks pitch in 5 bucks a piece you get a Liter mix it with cranberry juice or oj guarantee pantie action lol…now that im older taste and brand matters to me on a bad day when im on a budget Id choose Smirnoff vodka or Pinnacle…Cotton Candy Pinnacle for the ladies if you’re on a budget and tryin to get quick panties lol…on a good day Grey Goose, Ciroc, Ketel One,3 Olives…with that being said drink what you can afford



  • Taaka Vodka Review By bsh3

    No Rating

    In all honesty, being a college student on a budget, I’ve tried my fair share of cheap vodkas and Taaka has to be one of, if not the, absolute worst I’ve had. I really wouldn’t even wish someone getting drunk off this if they were my enemy. It was a rough night and day after.

    I much prefer spending the extra dollar to get Svedka or McCormick’s.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Ken Godfrey

    No Rating

    I have a cabinet full of Whiskey, several different brands of Vodka, including Absolut. I buy it for $10 a litre on cruise ships, so that tells you something about high priced brands. The advertising is BS. I always buy Taaka, not because it is cheap, but all vodka’s taste the same when you add OJ. It has never given he a hangover. I have had several taste test with the so called Vodka Conossieurs; they cant tell the different when it is mixed with OJ.

    Ken Godfrey


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Jadin

    No Rating

    I’m drinkin it right now and it’s definitely nasty! Worst vodka I’ve ever had. If you guys want to try a cheap vodka because you’re on a budget (this dude right here) then I totally recommend VIP Select. I bought it at Albertson’s but I don’t know if it’s a common brand or not, because I don’t see it around other liquor stores. Anyway have fun everyone :>



  • Taaka Vodka Review By K.

    No Rating

    In all fairness, this vodka is not bad at all when chilled. I’ve tried many of the lower end vodkas and would rank this above most. As for moderately priced vodka, Taaka scores well above Smirnoff and Absolut. I experienced no after taste or burn with the shot, and it mixed great with juices, energy drinks, and Arizona Peach Tea. I would compare it to Sobieski, Svedka or Tenure in terms of quality. Definitely one i’ll pick up again as i’m a law student on a budget.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By zoe condra

    No Rating

    This shit was way better then karkov!!!!!!!!

    zoe condra


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Jim

    No Rating

    Taaka makes a great fuzzy navel………..you betcha



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Will

    No Rating

    This stuff is $8 for a handle in Columbia, South Carolina so naturally its the drink of choice for all Freshman at USC.

    Unless you carry your worldly possessions in a bandana on a stick, this cleaning fluid is used solely to get blacked out with by mixing with an energy drink before hitting the bars. Absolutely the worst tasting liquor I have ever tried, hands down.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Matt The Karaoke Guy

    No Rating

    This review is “somewhat” biased. It sounds to me like this guy is used to drinking somewhat expensive vodka such as Grey Goose, Ketel One, etc. And while all the facts are there I find a few of those facts just a little tedious, meaning he repeated himself more than he had to about one product, and stated true and valid examples of what his “boys” thought about it, but to give a true opinion or write anything about anything while reviewing a product online means taking the average person you don’t know so THEY DON’T GIVE YOU AN OPINION THEY BASE ON BY YOUR OWN DECISION. If I drank 2 buck chuck, I’m sure we all know what that is… Charles Shaw, and told my boys I didn’t like it, they would taste it and probably feel the same way about it, if not worse. This more or less boils down to personal opinion. I looked this up tonight before I even had a sip of Taaka because I hate cheap alcohol. Taaka in my opinion is probably THE BEST vodka out there for the price. And what’s funny is that of all cheap vodka’s out there, the author uses Aristocrat Royal which is one of the best mixers for jungle juice out there! Maybe next time mention something a lot less desirable like “White Wolf” or something that can at least hang with your bullshit, fag review. Taaka I think is the best value vodka for the money. If they raised prices, I would definitely not buy it. It’s good for the price, but not great for the hang over. Definitely try it if you’re low on money and can’t afford a bottle of Grey Goose like Moneybags, the monopoly guy vodka snob who wrote the review above. Jesus… you can’t blog or write reviews if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Matt The Karaoke Guy


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      @Matt you probably shouldn’t comment if you don’t know what you’re talking about, either. Why are you getting your panties in a wad over vodka as horrible as Taaka? My first inclination was to delete your comment (rather than have to approve it) because it seemed more like a personal attack, but I’m too vexed to decide if it actually is or you just don’t know how to make a valid argument for the vodka on the merits (or lack thereof) of the vodka.

