
5 StarStarStarStarStar

Svedka is a 40% ABV vodka from Sweden. It is filtered with Charcoal. The vodka is produced by Constellation Brands and imported by Spirits Marque One, LLC. The quality is considered to be amazing. The average price is around $11.27 per 750mL. Rated 5 out of 5 based on 24 reviews.

The bottle states the following:

Svedka, Imported Swedish Vodka. Distilled Five Times.

Svedka Vodka Review

5 StarStarStarStarStar

Svedka has been on my list for awhile, and several readers have suggested it. While I’m not really fond of the “spokesbot” advertising and the “Best Vodka of 2033” tag line, because I want to drink the best vodka of today, I decided to give it a go in 2009.

The Shot

Svedka is totally flavorless while cold. It sits well in the mouth, not causing any odd effects. On the way down there is a very, very mild bitter flavor in the back of the mouth, and a very, very slight burn. These are barely detectable at all and not worth mentioning except in the realm of a review. You can skip the chaser on this very palatable vodka.

The Mixed Drink

After such a wonderful experience with the straight vodka, I mixed Svedka with Welch’s White Grape Cherry at about fifty-fifty. The vodka is barely detectable, even at such a high mix. The vodka doesn’t interfere with the juice and the aftertaste is no different than I’d expect from the juice alone.


Svedka surprised me. I wasn’t expecting the quality it provides for the price. Svedka is among the few upper echelon vodkas priced for the lower part of the middle shelf. I don’t know what will happen between now and 2033, but I do known that Svedka is a great vodka right now. I highly suggest giving Svedka a try.

Rated 5 out of 5.

Robert Brodrecht

  • Svedka Vodka Review By mike

    No Rating

    Great Vodka. INEXPENSIVE. It’s almost tasteless and goes down smooth. I drink it straight from the freezer. Who drinks vodka for the taste? It’s not wine or beer. If you put this in a Grey Goose bottle nobody would know the difference. Vodka is all advertising, and little distinction.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By vodkagurl26

    No Rating

    I love this vodka. Great smooth taste, mixes well.



    • Svedka Vodka Review By D Roberts

      We drink Svedka on the rocks and find that there is a cloudy residue in the glass when the drink is nearly finished. Does anyone know why?


      • Svedka Vodka Review By Naomi jakins

        Probably your ice is what makes it cloudy


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Scotty

          It’s your ice because this vodka is filtered 5 times: the reason it’s so damned good.


      • Svedka Vodka Review By Mrs. Beth Last

        Our rating is zero.

        Svedka will not reveal if it is GMO or not.
        Mrs. Beth Last – *****

        The receptionist freaked at the question, put me on hold, and eventually came back to tell me that I must leave my phone number, which I did.

        I eventually received a phone call from them. However they appeared to have no indication that they HAD reached my voicemail and talked back and forth to each other, And left no message for me.

        From my interaction with the employees, I will never trust the Svedka brand again To serve to our guests.


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Cole Southworth

          If you are drinking alcohol, I think the GMO/non-GMO argument is pretty moot.


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Kevin

          Everything in the world is GMO. Not a single thing hasn’t been genetically modified.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By jake

    5 *****

    For an alcoholic this is the stuff.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By joenavy73 aka 1vodka4u&me!

    No Rating

    I wholeheartedly agree with the opinion of Svedka. First off, let me say that here in NeIw Orleans, you can buy liquor and beer in the grocery store’s, gas station’s, drug store’s, joebob on the corner……but I digresss…..My sole purpose for going to the grocery was to get a 12 pack….then I saw Svedka…..on sale…..I said, hey let’s give it a shot ( pardon my intentional pun!).
    Low and behold, that Svedka is some great stuff. I don’t fancy myself a vodka expert, just a vodka lover. I have drank the best & the worst, from the top shelf to the brown bag. Svedka surprised me completely! I was expecting a harsh, bitter taste and a nasty flavor saver, but I was wrong….so wrong….I have had 360, Belevedere, the Goose, you name it…..Svedka shocked me! It went down, as a shot, better than all of them. No prep required, brought the bottle home, cracked the seal, and commenced to drinking. No chilling, no cold glass, nothing to interfere, intrude, or mask the flavor. Just straight Vodka the way its meant to be drank. And in my opinion, Svedka is top-notch!

    joenavy73 aka 1vodka4u&me!


