Category Archives: Research

Russian Vodka Sales Up 2.2%

While Polish vodka exports are down, Russian vodka sales are up 2.2%. However, there are some new changes coming regarding the sale of alcohol in Russia. Rules for selling certain types of alcohol products changed as of January 1, 2013. In addition to a ban on sales of beer and beer beverages at non-stationary retail outlets such as kiosks, night-time sales of such beverages will be banned at all retail outlets with the exception of

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Polish Vodka Exports Down in 2012

According to the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, Polish vodka exports were down 20% in 2012. Leszek Wiwała, president of the Employers Association of the Polish Spirits Industry, says that the drop is due to reduced marketing due to a decline in profits.

Russians, Vodka, and Alcoholism

According to RT, Russians will drink 1.5 billion liters of vodka over the holidays. While RT claims that “elite” liquors like whisky are growing in popularity, KyivPost indicates that vodka is still king with 50.2% of total sales. Even if you don’t believe vodka originated in Russia, the fact that vodka is ingrained in Russian history, both as a blessing and a curse, is undeniable. Zhanna Gagarinova, administrator of the Vodka History Museum, told RIA

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Some Research on Red Bull and Vodka

According to The Register, an Australian study says those drinking vodka and Red Bull (really alcohol and energy drinks) are less likely to involve themselves in risky behavior than those drinking other alcoholic beverages. Unless, of course, you believe a study done by University at Buffalo’s Research Institute that says vodka and Red Bull (really alcohol and energy drinks) makes you more likely to have casual sex because it can lead to a more-think-than-you-drunk-you-are situation.

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India’s Youth Falling for Vodka

According to an article at The Economic Times, India’s youth are taking a liking to vodka. India is likely to witness accelerated levels of growth in sales of liquor in tier II and tier III cities as companies are focusing on retail channels like bars, restaurants and pub joints across these towns apart from huge investments in infrastructure, supply chain, bottling facilities etc. which will also open employment avenues, ASSOCHAM says. With neat molecular mixology

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Ultimat Wants Summer Friday Perks

Ultimat vodka commissioned a study to determine whether “Summer Friday” perks were still widely available. Back in the day, New York ad agencies found that productivity on Fridays during the summer dropped to near zero. Instead of kicking people in the pants about it, they started giving people the day off (or a half day off) on Friday during the summer, and found that morale was boosted as well as productivity the rest of the

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Vodka Makes Men Smarter

According to an LA Weekly blog post by Clarissa Wei, studies show that intoxication makes people smarter. Or, more correctly put by cognitive psychologist Jennifer Wiley, “Innovation may happen when people are not so focused.” I’ve definitely had my share of vodka fueled innovations (like the site you’re reading now), but I’ve also noticed that I’m more creative when I’m tired. I think the same principle applies. That said, you make a sacrifice with this

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