      My review: If you want to “drink on a budget” and you are mixing, give Taaka a try.

      Your “review”: Definitely try it if you’re low on money and can’t afford a bottle of Grey Goose[.]

      Sounds like we came to the same conclusion with different words in front of it. For the record, I don’t like Grey Goose. In fact, the only bottle I’ve purchased was the one for the review.


      • Taaka Vodka Review By Aggie

        @Robert – Taaka has just come into India and let me tell you something, Grey Goose costs 7 times the price of Taaka, so obviously its not going to be anywhere compared to Grey Goose. On the hangover part, let me have a few and post again in 24 hours.

        Btw, I intend watching Hangover 2 tomorrow, let me see if Hangover 2 or Taaka takes my vote :-)


        • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

          Ha ha! Let me know how it goes. And if the movie is any good, too ;)


  • Taaka Vodka Review By hollenj

    No Rating

    i am clayscholes who has posts listed below must work for Taaka vodka. Seriously honey un pinch your nose, purchase some taste buds, and be real. If you want to drown Taaka with strong mixers fine, but to compare it to Skyy, Svedka, etc you shouldnt be blogging at all about vodka. Taaka is 6 bucks for a reason, VALUE, VALUE, VALUE. I am not a fan of Svedka, Skyy, or any others you listed but they are in a completely different sratusphere from Taaka. Like somebody stated below it takes him back to a time when he was 15 looking to get drunk with no money



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      I think, even at $6, Taaka isn’t much of a value. I think mouthwash is probably a better value.


  • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating

    @Rob Two things:

    1. Calling Taaka a premium brand vodka is absurd. I don’t mean to be harsh, but we’re talking about a bottom shelf vodka here.

    2. When I say I do a shot, I really mean I’m drinking the vodka straight with no mixer. I don’t just throw it back. I keep the vodka in my mouth and try to experience it, tasting any subtle flavors or effects. A shot for a review on this site is really like drinking a martini with no olives and no vermouth.

    That said, good luck with your review. Taaka is pretty bad no matter how you drink it.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Jack Simmons

    1 *****

    This vodka is incredibly bad for those people that get hangovers easily and it will leave you absolutely nauseated in the morning to the point where you will probably spend about three hours on the john if you drink more than 150ml of the weakest proof in a single night. This is a vodka for those whom are absolutely desperate to get drunk. This vodka can only be mixed to be pallateable if you try to shoot this you will probably ulcerate even the strongest gullet. I am waiting to see blood in the toilet at any moment now because of it, it’s that bad.

    Jack Simmons


  • Taaka Vodka Review By ActionxJack5on

    No Rating

    As much as I hate Aristocrat, this sh*t is awful. Taking shots of this vile substance was a horrible mistake. Even when mixing this stuff is terrible. The taste cannot be masked, unless you’re already drunk. Stay away from this sh*t. Oh, Taaka made my ex go batshit crazy. She threw violent fits while drinking this. No other vodka made her go crazy.



  • Taaka Vodka Review By Patrick

    No Rating

    Goodness gracious. I drank half a bottle of this at the Raiders_Jets game last year and it produced the absolute worst hangover I’ve ever had. My hangover started BEFORE the next morning, more or less around 11pm. This stuff is abysmal. I honestly think my friend hates us for bringing this bottle for us to drink. I told him that I will go to our annual Raiders game next year if he absolutely promises to NOT bring Takka. He agreed. I will be bringing Grey Goose or Ketel.



    • Taaka Vodka Review By Robert

      @Patrick, Taaka is one of the top 5 worst vodkas we’ve reviewed. I’m happy to know you won’t put yourself through that experience again. If you don’t want to blow a lot of cash, Sobieski or Svedka shouldn’t run more than $15 for a 750 mL and are great vodkas. Tito’s Handmade Vodka should be around $20 for a 750 mL and it is great. Reviews for those are on the sit if you run a search.

      Also, sorry for the confusion with not providing good messaging. I saw you tried to post this a few times but it was waiting for approval. I’ll try to fix that bug soon.


    • Taaka Vodka Review By Greg

      I drank a 1/4 bottle camping and I only drink vodka. It gave me a nasty hangover in the morning. Taaka = Brain Damage. I prefer U.V. if I’m on a budget.


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