    • Svedka Vodka Review By Scotty

      It’s literally the best tasting vodka I’ve ever tried and I’m almost strictly a high quality scotch man. Too me this has a super smooth sweet edge that I couldn’t believe. I will never buy any other vodka again. I tend to drink vodka as a Black Russian which is few and far between but this is too good to ruin by mixing. I sound like a fickin commercial but I’m honestly that impressed. Enjoy, folks because I know you’ll like it. I’m NOT a vodka man and I’m sold.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By RhodyRams71

    5 *****

    Very smooth, very little taste. Great value also. There is no way anyone could need a smoother easier drinking vodka than this. Drink water if you need less taste .



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Tipsy Topsy

    No Rating

    Really great mixer. The shot will give a little kick, nothing to worry about. Mixed 50/50 with cranberry, cannot taste at all. Honestly, be careful with that mix, its so smooth that you dont’ think there is any alcohol. Next thing you know…its 4am, the place is a mess, you don’t remember anything, and you have to work in 4 hours. Hasn’t left me with a hangover, like some cheaper stuff.

    Tipsy Topsy


    • Svedka Vodka Review By Aimcat

      I am new to Svedka. In my early years I would drink any vodka straight.I find in my thirties I don’t care for it straight anymore. I like it mixed. That being said…..Svedka is by far the best for the money. I can not even taste it in my mixes. Good taste, good buzz, no ill effects the next day. I love Svedka. Offers a smooth taste and a pleasant after glow!


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Paul

    5 *****

    My go to vodka. I have had many vodkas several times the price and they have their unique qulaities-if you can afford them. But, for a fgreat vodka at a reasonable price you cannot top Svedka.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By D_tuura

    No Rating

    Truly My favorite vodka i must say. I like stoli, belvedere, and kettle one. But svedka ices the cake. Damn the bottle is plain and cool too



  • Svedka Vodka Review By San Diego Vodka Lover

    No Rating

    I was a long time Kettle One drinker. A friend recommended Svedka and I reluctantly tried it. It is every bit as good as the Kettle. I tried a blind taste test between the two and picked the Svedka. I also tried this with a couple of my friends who are Kettle One drinkers who pride themselves in being vodka connoisseurs. They both chose the Svedka. I checked BevMo’s web site and the Svedka is rated higher than almost all the other vodkas.

    San Diego Vodka Lover


  • Svedka Vodka Review By jenn

    5 *****

    couldnt believe such a high quality vodka for such a low price! This is the brand I will stick with from now on. It doesnt make me sick or hungover, which is how I know its very filtered and high quality.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Amanda

    5 *****

    I am always been trying different vodkas, but believe Svedka is the best. You can just have it with the plain ice cubes also if you can add with orange juice. It doesn’t give any kind of hangover next day. Svedka is really tastes good, you can just have it plain ice cubes and also tastes differently with the other juices like Orange Juice. Also you can just try with Red bull also.
    I will definitely recommend the Svedka,



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Lisa R. Berry

    5 *****

    Exquisitely smooth, virtually tasteless, with subtley pleasant floral notes . Great quality, great price. I have a special preference for drinking freezer-chilled straight.

    Lisa R. Berry


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Sadie

    5 *****

    For some reason, I get really congested with most liquors/beers. Even with two drinks, I will normally wake up with stomach issues and lots of draining from congestion. I never have this issue with svedka so I give it a 5/5. Love this brand.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By jenn

    5 *****

    couldnt believe such a high quality vodka for such a low price! This is the brand I will stick with from now on. It doesnt make me sick or terribly hungover like other cheaper, low quality vodkas, which is how I can tell svedka is very filtered and of higher quality….



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Ryan

    5 *****

    Time after time I go in the store and buy something more expensive than Svedka just thinking there’s got to be a reason for the price, and time after time I’m disappointed. I’m tired of wasting money. If you want the best vodka I’ve ever tasted and save some time and money, walk in your liquor store and grab Svedka. If you want to spend too much and get nothing for it buy one of those expensive brands.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Josh

    3 *****

    I bought a 1.75 liter of this stuff when it was on sale. Doesn’t have a bad taste, but be careful when you are feeling good. I thought I could drink this like Sobieski and be fine the next day, it just didn’t happen. Mabye I’ll try a smaller bottle of flavored Svedka the next time and drink less.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By peachykeen

    4 *****

    Not a bad vodka; not one I’d necessarily recommend, but somehow my friends and I find ourselves drinking it with some frequency.

