Tito's Handmade Vodka

4 StarStarStarStarStar

Tito's Handmade Vodka is a 40% ABV vodka from the United States. It is filtered with Charcoal. The vodka is produced by Fifth Generation Inc. The quality is considered to be great. The average price is around $24.40 per 750mL. Rated 4 out of 5 based on 58 reviews.

The bottle states the following:

Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Unanimous Double Gold Medal Winner of the World Spirits Competition! Distilled six times. Tito’s Handmade vodka is designed to be savored by spirit connoisseurs. It is micro-distilled in an old-dashioned pot still, just like the fine single malt scotches and high-end French cognacs. This time-honored method of distillation requires more skill and effort than modern column stills, but it;s well worth it. Our handcrafted technique offers more control over the distillation process, resulting in a spectacularly clean product of incomparable excellence. Only the heart of the run, “the nectar” is taken, leaving behind residual higher and lower alcohols. the vodka is cleansed of phenols, esters, congeners, and organic acids it filtering it through the finest activated carbon available. Critics call Tito’s “a homegrown symphonic spirit to applaud” and say, “it can go head to head with any of the world’s greats and not break a sweat!” Shake once from the freezer. It’s in the bottle, so enjoy! No sugar or gelatin added.

Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review

5 StarStarStarStarStar

I received a suggestion from a reader to review Tito’s Handmade Vodka. He said all other vodka was swill compared to Tito’s. I decided I should find that vodka as soon as I could. It took awhile, but I finally got my hands on Tito’s Handmade Vodka.

According to the website, they’d rather spend money on developing the vodka than marketing. That shows from the utter lack of advertising and simple packaging. While it won’t make them a ton of money, I appreciate the goal of the company. The laid back attitude of the Austin, Texas based distiller is right up my ally.

The Shot

I wasn’t expecting anything, but I was floored by this vodka. The shot, even warm, is completely neutral. Tito’s Handmade Vodka is simply ethanol and water. The only taste is the standard ethanol burn. The shot went down smooth and required no chaser. Tito’s vodka achieved the goal of making a vodka even girls could drink straight. This is a wonderful shooting vodka.

The Mixed Drink

I mixed Tito’s Handmade Vodka with Simply Orange Juice. The screwdriver is what you’d expect if you were mixing water with your orange juice instead of vodka. The vodka doesn’t alter the flavor at all beyond making the orange juice taste diluted as though you left ice cubes sitting in it.


Tito’s Handmade Vodka is vodka at its finest. It is perfect for sipping or mixing. Even at double the price, Tito’s would still be worth every penny. If you can buy Tito’s Handmade Vodka in your area, you should be drinking it.

Rated 5 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Richard

    1 *****

    It’s consistent. It gives me a HEADACHE the next day each and every time. I like the taste just fine and it’s smooth enough and mixes very well. I’ve avoided it for a while and each time I give it another chance, same result. If you are not prone to headaches it won’t affect you. The next time you say ouch… I drank too much.. and are holding your head, ask yourself if you had Tito’s the last night.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Virginia

      I have noticed it gives me a headache every time
      Not sure what it is but never have this effect with any other vodka


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By MESH

      Wow! Glad is not all in my head!!! Lol…it’s a good tasting Vodka but every time I drink it, I get a headache and wake up with a massive migraine


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Carleen

      This is the only vodka that does not give me a headache ever! And I am prone to headaches.


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Becky

      I’m reading reviews because after I drank this vodka , like 3 drinks I feel fine and then feel like I’m gonna pass out and I do, I mean 3 drinks and I have passed out and I come around but go to bed and no hangover. I drink vodka for years. I heard one other says they had same effects and we are wondering if it’s like a sugar over dose causing it.?


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

        That’s scary. I’ve never had that problem with Tito’s. Were you at home or at a bar?


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By B Scott

      I wish it only gave me a headache. Tito’s is smooth smooth smooth. I drink lots of different vodkas and Tito’s is the smoothest, HOWEVER, it’s like poison to me. I don’t know why but even a single shot of Tito’s makes me feel awful awful awful the next day. I’m no stranger to a hangover, but these are the worst. I’ve given it a number of tries. Tito’s is smooth smooth smooth but makes me feel awful awful awful. If it doesn’t affect you that way, I say enjoy. For me , never again.


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Kate

      Right? It’s gluten free and yummy but it always gives me a headache and I’m a SKY drinker…weird!


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jim Holm

        No headaches no problems with Tito’s, the best vodka to drink in a bar.


        • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Todd Anderson

          It’s a crap vodka built on marketing. The best vodka you will ever have it had and didn’t realize was Grey Goose. Stolichinya comesin at a close second. You fell for the marketing. 👍


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Julie

      Massive headaches !! Migraine style all day


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Kevin Rohm

      I have been drinking 1/2 bottle of vodka every night for 20 years. I drink just about anything mid range to goose and kettle. I was given a bottle of titos last week. I only had 2 drinks and I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I went back to my regular vodkas but last night I tried Titos again. My headache was so bad it gave me nightmares. I am not prone to headaches either. I had a migraine until 6PM the next day. Again. I poured the rest out. There is something toxic in Titos. DO NOT DRINK IT!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Grant

    No Rating

    Thia truly is the finest vodka in the world!!! I actually got a chance to meet Tito Beveridge (yes, thats his real name) and learn that the distillation process takes up to 7 days to make one batch of his delicious vodka compared to something like grey goose which only takes about 2-3 hours! As far as the packaging, you’re right. it is simple and I asked Tito about it. He simply Yates hat of he put it in a fancy bottle, he’d have to charge 5-10 dollars more do something you throw away when you’re done. It’s also Gluten free since its made from 100% corn and 100% American Made. That’s always nice to know especially in these times when we need to support our local business! So, buy American, buy high quality, buy gluten free, buy family owned, buy simple packaging and pay half what you would for grey goose!!!!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By nick

