Category Archives: Vodka

Salute American Vodka Supporting Veterans

Riverfront Times has an interview with Pete Kelly, founder of Salute American Vodka. Salute American Vodka was created with the goal of donating to veterans. In June 2011 I met some folks who had started a veterans’ charity. They were looking for a way to raise funds to help women and men who come back from serving reintegrate into society. Find a job, go back to work, start a business, whatever it might be. I

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Blackbook Asks Can A Spirit Be Too Cheap To Win?

BlackBook took a look at Exclusiv and wondered if a spirit can be too cheap to succeed. With a $10 price tag, they were quite pleased with Exclusiv over all, but worried that people would dismiss it as bottom shelf. If you’re reading this post, you probably know about some great cheap vodkas like Sobieski and don’t really care what you pay as long as the vodka is great. The real question is whether most

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Konik’s Tail Successful Despite Self-funding

The Telegraph is featuring Konik’s Tail success despite running on a shoe string budget. The Polish vodka brand couldn’t get funding because the vodka market was saturated. Instead, Pleurat Shabani bootstrapped his brand with private funding from friends and family, ultimately being voted as the most loved vodka by 50 top bars. Interesting to note, the label was designed and written by Hugh Laurie as a favor to Shabani’s wife, Laurie’s former PA. The reason

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Ciroc On Content

Digiday talked with Ciroc Content Director Aubrey Flynn about the vodka maker’s content strategy. The growth in consumer demand for content is at an all-time high. We live in an age where people are checking their social network pages before they go to sleep and first thing in the morning when they wake up, scrolling and searching for something that will engage them.

Bloomberg on Russian Standard Takeover of CEDC

There is a more extensive write up from Bloomberg about the Russian Standard takeover of CEDC. If you’re into that sort of stuff, you may be interested in reading it. It contains a lot of the same details that Reuters wrote about but adds a little more.

Russian Vodka Sales Up 2.2%

While Polish vodka exports are down, Russian vodka sales are up 2.2%. However, there are some new changes coming regarding the sale of alcohol in Russia. Rules for selling certain types of alcohol products changed as of January 1, 2013. In addition to a ban on sales of beer and beer beverages at non-stationary retail outlets such as kiosks, night-time sales of such beverages will be banned at all retail outlets with the exception of

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Mansome on Vodka

Over at Yahoo! Screen, one of the Mansome videocast’s latest episodes talks about vodka and recommends the Vesper as a manly vodka drink.

History of Russian Vodka Video

When we posted on Russia and Alcoholism last week, we pulled a bit of information from an RIA Novosti interview with Zhanna Gagarinova, administrator of the Vodka History Museum. It turns out there is a short video of the interview on Vimeo.

Ocean Vodka Working On Solar Powered Distillery

According to Maui Now, Ocean Vodka is planning to open a solar powered distillery in April 2013. In addition to going off-grid, Ocean Vodka sources its raw materials from local, organic sugar cane. They will also be opening a visitors center with a fresh martini bar, again sourcing local produce for the martinis. Ocean Vodka plans to educate guests on organic farming and the production of green adult beverages. If you needed a reason to

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Vegas and Vodka

Las Vegas City Life points out the difference between flavored and infused vodkas: So, what’s the difference between infused and flavored vodkas? Essentially, it’s homemade vs. store-bought. For infused, simply take a handful of what you want the vodka to taste like, drop it into the vodka and wait a few days. […] Flavored vodka is the same concept, but in shorthand. Unstable ingredients and production volume make infusing difficult for commercially distributed liquor. Some

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