    Relatively smooth, particularly when chilled, with almost none of the medical alcohol taste. It does tend to be a bit sweeter than other vodkas, with a touch more flavour. Svedka has a decent bit of aftertaste, which I find rather unpleasant, losing a star.

    Of all the vodkas I’ve had, Svedka is one of the best for mixing. It’s easily hidden in lemonade, juice (orange or grape, although with peach is quite delicious), Sprite (with or without triple sec), and coffee. In the sweeter mixers, there’s a faint bitterness, while coffee’s flavour is nearly unchanged. It can be mixed quite strong, with the warmth being noticeable long before the flavour.

    Svedka comes in a variety of flavours, if you find yourself in the company of university students. Quality of these is mixed, some being just fine, while the cherry is rather awful (you may as well alternate shots of a tussin cold medicine and regular Svedka).

    All in all, Svedka is a decent vodka. Not great, but certainly drinkable. The availability and price make it a common grab at the store, and it does mix well with most anything.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Lenia

    5 *****

    Ima vodka drinker..i love ciroc & grey goose..but svedka is soo smooth its crazy. Great choice for shots :)



  • Svedka Vodka Review By matt

    No Rating

    Svedka is an excellent vodka…especially for ethe price. I like to drink Grey Goose on the rocks, but when it come to a mix, Svedka is the one for me. It mixes great, and you will not taste a difference between it and a very expensive vodka. Go ight feel like a cheap ass at first, but once you taste it, ypu will be impressed.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Angela

    No Rating

    I really like svedka when I’m looking for a cheap vodka. If I want to spend the money I’ll by Belvedere, but alas I’m a broke college student. I usually don’t like flavored vodkas but I was truly impressed with svedka clementine. It goes super well in a vodka tonic.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Cameron

    No Rating

    WOW! I have been drinking Smirnoff as my go-to decently priced vodka for months, since I primarily mix. This stuff, though priced lower, blows Smirnoff out of the water. In fact, it blows away several top-shelf vodkas I have had.

    The simplest way to explain it is that Svedka tastes CLEAN. Like NOTHING. To me, this is what a vodka should be. It tastes nearly like water yet gets me quite drunk at an excellent price. The 1.75 liter bottle lasts a good while, and yet costs a whopping twenty bucks! I am very, VERY happy with this vodka, and they will get many more of my dollars.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By rubbermines

    No Rating

    I love this vodka! In my opinion it holds the best quality for the value that i have found so far. I have some other comments on this site and i think my next bottle will be tito’s based on what heard. But anyway i highly recommend this vodka for being served at room temp neat (like i like it) or even with your fav mixer. the vodka does not change the taste of your cocktail at all. Vashe Zdorovie (means to your health in russian)



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Lee

    No Rating

    To be honest, I have only tried four vodkas, but I have only started drinking vodka consistenly in the past 6 months or so. I have gone through several fifths of Svedka and I would say it is definitely a good bang for the buck vodka. However, I recently tried Sobieski, which is comparably priced, and to me it is better than Svedka. After going a little more expensive and trying 42 below, which is practically flavorless and has little burn, I have concluded for right now that Svedka has a slightly bitter aftertaste and burn that makes me scrunch my face a little, while Sobieski and 42 below are less bitter (practically tasteless) and have less burn. Therefore, Sobieski is my go-to vodka, because it is cheaper than 42 below, and better than Svedka. The fourth vodka I have tried in my younger days is Burnett’s, which is a distant fourth haha.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By vegasvodkalover

    5 *****

    I love this vodka! For the price-it is exceptional. Smooth finish, highly distilled, tasteless-svedka never gives me a hangover-and I truly love that. I have talked about svedka for some time – and rarely know what I’m talking about. well listen up and pay attention fellow vodka lovers – this is truly a great affordable choice – pick up a bottle today! =)