    5 *****

    Please people. Any real vodka drinkers that have tried titos know the real deal. I was a kettle one lover for over 15 years. It only took me one bottle of titos to know what the best vodka in world is. Titos without any doubt. Smooth smooth is one way to explain titos. Thank you Zane Lamprhey and drinking made easy for turning me on to titos



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By uscoldcalls

    5 *****

    I have been an avid “TOP SHELF” Vodka consumer and I still consider myself one even though I only pay $21.00 on average for my favorite. My favorite is now Tito’s Handmade Vodka. If you think spending more will get you a better vodka….. well you are wrong……



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Fred Ziffle

    No Rating

    I keep at least 20 different vodkas in my home bar (it’s a big bar) and Tito’s is always the first one I reach for when pouring a drink. A couple of ice cubes and some Tito’s and I’m a happy man.

    Fred Ziffle


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By doctor nick

    5 *****

    this is a great vodka. this is best enjoyed with the least amount of mixers possible. an ‘absolut’ steal at current prices.

    doctor nick


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Timmy

    5 *****

    The best vodka ever.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Paul

    No Rating

    Four minutes ago, I took a shot of Tito’s. It was awesome. I couldn’t agree more with the above review. How good must a vodka be if some dude in some buttfuc* hotel in Indiana (I mean Ohio) takes a shot, then looks it up on the internet to see how effin great everyone says it is!?!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By ryoung

    5 *****

    By far, the best vodka I have ever drank! Tito’s is the best…if you can find it, drink it.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jersy mick

    1 *****

    This vodka sucks.
    I am a regular vodka drinker,no silly mix drinks, on the rocks. Personally vox is my favorite and I can only say i’ve only had 12 of the vodkas in the list. the worst I can say is titos. i’ve had it 3 times. taste wise equal to Smirnoff. I also had 3 hangovers. Which never happen with any vodka to me. thats why I gave it 1 star.

    Jersy mick


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Todd Anderson

    3 *****

    A vodka built on marketing and nothing else. I don’t believe their claim that it’s made from corn. There is a strange taste and an oilyness that I can’t figure out. For reference, my normal vodka is Stolichnaya at home and an occasional Grey Goose while out. Both are far better vodkas than Tito’s. I cannot fathom the herd mentality and falling for the marketing that people are obviously going for with Tito’s.

    Todd Anderson


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By lasousa

    5 *****

    I just learned about this vodka.I did not expect much…But:It is excellent.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Austin Smith

    4 *****

    I picked up some Titos about an hour ago. Threw it in a shaker and stirred it up with some ice, strained it and it was time for the test.

    The initial taste was, well no taste. As it continued to slide over my tongue I noticed a slight appearance of some kind of flavor. This is by far one of the smoothest vodkas I have had. But that after taste is almost indescribable. It left my mouth feeling a bit slippery, maybe it has to do with being distilled from corn?

    Sipping next to 360 made me realize that there are two distinct sensations stemming subsequently from the descent of the vodka, from the mouth into the stomach. For Tito’s it is the appearance of that taste that begins on the back of your tongue and slowly makes it way to your whole mouth, which for me is not very pleasant, but that not that unpleasant. For 360, its a slight burn which leaves the pallet feeling clean and refreshed, with little to no taste that I can distinguish.

    Over all, I am not sure if I will buy this again. The price wasn’t bad but wasn’t great. I gave it too my wife to try first, which resulted in a scrutched up face and a shrugging of the shoulders. Price ended up being 36 for 1.75L.

    But again, everyone’s tastes are different. It all depends on the pallet…

    Austin Smith


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Roz

    1 *****

    I remember when Tito’s first came out, I lived in Austin and it was growing in popularity. It was a good vodka. Fast forward a couple of years, Titos is now on shelves all over the world. I bought a table of Polish friends a round of shots and we all literally cringed when the taste if rubbing alcohol hit our lips. WHAT? I don’t know what happened but when people tell me that Tito’s is the real deal I get the cringe feeling all over again. Terrible taste with a guaranteed headache the next morning. Want a good Texas Vodka? Try Dripping Springs Vodka. A table of drunk Polish people can’t be wrong about Vodka. ever.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

      I have been wondering for a year or more whether the quality has changed as they have grown.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Not for me

    1 *****

    Harsh, horrible smell and a flavor to match. I don’t understand what people see in Tito’s. Not smooth, not good. I would imagine this is similar to what gasoline or nail polish tastes like, because it certainly smells about the same.
    Does it go bad? Because the bottle I bought was awful.

    Not for me


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Dave

    1 *****

    Smells AND tastes like rubbing alcohol…I find it absolutely disgusting…Just as well drink Potters or Monarch.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By On par with Popov

    2 *****

    Maybe I just got a wrong bottle. Maybe I just got a counterfeit bottle. I expected much much more. What I got was one of the worst vodkas ever.

    Harsh and smelly, you could even taste the horrid chemical aftertaste when mixed with RedBull. I have no idea what it is people see in this brand. With all the options out there, I’m pretty sure I won’t touch it again. Like ever.

