
The Holiday List

Happy holidays to everyone from VodkaBuzz, and congrats in advance for surviving the Mayan apocalypse! We put together a little list to help you with your merry making and gift giving. Here’s the Holiday List for 2012.

Stoli and Moskovskaya Returned to State Control

Trademark for two very popular brands of vodka, Moskovskaya and Stolichnaya, have been returned to Russian Federation control, Marques reports. The battle for control of the two brands had been going on for a decade. Yuri Shefler acquired the brands during the tumultuous period after the USSR was dissolved. During that period, many state-owned properties were illegally sold off. Shefler asserts that he rightfully acquired the brands from the state. The Court ruled that no

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Has the Flavored Vodka Trend Peaked?

The latest big-deal flavor is Stoli’s Salted Karamel.  The Huffington Post wrote up their thoughts on the vodka, and included a few tweets from the public.  Apart from making fun of the spelling of “caramel” (all Stoli products have stylized spellings), there is an undertone of disdain for the flavored vodka trend. Today, I found out my new go-to cheap vodka, New Amsterdam, is releasing a few flavors and I was a little put off by that.

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Vodka Nation

Back in August, 2011, The Weekly Standard published an article called the Vodka Nation by Victorino Matus. It’s an ambitious piece of journalism that covers the rise of vodka in America, including several detailed accounts of particular brands attempts to corner the market. Absolut’s ad campaigns as well as Sidney Frank’s invention of Grey Goose are interesting highlights. The article also covers the effect of celebrity endorsment on a vodka brand. Vodka Nation is quite

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