    • Svedka Vodka Review By vegasvodkalover

      haha…what I meant was “PEOPLE rarely know what I’m talking about when I tell them about svedka-they haven’t heard of it”. Geez-lets hear it for not proofreading! And I’m not even partaking in svedka-but I think I will now… =)


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating

    @vodkadude You might like Bjork’s “All is Full of Love” music video…



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating

    @zippydude, It’s a good vodka. I’ve recently been getting Sobieski to save a little cash (and because I can’t find Tito’s as often), but I might swap to Svedka to mix things up.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Arthur

    5 *****

    SVEDKA is with a pure, clear taste and crisp finish made from the finest spring water and Swedish winter wheat, then distilled five times to remove impurities.Svodka is smooth and easy to drink with a subtle, rounded sweetness that makes it perfect for mixing cocktails



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Chris Huff

    5 *****

    I find this vodka to have a sweet taste. Even at room temperature there is very little burn on the way down. Compared to other vodkas I have tried, it’s my favorite.

    Chris Huff


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Justin Jones

    4 *****

    Svedka truly is a gem when it comes to the slogan “bang for your buck.” The vodka itself is one of the few vodkas that taste the same at room temperature and chilled. The smoothness is unmatched for any vodka at its price point. The reason I gave this exceptional vodka 4 out 5 is because it’s smooth to the point of being flavorless. Vodka should still have a hint of something rather it be a botanical flavor or even something more complex. I will continue to buy this vodka especially when it comes to shots and mixed drinks. I probably wouldn’t use it to much in a martini.

    Follow me on twitter at JUST_b_REEL

    Justin Jones


  • Svedka Vodka Review By SIEGHILD

    5 *****

    Oh boy, this is amazing and amazing. I’m sipping it now. Quality is as good as what you would get from Chopin. I have it neat at room temp., yet still tastes so much loser to waster than Luksusowa



    • Svedka Vodka Review By SIEGHILD

      tastes so much CLOSER to waster than Luksusowa


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Cor Monty

    4 *****

    Good. Not bad. One of my go to vodkas when i can’t find my favorite. Recently tried Svedka Colada, coconut flavored vodka. Very good! Mixed well with Sprite. Also great with Mt Dew!

    Cor Monty


  • Svedka Vodka Review By wurm45

    5 *****

    Great vodka with a great taste just the aftertaste is a little bitter.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By lcoger26

    No Rating

    I love this vodka. I’ve had Grey Goose, Pinnacle and Seagram’s vodka (absolutely horrible) and I like Svedka better than all these. My favorite cocktail is a screwdriver and Svedka is very smooth mixed with Simply Orange. After reading so many rave reviews on Sobieski I wanna try that one next to see if it is smoother than Svedka. Unless Sobieski just knocks me off my feet Svedka will always get my vote!



    • Svedka Vodka Review By taffyg2003

      1coger26 said on Nov 29, 2011 at 9:43 am…

      “I love this vodka. I’ve had Grey Goose, Pinnacle and Seagram’s vodka (absolutely horrible) and I like Svedka better than all these. My favorite cocktail is a screwdriver and Svedka is very smooth mixed with Simply Orange. After reading so many rave reviews on Sobieski I wanna try that one next to see if it is smoother than Svedka. Unless Sobieski just knocks me off my feet Svedka will always get my vote!”

      Svedka is better than the other vodkas you’ve mentioned. However, Sobieski is just a little better than Svedka, and costs even less to boot. ;)


  • Svedka Vodka Review By rbdeli

    No Rating

    I like Svedka, but I think Russian made, Ruskova is better for less money. Ruskova is a very smooth vodka for the price. Both Svedka and Ruskova are pretty clean, but the edge goes to Ruskova for over all smoothness.