    On par with Popov


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By BluesManJay

    No Rating

    Is Tito’s supposed to taste just like rubbing alcohol? I swear my 20 year old son pulled a switch on my bottle!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By AZWolverine

    5 *****

    Hands down my favorite vodka. Clean, pure, sweet, luscious texture, great value. The only other vodka close to it is Dripping Springs, another Texas corn vodka.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Henry

    5 *****

    Tito’s is hands down the best vodka I’ve ever tasted,and I’ve tasted nearly all. To those who claim they get headaches from it,maybe Aristocrat vodka is more your thing!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Carlos Martinez

    1 *****

    From personal experience. Titos always gives me a horrid headache, even after 1 drink. If i go to a dinner with family and they have titos, I’ll go out and buy my own or drink a beer. Even if titos is given to me for free i wouldnt drink it. I’ll stick with kettleone.

    Carlos Martinez


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Kay

    No Rating

    Since my 22nd birthday ive grown prone to allergies with alcohol I am now 28 I was told simply not to drink! yeah sure .. that would be smart but in my head that was just not fair at only 22 I tired until it just became frustrating so I would just have a soda and live on the edge and be a fabulous designated driver forever then I took a sip of Titos Vodka and nothing happened no shortness of breath no flushing or hives on my face ive been drinking Titos for about a year now and so far so good! Thanks Titos Vodka



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Doctor

      A night of drinking Tito’s actually gave me hives (I’ve never had them before) and it was rough.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Bo

    5 *****

    I’m not into big vodkas, and I don’t know how this compares to top shelf, but I do have good taste buds and I can tell you that this is super clean and smooth. I imagine that you can pay more money and get more complex flavors, but you can hardly get it any smoother than this.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By irvin g cook

    5 *****

    I have tasted great vodkas in my time. Recently I had the pleasure of drinking Tito’s. Smooth never had anyhing like it. It rates outstanding. There is nothing else for my money WOW

    irvin g cook


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Frank

    5 *****


    Drink it neat, or drink it mixed, it’s always great!

    My top favorites are Tito’s, Belvedere, and Ketel One. Tito’s is a step above, and very nicely priced.

    Cheaper stuff that is almost as good – Sobieski and Luksusowa!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By RAJIR

    5 *****

    One of the Best Vodka’s for the money you can find. Those Texas boys know what they are doing and Tito’s is the Reason Grey Goose sales have seriously declined. I’m noticing different patterns on this forum, some saying things that simply can not be true. Are you guzzling the drink or using it as recommended. Put in your freezer & shake it a little before trying Tito’s.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Raoul X

    No Rating

    I had never felt tempted to try Tito’s Handmade Vodka before – why should a good Polish-American boy buy vodka made in Texas by a guy named Tito?

    I was flying back last summer from a drunken two-week trip to Gdansk (so many funky vodkas and so little time), and I found myself flying United Business Class from Munich to Chicago. Turns out that United serves only Tito’s. I can’t even remember how many little bottles of Tito’s I slopped down. It tasted like water. Really tasty water. I was chatting with one of the stewardesses and she said Tito’s was the only vodka she and her husband ever drank… and that they drank it a lot. Thirty bucks a fifth is a little pricey for me, but I treat myself on occasion.

    Raoul X


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Mark L.

    5 *****

    I am in the liquor and wine industry in NJ. I sell Grey Goose, Ketel One, Absolut, Stolichnaya, Leaf, Platinum and so on. Tito Beveridge is the kind of guy who actually came to our sales meeting, and told his amazing story. He dabbled in a few different businesses before settling on the distilling. Grey Goose and the others are all very excellent products, but this is American made, corn vodka, copper pot distilled and smooth as silk. His idea was to create a vodka that women could drink that wouldn’t burn. He did just that.
    For the money, I defy anyone to find a better quality product.
    This is the kind of spirit that sells itself on the price/quality factor. Since this is a Tito’s forum, I will leave it at that. The other products I distribute are all excellent and have their well deserved fan-bases. Since I am on a pretty much gluten-free diet, this is my choice. Platinum 7X distilled by Sazerac is another excellent product at a VERY good price. Sazerac, for those who don’t know, makes the legendary Pappy Van Winkle bourbons and also Fireball.

    Mark L.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Frank

    5 *****

    My wife and I have been Vodka drinkers for years. She prefers mixing it with fruit juices, I like it in shots chased with a swig of beer. Tito’s Vodka we found to be the smoothest and best tasting out of all the Vodka’s we have ever drank.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Borris

    5 *****

    It’s either Tito’s or Russian Standard for me!



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Frank

      I think Russian Standard or Tito’s for the same price are tough to beat….


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Chris X

    5 *****

    An excellent vodka and at a very good price. While it may not be the best, it is superbly smooth and great tasting overall. The bottle is unassuming and not as fancy as the super-premium vodkas, but Tito’s is the real deal–especially for the price. There are better vodkas, but Tito’s is worthy of a 5/5. Give it a try.

    Chris X


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Pj

    5 *****

    Titos is exceptionally smooth at room temperature and/or chilled. Price point cannot be beat! Titos is my vodka of choice and I would put it up against any and all premium vodkas on the market ie. goose, ketel one, Russian standard , etc



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By DomCannon

    5 *****

    Tito’s, one of the best vodkas ever tasted! Very smooth and it has a warm and soithing taste. The shot is very plesant and not such a hard bitter taste. And i found it very ironic that this vodka makes by far, the best moscow-mule i have ever tasted! Thanks for the advice, now, Tito’s is one of my personal favourites!
    Want to try something nice with this amazing vodka? Try a White-Russian! Blended with cream and coffee liquor, you guys will just love the taste of that beverage! 5 stars on that one!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

    5 *****

    Tito’s bottles have recently been adorned with collars that states that Tito’s has been voted the best tasting vodka for vodka tonics. Out of curiosity, I made one vodka tonic with Russian Standard and one with Tito’s to compare, and the clear winner was Tito’s. Somehow, the Tito’s cocktail came out lighter, smoother, and sweeter. In contrast, Russian Standard brought out the bitterness of the tonic water and made a more heavy tasting drink.

