Category Archives: News

Russian Standard Eyeing CEDC Stake

Russian Standard is one of the most successful private companies in Russian and produces what is arguably the most successful vodka brand in Russia. Central European Distribution Corp (CEDC) is one of the world’s largest vodka producers with several major Polish vodka brands in its portfolio. Recently, though, CEDC has had some hard times. After a bad estimate on trade rebates, stocks fell 28.5% as traders rushed to dump shares. CEDC is down 74% from

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Jersey Shore Goes Vodka

Jersey Shore star Pauley D teamed up with Skinny Girl Vodka co-founder David Kanbar and former-Sidney Frank Importing Co. employee Tom Bruno to create a pre-mixed vodka drink called Remix. The product is aimed at the club-hopping scene. The word “pregame” is getting thrown around a lot, and tons of comparisons to Bethenny Frankel’s Skinnygirl Cocktails. I’m all for the proliferation of vodka, but, despite wanting pre-mixed screwdrivers when I was in college, I’m dubious

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Idaho and Five Wives Vodka

Ogden’s Own Distillery, based in Ogden Utah, has been making headlines with it’s Five Wives Vodka. The vodka has been sold in Utah, a state heavily associated with Mormonism, for some time. When Ogden’s Own Distillery decided to bring the vodka to neighboring Idaho, things started to break down. Howard Wasserstein, deputy director of the Liquor Division, stated in a letter that Five Wives was denied distribution in Idaho because the name would be offensive

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Friday Links: Crime, Punishment, and Vodka

This week’s Friday Links include a great punishment for social media faux pas, an odd thief, more flavored / infused vodkas, cleaning CDs with vodka, and vodka mouth spray for a short buzz. Social Media Punishment If you haven’t already heard the story about the most hilarious punishment for improper use of social media, here’s the short story. Writer ReShonda Tate Billingsley let her 12-year-old daughter sign up on Instagram. Her daughter subsequently posted a

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Absolut Elyx: Farmpunk Vodka

Absolut, the largest food and beverage exporter in Sweden, has created a new sub-brand called Elyx. According to Mumbrella, Absolut says the vodka is targeted at consumers that appreciate the craftsmanship of the products they buy. Absolut points out the “farmpunk” movement as an example of their target market. I had never heard of farmpunk before. Apparently they make interesting furniture, though That Green Stuff describes farmpunk as “a neo-agrarian who approaches [agri]culture, community development

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A Problem in the Russian Vodka Market

According to an article at Beverage Daily, Russian brands are seeing wild popularity around launch, but a tapering off as time goes by. According to Euromonitor analyst Olga Murogava, the blame is in part due to the draw of other beverages like beer. Some advise to those vodka makers: Try flavored making vodka. It really seems to help the bottom line of quite a few vodka brands.

Vodka Not So Passé?

In 2009, everyone was saying vodka is dead. Food and Wine called it passé. The New York Times seemed a little iffy about vodka. Not everyone was fooled, especially us. Now, according to the LA Times, vodka is on the upswing with local mixologists, and it’s finally getting some respect. Both mixologists in the story agree that they don’t want to bury the vodka in mixers, and even suggesting that they want to taste the

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Jim Beam Buys Pinnacle Vodka

According to USA Today, Beam, maker of Jim Beam, purchased Pinnacle Vodka (and Calico Jack rum) for $605 million in cash. Pinnacle, especially the whipped cream flavor, has been massively popular if the discussions on VodkaBuzz have any bearing on reality, so it’s no surprise that the bourbon maker would want to snatch up the brand. Beam says the acquisition should boost shares between 5 and 10 cents. I doubt we’ll be seeing a bourbon

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Vodka Makes Men Smarter

According to an LA Weekly blog post by Clarissa Wei, studies show that intoxication makes people smarter. Or, more correctly put by cognitive psychologist Jennifer Wiley, “Innovation may happen when people are not so focused.” I’ve definitely had my share of vodka fueled innovations (like the site you’re reading now), but I’ve also noticed that I’m more creative when I’m tired. I think the same principle applies. That said, you make a sacrifice with this

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Vodka Nation

Back in August, 2011, The Weekly Standard published an article called the Vodka Nation by Victorino Matus. It’s an ambitious piece of journalism that covers the rise of vodka in America, including several detailed accounts of particular brands attempts to corner the market. Absolut’s ad campaigns as well as Sidney Frank’s invention of Grey Goose are interesting highlights. The article also covers the effect of celebrity endorsment on a vodka brand. Vodka Nation is quite

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