    I hope to see a review of this, here, soon:



    • Svedka Vodka Review By jon

      I thought we were here to rate Svedka not everything else you drink.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By knobudee

    5 *****

    I’ve been drinking random vodka’s here and there for awhile before I found Svedka. When I was in college I would choose whatever I could afford or whatever what was at hand and then I found Svedka on sale one day and decided to try it. I haven’t turned back since. I’m still going to try stuff here and there whenever its on sale or if I have a little extra money but this is definitely worth the price tag.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Fifthkilla

    No Rating

    There is always a Svedka handle in my freezer. People who cant stand it must not like vodka. Best to stock up when it goes on sale at Safeway for16.99 or at Bevmo for 15.99.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By bigcor23

    3 *****

    Svedka is a decent vodka. Very little flavor and burn. I preffered it at room temp. I felt it was more bitter when it was chilled.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Rob

    No Rating

    Love this vodka and love the low price tag. I’ve found it as low as $17.99 per 1.75L bottle at the discount liquor store on Chambers in Aurora, CO.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By horamut

    No Rating

    There are a few intermediate price vodas out there like Svedka and Sobieski that the average buyer just passes by on the way to Smirnoff and Absolut. Their loss. Svedka is a clean, noble spirit, good on its own or in almost any mixer. It’s often on sale where I live (Great Lakes region) and value per cost, unsurpassable. Go right on walking past it, brand name zombies. All the more for those of us who have discovered secret gold. (Hurm. Was that too pretentious?)



    • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

      @horamut nah. We’re right there with you.


      • Svedka Vodka Review By taffyg2003

        I just finished my first Svedka martini, and I was very impressed, especially for the price! It was very neutral like 360 and Tio’s, but had the enjoyable slightly bittersweet flavor like Americana Luxury Vodka. Like these three, Svedka was very smooth and had little burn on the swallow. Unlike these, however, there was a mild bitterness that asserted itself after the sip was swallowed, though it was not too distasteful. Overall, I would give Svedka 4 stars and rank it in sixth place, just behind 360 and Tito’s, on my list of vodkas in a martini. Very impressive, indeed!


        • Svedka Vodka Review By taffyg2003

          As a follow-up to my Svedka martini review, I would like to comment on my comparison to Americana Luxury Vodka when tasted neat. Usually I have vodka in martinis, but I have tried a few neat. I love Americana in a martini since it provides a smooth, sweet, and mildly Russian-like biting experience with little perceptible aftertaste. In a martini, Svedka is a little less sweet and adds a mildly bitter aftertaste. When tasted neat, the experience is quite different. Svedka is very smooth, slightly sweet, does not bite, and has less of a bitter aftertaste than when mixed into a martini. Americana still has its pleasantly sweet flavor and no aftertaste, but is less smooth and its bite is a bit more pronounced than in a martini. Directly comparing the two vodkas neat, Svedka was actually more pleasant; a bit less flavorful, but smoother with less bite while adding only a subtle bitter aftertaste. The difference in the experience as a mixer versus neat was enlightening, and highlights the need to select a vodka based on how it will be used.

          To conclude, I believe that Americana makes a better martini while Svedka is better neat. Although I generally drink martinis, I would give strong consideration to stocking Svedka instead of Americana anyway since is makes a pretty good martini too while costing significantly less and making a superior occasional neat shot.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Rich

    No Rating

    Svedka was our de-facto vodka early on in college. I’ve always found it to have a slight salty taste, while it’s not my favorite I won’t complain about it either, it served me well during the early college years. ;)



    • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

      I wish I had tried it then. I drank almost exclusively Skyy until I had a taste of Vox during my last semester. Svedka is much better than Skyy and I might even take it over Vox now (though it’s been awhile since I’ve had Vox). You lucked out getting a good vodka from early on.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Reyka

    No Rating

    Svedka is good for the price.

    It’s actually the Vodka I started out with, by-the-bottle. I enjoyed it until I hit better, but going back to it produces a bit of a harsher taste than I’d like.

    For the price, though, it can’t be beat… why would anyone pay a few more FRN’s for Smirnoff when this quality can be had for cheaper?



    • Svedka Vodka Review By chuckers

      Ya I think smirnoff is pretty bad, I havnt drank it much though, I just had one shot at a friends house and it was by far the worst shot of vodka I ever had, that isnt enough to tell but enough for me to never buy a bottle and give it a chance. My friends dont like svedka at all, I can drink it, only reason i bought it was because of reviews on it from this site and I was disappointed, it was just talked up so much it was a let down for me. I still got half a large bottle yet, I will have to try it some more.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Jeremy Logan

    4 *****

    I’m drinking Svedka tonight and it is excellent. It may not be Tito’s, but it is a good vodka. Maybe 4.7/5.