    I expect to compare other vodkas to get a more accurate sense for Tito’s performance in vodka tonics, but so far, so good. My wife is a bigger vodka tonic fan than I am, so I plan to get her feedback on this eventually, too.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By debbie

    5 *****

    By far the best vodka i have had. I was a grey goose fan but it leaves you with terrible hangovers if you have one to many. I drank Titos last night, on the rocks as suggested, and loved it! Smooth as siilk going down. I sippped it all night and felt perfectly fine this morning! It has such a crisp clean refreshing taste, glass after glass. I am so glad i found it!!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Josh

    4 *****

    I read so many good reviews of Tito’s vodka, I had to try it. Yes it’s smooth, has an aftertaste on the tongue but it’s not a bad taste. I recommend trying this at least once.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By John

    5 *****

    I have been a vodka martini drinker for 30+ years after switching from gin due to the hangover condition. I started with Russian Vodka and then switched to Kettle One for the last 10 or so years. I have to tell you that I had a 25’ish young lady tell me about TITO’S. I doubted her, but since it was time to refill my bar, I went for a bottle of TITO’s. I have to say that it is a great vodka. My days of spending so much more on Kettle are over and it is nice to keep the money in the US and not send it to Holland. Keep up the good work and I can only say, if you like a smooth martini (no vermouth please) try TITO’S. If you want an extra kick, order the olive squeezings from The Tubby Olive in Newtown, PA to make a great dirty martini.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Dan

    5 *****

    I ended up trying this Vodka, b/c one of our good friends has a bad gluten allergy, so we wanted to have something around for when she visited. I was blown away by this stuff for the price. We normally drink Ketel One in our house. Correction, we used to drink Ketel One. Now it’s Tito’s. Very smooth, mixes very well and if you overdo it a bit one night the next day is pretty forgiving.

    Also this stuff is only $31 for 1.75 at my local liquor store (including tax). You just can’t beat that.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Synthahol

    No Rating

    Tito’s is now the go-to for shots and mixers in the Synthahol household. We’ve made believers out of countless followers as well. This is simply smoother and cleaner than vodkas at twice the price. It’s extremely difficult to get people out of this ‘grey goose or nothing’ mindset, but Tito’s is the weapon of choice for that discussion. At around $21 for 750 mL here in Honolulu, it’s pretty reasonable. Sometimes we catch it on sale, but $21 is well worth it.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By champion7337

    No Rating

    While I don’t believe this is necessarily the best vodka, it is the best I’ve found so far. It isn’t as smooth as Grey Goose, or my preferred choice of Kirkland Vodka, which is much cheaper and similar to Grey Goose. However Tito’s has that perfectly neutral flavor which grey goose and kirkland vodka miss by a long shot. Tito’s does cost a bit more than Kirkland, but it is probably worth it. I just wish I could find someone as neutral at tito’s with a bit less of a burn.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By phd.is.next

    No Rating

    Everytime I have this vodka, I cant believe I get it for the price I do. I have turned many friends on to Tito’s and they are very impressed.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By toaox

    5 *****

    One of the absolute best vodkas I have ever tried. Turned many friends onto this brand and glad it’s available where I’m available. Straight or mixed, it’s amazing. And where I’m from, we’re talking 13-15$/750ml. Amazing.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Charles Grone

    5 *****

    I am a vodka snob at times. Tito’s was real good smoooooooooooth. Thank you !

    Charles Grone


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Arthur

      i drank this for 3 weeks. I lost 28 pounds,


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By badger

    No Rating

    I don’t get this site. I’ve read a couple of reviews and you guys says stuff like “(shot) ethanol and water…only taste is an ethanol burn.” and then later “…vodka at it’s finest.” Don’t you guys taste the vodka? Tito’s, for example, has a great taste iced; very complex and herbal for a straight (unflavored vodka).



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      I freeze my vodka for several hours, then sip it cold for the review. Since that doesn’t make for a good section title, I used “The Shot.”


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Patty booBattty

    No Rating

    Holy $hit, for the price and flavor it will be hard to find better.

    Patty booBattty


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By marjorie_monmouth

    5 *****

    This is a great vodka, totally pure tasting with no extraneous flavors, which I love for a vodka martini, a little dirty with an olive. I get hangovers easily, even from “top shelf” stuff like Grey Goose. No hangover from the Titos though, even after two martinis, and that’s a lot for me!



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Miles

    No Rating

    A bottle of this is $40.00 at my local liquor store.

    Sometimes (all the time) I wonder why we moved to Canada.

    Oh well – it’s an excellent vodka. It has a bit of a strange taste that reminds me somewhat of cardboard combined with a mild sweetness, but even that’s barely there. It’s a calm vodka that soothes the tongue and warms the throat without stinging whatsoever.

    It makes great liqueurs with flavors that are toppled flat by harsher products – I’ve never made a successful pistachio liqueur with anything otherwise.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By mcodd

    No Rating

    One of the smoothest vodka I have ever tried. Great value.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By dan jr

      Mainly a bourbon drinker second choice is vodka. I have been hearing about Tito for a while now. Got my first bottle of Tito this week. Love this brand, clean and tasty!!

      dan jr


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By wcemt1605

    No Rating

    Love it



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert Kimzey

    No Rating

    Received a bottle of this stuff for my Birthday!
    I drink Vodka on the rocks, evry day and I’m switching to Toto’s
    from now on.

    Better than Ketel! Which was my favorite. I’m a convert!

    Robert Kimzey


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By dan jr

      toto , we must not be in Kansas anymore!


