Category Archives: News

Russian Vodka Price Hikes

According to the Chicago Tribune, Russia is set to increase the minimum price for 500mL bottles of vodka from 125 roubles to 170 roubles (about $5.60), a gain of $1.49. The goal is to curb counterfeiting and alcoholism.

Russian Standard Takes Control Of CEDC

According to Reuters, Russian Standard took control of CEDC today in exchange for $65 million in funding. Back in June, we posted that Russian Standard was eyeing a stake in CEDC, but this has gone to a new level. Russian billionaire Tariko acquired about 28 percent of CEDC earlier this year through his companies Russian Standard and Roust Trading in a deal that was expected to help the Polish company retire looming debts. However, Tariko

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Tito Beveridge by Tito Beveridge

The man behind Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Tito Beveridge, wrote a piece for The New York Times on careers. It’s a nice snapshot of where he came from and what he did before he started making vodka. Any fan should give it a read, and don’t forget to check out our Tito’s Vodka review if you haven’t already.

Stoli and Moskovskaya Returned to State Control

Trademark for two very popular brands of vodka, Moskovskaya and Stolichnaya, have been returned to Russian Federation control, Marques reports. The battle for control of the two brands had been going on for a decade. Yuri Shefler acquired the brands during the tumultuous period after the USSR was dissolved. During that period, many state-owned properties were illegally sold off. Shefler asserts that he rightfully acquired the brands from the state. The Court ruled that no

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Vodka Startups On The Rise

We’ve been hearing a lot about new vodka start ups and micro distilleries. We recently posted on Industry City Distillery’s unique processes. We’ve recently been informed of Heartland Distillery, makers of Indiana Vodka, and it seems there are more micro distilleries coming out of Kansas, Chicago, and even North Carolina. The common thread is a small number of people focusing on making exceptional vodka. Unfortunately, unless the vodka is made in your area, it may

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India’s Youth Falling for Vodka

According to an article at The Economic Times, India’s youth are taking a liking to vodka. India is likely to witness accelerated levels of growth in sales of liquor in tier II and tier III cities as companies are focusing on retail channels like bars, restaurants and pub joints across these towns apart from huge investments in infrastructure, supply chain, bottling facilities etc. which will also open employment avenues, ASSOCHAM says. With neat molecular mixology

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Russian Vodka Satellites

Wine Searcher posts interesting news that Russia is using satellites to monitor vodka production. The satellites take infrared photos that can be used to detect illegal vodka production at a rate of $500 per photo. In the effort to curb alcoholism, Russia has cut the number of legal vodka producers in half over the last year, but illegal production is still high. The legality of such methodology is questionable, according to Russian lawyers.

Diageo Invests in Halico

Diageo, owner of well-known brands like Ciroc, Smirnoff, and Ketel One, now owns 45.5% of Halico, a Vietnamese spirit company, owner of Bluebird vodka. It’s difficult to say what this means for Diageo, a behemoth in the spirits industry, unless they intend to eventually acquire Halico.

Shakers Auctioning Everything

According to Market Watch, Shakers Vodka is auctioning everything. After filing for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, the Shakers brand along with all equipment is being sold. The auction conducted by Maas Companies Inc. of Rochester, Minnesota runs through June 26, 2012. You can apparently even bid online. If you want more information, check out the Shakers auction page.

Euro 2012: Football and Vodka

We mentioned in a previous Friday Links that the Ukraine was banning swimming to prevent drownings during Euro 2012. That was probably for the best, as The Daily News reports, because fans are flocking to beer and vodka tours rather than sight seeing. Meanwhile, The Indian Express is reporting that Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk is asking Poles to treat Russian fans hospitably despite political tensions between the two countries. The Poles seem to have

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