    Jeremy Logan


  • Svedka Vodka Review By chuckers

    No Rating

    As a shot I wasnt too impressed, wasnt horrible but wasnt great, just so so. I had lower grade vodkas that are pretty cheap vladimir and nikolia and the svedka tasted bout the same as them, maybe a lil smoother. I have made a decent amount of mixed drinks with it as well and all have ended up tasting pretty good. I am gonna try some other vodkas though to try to find something better, next trys will be sobieski, blue ice, koening, denaka and titos and maybe sky.



    • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

      I’d go for Sobieski or Tito’s first. I haven’t had blue ice, koening, or denaka, but Sobieski and Tito’s beat the pants of Skyy.


      • Svedka Vodka Review By chuckers

        I got half of a 1.75 down, not crazy about, not even as a mixer, titos way better, and pinnacle as a mixer I like better. My 2 friends that have tried it think it is awful, my one friend wanted to gag when he did a shot of it and everytime i use it as a mixer he knows I used svedka. My friends all love the vladimir as their favorite vodka as well, we might just have no vodka taste, i dunno. But after the vlad and nikolia we all like the titos the best over svedka, pinnacle and now fris so thats gotta count for something right!


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Mrs. Vodkabuzz

          Weird. I’m drinking Svedka now, and I have a drink that is mixed with a fairly high vodka-to-mixer ratio, and it doesn’t bother me in the least. Tito’s is quality – I’ll give you that – but I wouldn’t shit-talk Svedka by any means, especially for the price. Svedka, FTW!


      • Svedka Vodka Review By Ian

        Try Blue Ice when you can, it’s a nice clean potato vodka with a subtle vanilla sweetness to it.


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

          I’ll grab some if / when I can find it. Alabama doesn’t have the best selection.


      • Svedka Vodka Review By mike

        Not in the least. I get sick off sobieski and especially Tito’s everytime but never off Skyy. Tito’s has a lot more impurities in lab tests. Blue Ice I do like too though, and haven’t gotten sick off that, but it’s quite a bit more expensive here.


        • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert Brodrecht

          Where’d you see lab tests? I’d be interested in checking it out.


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert in Seattle

    No Rating

    Lets put this into perspective shall we? This is NOT a Kettel One or even a Soft Tail, not even close. Not a Finlandia, Absolute or Stolies Elit either. However, for the price point you can do a lot worse. Its smooth enough going down, without any aftertaste or aroma that smells of a Doctors office. Definitely not a sipping vodka or even one I would use to make a Martini to impress, but used with a mixer for parties, evening w/friends or just getting a good screwdriver buzz, this Vodka is a great value and hold up well in the long run.

    Robert in Seattle


  • Svedka Vodka Review By Dan

    No Rating

    I recently picked up a bottle of Svedka after reading the reviews here. I have had it before, but didn’t realize how good it was. I got a litre for $12.99. I consider that a bargain for a vodka this good. I tried a chilled shot and I was surprised at how smooth it was. Then I mixed it at 50 percent with orange and grape juice. It is a great mixer at high percentages of the spirit. On a side note, I’ve never seen Titos up her in Minnesota. I would like to try it.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Jason

    No Rating

    I’ll have to try it chilled, but at room temperature, it was noticeably bitter to me as soon as it entered my mouth. I have to do a side-by-side comparison, but I remember being more impressed by Sobieski still. They are both very close in price and both quite inexpensive, so I would have no problem including this one in my personal best bang-for-the-buck list.



  • Svedka Vodka Review By Robert

    No Rating

    I was going to mention that, too, but the robot-Bjork in “All is Full of Love” is pretty spot on. It even has the grafted on humanoid face, where the robots in “I, Robot” had a human shape without details as defined as in Bjork / Svedka. I can’t imagine that Stan Winston didn’t draw inspiration from the 1999 music video. I think the Svedka Spokesbot was developed in 2005.

    “I, Robot” was released in 2004, so it may have been a big influence (bigger, even) than the Bjork video. “I, Robot” was apparently set in 2035, 2 years later than the year of which Svedka’s claims it will be the best vodka. Maybe the robots in “I, Robot” weren’t self-aware. Maybe they just got drunk on Svedka and went nuts on Will Smith.



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