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By era_02_1983

    No Rating

    Does anyone know where i can find this in Carmel, IN? Plan on making a stop to purchase this during my next trip to Indianapolis.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      According to http://titosvodka.com/find/ Olinger does the distribution. It was difficult to find, but you can try using the “Find Store” links here: http://bit.ly/qwpRlb


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By era_02_1983

        Sweet! I can pick this up after work! Thanks, you just saved me some gas money. Will post the results later.


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By leegalbird

      Well ot sure about Carmel but 34th and High School in Indy has it, I have tried many liquors, This by far is “THE BEST” and SMOOTHEST tasting, I was completely THROWN OFF BY THE RUBBING ALCOHOL SMELL, BUT IT ROCKS, After a day of ANTICS I JUST SIPP IT TO REST .. AHHHHH . MY DEEEDS IN CARMEL LOOKING FOR THIS WAS UNSECCESSFUL.



      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By leegalbird


        Perhaps we can start a TITOS, SMOOTH sipping CLUB LOL.


        GO EASY ERA ..


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Misty

    No Rating

    This is a great vodka for mixing. It’s smooth and doesn’t have a bad aftertaste. The only bad part is that before you know it, you have drank a quarter (or more!) of the bottle! Great stuff, though a little too pricey for my normal home drinking.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By workshop777

    No Rating

    I bought a bottle of Titos after a suggestion of this site. I must say that I found it the most pleasent vodka I have had to date. Incredibly smooth. Some burn but not enough to need a chaser to extinguish. I saw the original review stated it was neutral, I found this vodka to have more of a taste then others I have had. I assume since it is made from corn. It just seems sweeter to me.

    My preferrred method for this vodka is over ice with a couple olives. Very good and easy to drink stuff. Thru half of the bottle already, gonna get the big bottle next.

    Thanks vodka buzz and members for this great recommendation!



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      Glad we could help!


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Dan

        Yeah i tasted a sweetness that intially turned me off but by the time that first bottle died i was converted only vodka i drink now


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Red_Spartan

    5 *****

    This would be the first vodka I tried from recommendation from this website. Bam! I was blown away, because I was so used to those big commercial vodkas. I was just so uninformed about what quality vodka should be like. I fell in love after the first drink, and I wanted to know what else was out there. I became a vodka connoisseur over the next 3 months trying different vodkas suggested from this site. I became some bit of a snob over vodka, would go to parties and they would have smirnoff available. GOD! What am I doing here? I should go back home and get my vodka and show them what real vodka should taste like! But I keep my cool. And I just drink some beer and keep my mouth closed. No one likes a snob, plus they wouldn’t understand anyhow. Was a big eye opener for me, thanks to everyone on this site.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By marymojo

    5 *****

    I love this vodka! I just add a splash of soda and I’m good to go. The bar I went to ran out and I had a Tito’s before I got there…drank a stoli and threw it out…it was like swill.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jason

    No Rating

    I finally found a store that stocks this and was able to try it. I have to say, after all the hype and positive reviews, I’m disappointed. It burns the throat significantly more than all the other vodkas I’ve had lately, and has a somewhat unpleasant bitterness going down and in the aftertaste. I haven’t tried mixing it yet though. #1 all-around best vodka for the money to me is still Sobieski.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      @Jason, It’s really, really hard to beat the value of Sobieski.


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jason

        What puzzles me is how I can agree with the reviews of most other vodkas on here, yet when it comes to Tito’s which is so favorably reviewed except by a few, I’m among the few who did not have such a positive experience with it. I know everybody’s palates are different, but is it possible that the guys at Tito’s are inconsistent in their batches, or is it possible for bottles to become contaminated, changing the taste?


        • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

          @Jason I think either is possible. Tito’s is small batch vodka, which can have varying results, from what I understand. Maybe wait a few months and try again?


          • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jason

            I won’t argue that Tito’s is very neutral and clean while in the mouth, but it’s after the swallow that gets to me. I’d say slcmetalhead’s description comes very close to what I experienced. The taste while swallowing and the aftertaste, which really sticks hard for me, is somewhat bitter-sweet, not horrible, but was actually enough to make me go “blech” once and even spit it out once. It seems to mix quite well though, but so do others that cost less than it. I’ll give this one another try though when I find it at another store, we’ll see if this was actually a botched bottle of it.

          • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jason

            Maybe my palate is just very sensitive right now, because even Sobieski leaves a bit of a bitter aftertaste for me. That said, Tito’s is definitely better than Grey Goose, of which I bought a 375ml for comparison with the other vodkas I have in stock. For the money though, I would personally stick with Sobieski for now, saves me about $8.

  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By slcmetalhead

    2 *****

    I have to say, I was completely UNimpressed by this vodka. Smooth? Not really. It smells like rubbing alcohol, and it’s got a strong bite to it as well (drinking it straight). Not nearly as neutral as, say, Russian Standard. It’s pretty easy going down the throat, but I can’t say I care for the flavor. It’s got a slight pleasant sweetness to it, but that’s drowned out by the caustic septic flavor that comes with it.

    As a mixer it’s fine, but then so are a lot of other vodkas. If mixing is what you’re doing with your vodka, I’d say save your money and go with something like Monopolowa ($15 a LITER here in UT, and perfectly good as a mixer).

    Overall, I’d say Tito’s is better than a vodka like Smirnoff, but it’s not worth $20 a fifth, and it’s not fit for drinking straight. My personal favorite for shots and martinis is still the Russian Standard series.

    I gave Tito’s 2 stars, taking into consideration both flavor and price.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

    4 *****

    After discovering that I preferred Ketel One to Grey Goose, the next vodka I had a chance to experiment with was Tito’s. I was determined to shoot as high as I could in test tasting vodkas to learn where my newbie taste buds would take me compared to what I was reading at this forum, and I was thrilled to find Tito’s at a local liquor store. Later that night, I made a vodka martini straight up with olives, and was floored by how smooooth it was with Tito’s. Wow! It reminded me of the Ketel One martini that I had a couple nights before when dining out, but was even smoother and had even less hint of bitterness. Both were similarly impressive in keeping down the alcohol burn upon swallowing, but Tito’s was less oily and made for a crisper drink. Ketel One had beaten Grey Goose, and now Tito’s Handmade beat Ketel One, in turn. Very nice!



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Melinda Browning

      I agree!


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By lcollinson

    1 *****

    Tied Tito’s yesterday. not impressed. I found it harsh and not very enjoyable with a sharp bite. First impression. By the time I finish the bottle maybe it can change my mind but first impressions are hard to change.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By TJ Silva

    No Rating

    Yeah, Tito’s is the bom. Been drinking Vodka’s for years – Tito’s beats them all.

    TJ Silva


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By simplyvmail

    5 *****

    Really good vodka. Smooth and relatively tasteless. Awesome on the rocks.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By jfeyes

    No Rating

    If 6 distillations is great then how about 8 or 15 or ….! Its not just distilling that makes a fine vodka its many other factors and ingrediants as well. For my money corn is for whisky not vodka. Grain is better but some vodkas with grain taste more like rubbing alcohol. I go with potato vodka if given a choice; smooth creamy and sumptious on the palate. For the best of the potato vodkas I like Chopin and Luksusova. If budget is a concern go with the Luksusova,
    it is a tremendous vodka at a very reasonable price.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Chris

      You know corn is a grain, right? Most American vodkas are made of corn.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Rich

    5 *****

    I finally got the opportunity to try Tito’s today, picked up a handle and the local liquor store. Thus far I have only had a non-chilled shot as I was too impatient to try it to wait for the freezer. I am extremely impressed, even warm this vodka is incredibly smooth. As I was then curious I followed that with a shot of Sobieski from the freezer, I almost think the Tito’s was smoother than the frozen Sobieski, at any rate it was extremely close in smoothness. Overall there was just something about the Tito’s I liked better. This may become my new standby.

    As a side note for those in the NY Capital District both Hoosick Liquor on Rt 7 in Troy and Plaza Liquor farther up the road in the same plaza as Price Chopper (I think you’re technically in Brunswick at that point) carry Tito’s. Hoosick was out but told me they do stock it and were ordering more, Plaza had a few bottles on hand at $29.99 for a handle.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      @Rich, I did the same thing. I just happen to find my first bottle at a liquor store I don’t go to very often. As soon as I got back to my friend’s place, we couldn’t wait long enough to chill it. Tito’s and 360 are the only two vodkas I’ve had warm that I thought, “that’s better than a lot of other vodkas frozen.”


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Rich

        Hmm, now I’ll have to get my hands on some 360 to try then. That might be a harder find as I definitely don’t remember seeing it at either of the local places.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Frank

    4 *****

    I don’t know how an exceptional product gets away with selling for 18 dollars …. It’s very neutral and smooth…. That’s the problem… Easy to drink fast …. Got me sick so I never picked it up after that. By far the best in its price class…. Very neutral…



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Lou H

    5 *****

    Not much to say that others haven’t already said. I have put this stuff to a taste test right beside Grey Goose and Kettle One. I always explain to people that there are 3 different vodkas, and that 1 is kettle, 1 is grey goose, and 1 is tito’s. Out of probably 10 people, they all choose Tito’s claiming that it is either Grey Goose or Kettle One. They all tell me that they can tell because it’s smoother and higher quality than the cheaper less popular Titos. Joke is on them every time!
    I am giving it a “5” for this class of Vodka. I honestly haven’t tried any of the very high dollar stuff so I can’t judge it against those. In this price range, it is definitely worth a “shot”!

    Lou H


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Tom J

      I do the same test, but add in luksosowa. Luksosowa always is rated as the best vodka of them all in blind tests I’ve performed over the years. Tito’s is good, no doubt, but a proper vodka is made with potatoes. The difference between a potato vodka and a grain or corn vodka is noticable. The funny thing is that luksosowa is a about $10 less a 1.75 liter than Tito’s. So it’s a bargain as well as a great tasting vodka.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Jerry Joe Bob

    No Rating

    Corn?!?!?! They make vodka with corn???? Refuse on principle. Send Tito to Siberia for 5 years with The Pussy Riot. Corn vodka??? Nyet, nikogda!!!!!!!!!

    Jerry Joe Bob


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By emannUK

    No Rating

    I adore tito’s. initially, it was for how special it was (a gift,) then for the taste, now because I realize i will never find another, better vodka for taste and value combined (at $17 for 750 ml, I doubt you would either.) their website is awesome for anyone just starting drinking this.

    The thick velvety holiday bag was a nice touch, too.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Rob

    3 *****

    Once again, I’m not overly impressed with a vodka that many people seem to like. Sure, Tito’s is smooth enough going down, but it tastes like pure ethanol and leaves a very, high-pitched bitter tinge at the top of my mouth. Is this really what you want in a vodka. I imagine that Tito’s would make even a very, suite, fruity punch still taste like ethanol.

    I don’t mind a cheaper vodka with some earthiness to it – even if it is a little bitter going down at first. I drink vodka martinis – and the Tito’s tastes too much like chemicals and not enough like a martini.. See my review: http://productreviewratings.com/2012/10/titos-handmade-gluten-free-vodka/



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Rob

      The more I drink this, the less I like it. There is no doubt, that Titos is very smooth, but how many of you actually like the taste. The smoothness an after taste at the top of my mouth that is even worse than ethanol. I would describe the flavor of Titos as the inside of a balloon. Bitter, rubbery – but yeah, it’s smooth going down. It’s been distilled 6 times – it should be. I don’t think martini drinkers will appreciate this as much as those who do shots or mixers.. My opinion, for what it’s worth: Titos Handmade Vodka Review


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        I strongly agree that Tito’s is very smooth vodka. However, I am not as critical of the somewhat strong ethanol flavor as you are. It does have a slight burnt rubber-like flavor embedded within the sweet ethanol goodness, as you have asserted, but it still makes an enjoyable above average martini.


        • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

          I compared Tito’s to Luksusowa warm and straight at a recent party. and I would give the nod to Luksusowa for both minimal burn and better flavor, but favor Tito’s (slightly) for initial smoothness. Tito’s seems virtually devoid of flavor, and seems like pure ethanol, which leaves a lingering mild burn upon swallowing. Overall, the pleasant and more assertive bittersweet flavor makes Luksusowa the better straight shooter and martini vodka in my opinion.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Gallandof

    5 *****

    Simply put best value vodka out there. Quality wise it os up there with crystal head, and in most situations I prefer titos. It is in fairly short supply in the south shore of mass, with most stores not having even heard of it. So when I find it I always stock up. Wether your looking to have a fun night with some friends or entertaining some co workers Titos is my #1 choice. Hell pernod absinthe is my drink of choice and I find myself drinking vodka more and more lately all because of titos.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      That is a strong testament to the high quality of Tito’s. I prefer Crystal Head to Tito’s, but Tito’s certainly is excellent. I must admit, however, that I haven’t had Tito’s in a couple of years, so I probably should re-taste and retest it. I have a nearly full fifth of Crystal Head for a side-by-side comparison, too.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Scotty

    No Rating

    Tito’s vodka will astound! It is that great.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Salazin

    No Rating

    I brought Tito’s in to my store within the last week based on the review here. I’ve always favored Ketel One and was a bit hesitant to spend any decent amount of cash on something new when I’m so fond of K1.

    I decided to take my first shot at room temp to see if it’s really as smooth and palatable as advertised. The smell was soft and pleasant, not harsh at all. I took a half shot, letting it roll to the back of my throat to give it time to “hurt” me if it was going to. Tremendous smoothness and quite literally the best shot of vodka since my very first. There was a beautiful warmth on finishing the shot, a hint of sweetness and I’m happy to say I have a new drink.

    For the record, when ordered by the case (no split case charge, and no special deal giving me free goods) Tito’s fifths cost me 18.49 apiece. So I have them on the shelf for 23.09.

    Beautiful drink, and I am actually excited about vodka again.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By taffyg2003

    4 *****

    I had tried Tito’s early in my vodka discovery quest, which began over a year and a half ago, so I have tended to ignore it on the liquor store shelves in favor of vodkas that I haven’t tried yet. However, the consistently rave reviews remind me that I, too, am a fan, and should try another bottle some time soon.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Waldo

    No Rating

    Being a “born again” Texan I had to try this vodka. (I wasn’t born there but got there as soon as I could).
    I am no vodka aficionado, but being a big fan of Chopin on the rocks it’s too pricey for the way I drink, I bought a bottle, lots less then Ketel too, that’s what I keep at home for consumption, but I heard some good things about Titos.
    Great on the rocks with olives, I tasted a charcoal smoothness which was nice, no burn at all. But when I made it as a martini is when it came to fruition for me.
    Very nice tasting vodka and a good value.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Alex

    No Rating

    Titos is very, very good vodka. The disapointing thing though is it use to be exceedingly cheap, the word got out and now they’ve doubled the price. It’s just something personal, but when this happens this really urchs me, so I stopped buying it as a personal revolt. I allways see it on the shelf at twice what I use to pay for it, and think to my self…thats really good vodka, but I’m not buying it at that price….I should just give up the personal stand and bit the bullet, because it really is an exceptional vodka, even if I have to now pay twice what I use to for it.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      It’s been the same price here since I first bought a bottle. Maybe you should try a different store?


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Borris

        Same thing they did with Bailey’s Irish Cream (constant price increases). I can remember when I could get it for five dollars a bottle (and if you did the five dollar mail-in rebate it came out to be free).


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Fritts

        In Texas when it first hit the shelves it was maybe $10 for a 1 liter.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By bigcor23

    4 *****

    A great vodka! Smooth, no flavor and very little burn. Very easy to drink straght and can mix with anything! This would rank as my second favorite vodka running very close second to Crytal Head.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By BIGCOR23

      After a few more years of tasting I have come to realize that Tito’s really is the best Vodka out there. I would put it up against any high dollar vodka anywhere anytime. It dangerously smooth and easy to drink.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By robert cordes

    No Rating

    A friend of mine turn me on to Tito’s a few years ago and I haven’t bought anything else since. What I like most is it’s taste, unlike Grey Goose who seems to filter out all taste.

    I drink it over ice and couldn’t agree more with your review.

    robert cordes


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By w-chase

    No Rating

    Tito’s is great, though getting expensive. I’d suggest another Austin, TX, vodka, Dripping Springs. I waffle back and forth between these two, but most of the time I prefer Dripping Springs.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      I’ve heard good things about Dripping Springs. Unfortunately, it isn’t sold in Alabama (at least not the ABC Stores). I’ll keep my eye out for it next time I leave the state.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By ralph029

    5 *****

    I’ve been a vodka and ice drinker for damn close to 25 years. This vodka is the finest vodka I have ever enjoyed.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Ian

    No Rating

    After reading this review, I was pleasantly surprised to see a 1.75L bottle of Tito’s at my local liquor store for $20.99. Svedka had been my standard for over two years and I had turned to Stoli as my preferred “one-step-up” vodka. Imagine my surprise to find Tito’s was priced the same at Svedka and tasted better than my beloved Stoli! Unfortunately, 1.75L prices seem to have risen a good $8 over when I first found Tito’s (I imagine due to word-of-mouth about this excellent vodka), but it’s still an excellent deal. Having graduated college, I’m now 2 hours away from the nearest liquor store I know which carries Tito’s; however, any time I’m vising my parents (conveniently close to said liquor store), I pick up a bottle or two. This is superb vodka.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      I’m glad you liked Tito’s. One of our favorites around here. The prices have held steady here in Alabama, though. You might want to find another store and do some price comparisons.


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Raoul

        After being introduced to Tito’s in New Orleans (after ordering Grey Goose), I became a fan. On a vacation to Kennebunkport/Cape Porpoise, I tried to find Tito’s at a local general store (Bradbury Bros), surprised that the resident Texans hadn’t introduced it up there.
        True to their customer service, they stocked it before the end of the week. I’ve wondered if it became popular with locals yet.


        • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

          If it is getting promoted, I’m sure it is a hit. If not, people are probably still buying Goose.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Ben

    No Rating

    Finally got around to trying this vodka. Normally, it sells for $20 or more in my area, so I wasn’t in any hurry. I recently saw a fifth for $16.99 and I had to act. I took a cold shot and was impressed by how easy it was to drink. It went down easy like Svedka, but there was no bad aftertaste. I followed with a shot of Sobieski, which was more noticable going down and had a stronger aftertaste. I capped it off by shooting Tito’s one more time and came away impressed. Tito’s is probably the best vodka I’ve had thus far. Of the 16 brands I’ve tried in 2009, this one is tops. (Here’s a list…)

    3 Olives
    Russian Standard



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

      I think Tito’s is a good choice for number one, especially for the price you got it for. Wish they had it that cheap here.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By D. Cockrell

    No Rating

    One more reason to love Austin, TX… I had Tito’s for the first time in October 2008, and it was Love at First Shot for me. I started out the night drinking Cranberry/Tito’s, and I quickly found that I could mix these drinks much stronger than with most vodkas. Thankfully the gracious hosts of the glorious event had purchased several bottles of Tito’s. None of which, I believe, survived the night. Since then I’ve had Tito’s several times, and experimented more with using it as a shooting or sipping vodka. This vodka is clearly awesome in mixed drinks, but that stems from the fact that it is so smooth by itself. If I was purely drinking mixed drinks all night, some other vodkas might overcome Tito’s. But as far as a sipping straight or shooting vodka goes, Tito’s is the Bees Knees. Go get some.

    D. Cockrell


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating


    Sorry for replying so long from when you posted. Apparently my e-mail notices aren’t working.

    According to Wikipedia, field corn is a grain ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maize ). So, it qualifies for use in vodka. In addition to grain, potatoes and sugar beet molasses can be used to make vodka. I believe the official ruling after the Vodka Wars ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vodka_war ) said anything not made from the traditional ingredients should have a special notice, though that reference seems to have been removed since I read it awhile ago.

    It’s clear to me now that what people expect from a vodka varies from place to place (if not from person to person). Eastern Europe seem to like to have some kind of tastable bitter-based flavor. Some areas prefer a sweet-based flavor. Others, including America, I think, prefer the vodka to be neutral.

    My argument is this: Pure grain ethanol is flavorless. If it has flavor, there are probably impurities. Pure water is virtually flavorless. Mix them together, and the resulting vodka would be virtually flavorless, as well. I haven’t the technology to determine where the flavors of some vodkas come from. Therefore, I can’t say if it comes from the taste of the water used, the distillation method, the filtering method, other impurities, etc.

    So, there is some art to producing a good vodka, whether it has subtle flavors or is flavorless. What you like best is your preference. I don’t down rate vodkas with subtle flavors unless the flavor is offensive.



    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By chuckers

      i like your reviews, what are your best vodkas for the money?


      • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Robert

        The 2008 list, based on vodkas I drank and reviewed in 2008, is available under the “stuff” link in the main navigation. That has best bang for the buck as well as best quality.


    • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By bigcor23

      I couldn’t agree more. For me Tito’s is the benchmark that I compare all other vodkas to. I have yet to find one better.


  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By Andy

    5 *****

    A buddy of mine recently brought a frozen bottle of Tito’s from his freezer to an Eagles game tailgate. I expected a Gordons type vodka but was very pleasantly surprised. It is excellent. I drank a quarter of the bottle straight from the bottle. Needless to say it was an ugly tail gate and game. I’ve been a 100% Stoli drinker for years. I am switching, or at least, splitting time between these two vodka from now on. Great site. Thnaks for the review and confirmation.



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By JM

    No Rating

    This is a great Vodka. Its like Kettle One but with a slight less bitter after taste and smoother. Not to mention slightly cheaper. You will find that you feel a bit better in the morning than drinking some of the other vodkas, at least in my experience.
    Its my preferred de facto standard vodka.

    Its great mixed, straight on ice or in dirty martinis. If you haven’t tried it you should. Why spend $30 on a vodka when you can spend $20 after tax for something that in many instances is superior?



  • Tito’s Handmade Vodka Review By mwshockley

    4 *****

    Definately worth a try, although it doesn’t stand up to Grey Goose :)



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